Recently, the reality-themed film "Fairy Tale World" directed by Tang Furui and starring Zhang Xiaoquan, Li Kangsheng, Jiang Yirong, and Yin Xin was officially announced to be released nationwide on April 19, and a preview and poster were released. The trailer revolves around the

The movie "Fairy Tale World" starring Zhang Xiaoquan is scheduled to be released on April 19. The theme is a sharp torture of human nature Duration: 00:46 Source: Movie Network

The movie "Fairy Tale World" starring Zhang Xiaoquan is scheduled to be released on April 19 The subject is sharp and tortures human nature Close

Duration: 00:46 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News Recently, the reality-themed movie "Fairy Tale World" directed by Tang Furui and starring Zhang Xiaoquan, Li Kangsheng, Jiang Yirong, and Yin Xin was officially announced 4 It will be released nationwide on March 19, and a preview and poster will be released. The trailer revolves around the difficulty in obtaining evidence for the wolf master's seduction of a female high school student. The poster uses the relationship between the characters of Zhang Xiaoquan, Li Kangsheng and Jiang Yirong as an entry point, making people expect that lawyer Zhang Zhengxu, played by Zhang Xiaoquan, will bring the wolf master Tang Shicheng, played by Li Kangsheng, to justice.

The movie "Fairy Tale World" tells the story of lawyer Zhang Zhengxu who discovers that Tang Shicheng, the suspect in the cram school sexual assault case, was actually his client when he first entered the industry. Because he accepted the instructions of his boss to defend the suspect and seriously hurt the victim, he is determined to pursue the case at all costs in order to make up for his mistakes. A story of justice. Director Tang Furui said that the movie "Fairy Tale World" strives to express the reality under the sharp subject matter. Fairy tales do not exist in the real world. Only when we begin to recognize it can we find a way to contain it. In the end, it gives the audience a lot of topics and room for discussion, and it will be a work with great content.

The Wolf Master seduces female students and directly addresses the legal gray area and the torture of human nature.

In the final trailer, it only takes more than 40 seconds to portray the image of the Wolf Master, the cram school teacher Tang Shicheng, who treats underage female students as lustful objects. It is vivid and vivid, and it also shows that this type of sexual assault in the name of love has a low probability of winning in court due to the difficulty in obtaining evidence. The trailer begins with the line "Do you want to hear a fairy tale?" The opening chapter reveals Tang Shicheng's clever method of using carefully woven love fairy tale lies to lure inexperienced and innocent high school female students. Therefore, he can always take advantage of the legal loopholes and escape after committing the violation, leaving the girls' spiritual worlds to collapse. , but cannot seek justice. I like them to write my name. If they can't write my name well, they are not allowed to put on clothes. Such words about the loss of teacher's morality, but Master Tang can slowly say it in the calmest mood, supplemented by the scene of enjoying delicacies, a The image of the well-dressed beast master who is in a superior position and only desires to possess and control girls is portrayed by Li Kangsheng extremely vividly, which directly fills the audience with resentment. When the victimized girl said: The teacher said he loved me and he said he was a frog prince, the image of a victimized female student trapped in the sugar-coated PUA of a male teacher was shocking and heartbreaking. At the end of the trailer, the victim girl slapped the transparent glass door emotionally. Her inner self-blame and regret were intertwined, and she was full of despair and cry for the law's inability to punish the offender, which instantly ignited the audience's positive emotions. The final poster released simultaneously by

uses the court as the character background to reflect that the film's story is based on a large number of real social cases. The characters played by Zhang Xiaoquan, Li Kangsheng, and Jiang Yirong respectively represent lawyers, teachers suspected of sexually assaulting female students, and female students who have been sexually assaulted in such court cases that have attracted social attention. The social identities and identities represented by these three types of people are There is an obvious strong-weak relationship between status. Teachers and students naturally have a relationship of control and obedience, which requires teachers to have extremely high moral standards, otherwise students will inevitably become the biggest victims. As representatives of the law, lawyers, in a sense, cannot determine the direction of legal judgments by their own will. Where the relationship and ending of the three people will go, and whether lawyer Zhang Zhengxu can finally punish the teacher who harmed the students through legal sanctions, people are looking forward to it.

One of the most worthy of social attention in 2024, the film is based on a large number of real social cases

"Fairy Tale World" exposes the problem of teachers seducing underage female students to the world in an almost real way.Director Tang Furui relied on his many years of experience as a lawyer to find examples from many real court data, and repeatedly polished his creation, striving to make the film content closer to reality. Regarding his original intention of creating the film, Tang Furui said: I want everyone to understand that sexual assault is universal. In many different plots and different cases, similar threads will be surprisingly found. In the strong-weak relationship between teachers and students, the victimized girl's excessive naivety gave adult men more opportunities to exploit legal loopholes. This also made it difficult to obtain evidence in court, and ultimately it was difficult to seek justice. Therefore, I created this video in the hope that more people will pay attention to the seriousness of this problem and protect their girls.

The film reflects the various practical difficulties encountered by the victims at the family, social and legal levels. Behind fairy tales, we must challenge power, law, and even unshakable sexual stereotypes. If the truth can be revealed and the audience can have a voice at the same time, that is also a practice of fairness and justice. The gray area of ​​the law cannot become a victimization area for underage girls. The law cannot be compromised for illegality. Reconciliation is not the only option. These thematic expressions that can be extracted from it highlight the social significance of the film. The

movie "Fairy Tale World" will be released in theaters nationwide on April 19.