Every July, Avignon, a small town in southern France, takes the center stage in global art performances. Hundreds of thousands of professional theater actors and enthusiasts from all over the world gather here to enjoy the Avignon Theater Feast. As we all know, Avignon drama fest

Every July, Avignon, a small town in southern France, takes the top spot in global art performances. Hundreds of thousands of professional theater actors and enthusiasts from all over the world gather here to enjoy the Avignon theater feast. As we all know, Avignon drama festival is divided into two systems: in and off. The former is like a professional-level event, while the latter opens a unique show for folk theater groups and newcomers.

Midsummer Night in Avignon also inspires Shanghai, which is comprehensively promoting the social aesthetic education plan: how to let more cultural and artistic elements go out of the theater and exhibition halls, infiltrate the streets and alleys, daily fireworks, and infect the city's charm and quality of life. There is an important drama festival in the central area of ​​Shanghai that is running for the 15th time - Shanghai Jing'an Modern Drama Valley will arrive in late spring as scheduled.

is named "Valley", which means that the gurgling water between the two mountains converges to form a force, just like the Jing'an Modern Drama Valley that has been going through for 15 years, constantly nurturing a strong theatrical cultural atmosphere through its own practice and exploration, and amplifying the spillover effect. And this can also give a glimpse of how the central city, with a tight balance of resources, can break the constraints of resources, innovate the system and mechanism, fully open up an excellent platform from the public stage of drama performances to social aesthetic education, and open up the possibility of the integration of "culture, business and tourism" to "Not owned by me but used by me" gradually gathered momentum.

With a ticket for the musical "The Myth of Love", you can travel through time in Zhang Yuan and enter "Lao Bai's home" in the play, and then go to Blue Bottle Coffee Zhang Yuan store to have a cup of co-branded special drink "Jasmine New Orleans-style coffee"... When an audience walks out of the theater, they can still be immersed in the wonderful experience brought by theater culture for a long time. This Jing'an Modern Theater Festival will continue its "borderless" nature, allowing drama to come off the stage and get closer to the people in more forms.

"The valley symbolizes the platform. It not only allows dramas to be performed on this platform, but also allows people who love drama to get used to coming to this area to enjoy it. It slowly forms a culture and becomes a new way of life." The relevant person in charge said Explain the original intention of founding Modern Drama Valley. Over the past 15 years, Modern Drama Valley has gradually expanded from its original "2-kilometer block" format to cover "14 streets and towns", developed more sub-brands such as the "Chinese and Foreign Family Drama Competition", and gradually extended its theater community space and cross-border interactive field. In addition to the breakthrough in the

space, what is more important is the conceptual change and mechanism innovation behind it.

According to reports, Jing'an District was the first in the city to break through regional zoning restrictions and use district-level cultural support funds to "distribute hero posts" throughout the city and "unveil the list" to introduce high-quality cultural projects; it was also the first in the city to borrow the street windows of large shopping malls. As a pilot skit performance. “All kinds of attempts are to find a path, revitalize a breath, and give cultural and aesthetic education a richer posture, ecology and attitude.” Chen Hong, director of the Jing’an District Culture and Tourism Bureau, explained.

Today, how to make good use of the cultural business card of Modern Drama Valley to empower urban development is an important issue that Jing'an District must answer. Hua Xiangyi, deputy director of the Jing'an District Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Modern Drama Valley is constantly trying to achieve new breakthroughs in the integration of culture, business and tourism. "Now, simply placing a cultural project into a business district is no longer suitable for the needs and development of the integration of culture, business and tourism." Hua Xiangyi believes that innovation focuses on improving the cooperation model and deeply cultivating the business district development positioning and characteristic commercial brands. .

In order to create a new model for transforming cultural traffic into market consumption, Modern Drama Valley innovatively proposes to create a drama "any door". At that time, drama masters will randomly appear in Jiuguang Department Store, Suhewan Vientiane World and other places to "face to face" with citizens. Communication; launch of "Drama Cultivation Map" and "Drama Book Drifting", combined with the citywalk (city walk) method, citizens can find drama elements hidden in daily life, share wonderful experiences, etc.

Come out of the play and enter the play, get drunk in the spring breeze.

Author: Zhou Chen

Text: Our reporter Zhou Chen Picture: Photo provided by the organizer Editor: Shi Wei

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