Top 10 sexy female agents in movies, not just glamour

With the rise of a big wave of blockbusters such as "Charlie Angel", "Avengers", and "007 Series", more and more sexy female agent roles in movies appear in our sight. They are either sexy, charming, or extraordinary, and many of them even steal the protagonist's limelight.

Today, I will give you a count of the sexy female agents

10 and "Naked Agents"

. There have not been many domestic female agent films. This "Naked Agents" should be regarded as the most famous one. Maggie Q, the female agent actor in the

film, is originally beautiful and amazing, and with the peak of Yanzu Wu, it is still a film worth watching.

9, "007 Ghost Party"

, although the sexy goddess Monica Bellucci still plays the role of "Bond Girl", she still has the same style, but she played less than 5 minutes in total.

and half of the time was still a passionate scene with 007, and the limelight was completely robbed by another Bond girl, Léa Seydoux.

8, "Pretty Girls Secret Service"

​​A group of blond dolls turned into murderous loli, this setting alone has already made countless otaku enthusiastic.

Although the quality of the film is not good, but fortunately the picture is still eye-catching, you can watch it if you like brainless movies.

7, "Assassination"

Korean anti-Japanese theme movies, not only can see the actor Ha Jung Woo, but also see An Woyun, the heroine of Jun Ji Hyun's experiment.

In the film, Jeon Ji Hyun not only plays the two roles alone, he also takes on the role of appearance, but also incarnates as a female warrior, contributing a very exciting action scene.

6, "Password Suspicious Cloud"

A Russian beauty hero Anastasia Zavoloniuk saves the world blockbuster, the Russian National Film Fund investment, various big scenes, machine gun bullets, missiles, fighters are real guys.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the film is the moment when the female agent takes off her trench coat and puts on a bikini.

5, "Avengers"

In recent years, one of the most impressive sexy female agents in the audience, of course, widow sister Scarlett Johansson. In the

movie, she plays the Black Widow, a beautiful female agent who betrayed the former Soviet Union and joined the Avengers. Innocent and lively revealing wit, tights wrapped in a perfect curve, this sexy stunner fascinated the big audience as soon as he appeared.

4, "Superwoman"

​​"France Rose" Sophie Marceau is also a professional female agent. The angular uniform in the movie "Superwoman" can't hide her charming style.

In addition, she also played the worst woman in 007 history in "007 Black Day Crisis".

3, "Wanted"

grew up with snakes and lizards, and Angelina Jolie, who grew up in this way, is the most sexy actress in Hollywood.

In "Wanted Order", she is not only domineering and invincible, she also shows attractive back tattoos from time to time. Such wild nature is indeed unique and charming.

2, "Smiths"

, yes, it's Angelina Jolie again, just because this movie is too classic.

Angelina Jolie not only perfectly interprets one of the most classic female agent roles in film history, but this movie has also become a relationship between her and Pete.

1, "Mission Impossible 5"

"Mission Impossible 5", Rebecca Ferguson is one of the most famous female agents in recent years. She has broken that "beauties can only be played in "Mission Impossible". The curse of soy sauce.

For Rebecca Ferguson, it is not an exaggeration to describe her with legs below the head, and she also invented the powerful "thigh strangulation technique"...