He is an ordinary-looking actor who played the villain all his life, but he is still a first-class actor and is now forgotten.


has to say that the audience is very "snobbish". Seeing good-looking actors, such as Wang Xingang, Feng Zhe, Wang Danfeng, Wang Xiaotang, etc., you will never forget. And for the protagonists with many roles, they are always impressed.

, however, paid very little attention to the little supporting actors with ordinary appearance and few roles.

The actors who played small supporting roles really need to put in more effort, play up the spirit of twelve points, and use the energy of milking, so that they may be remembered by the audience.

Among them, An Zhenjiang is a good example.

He played a supporting role all his life, and has been a green leaf all his life. In most cases, he played the role of superhero and villain. But in the hearts of the audience, he is the same artist as Yu Yang and Sun Daolin.

What does he rely on? Of course, he is not relying on appearance, he is purely acting.

Whenever he gets a new character, I feel that he has transformed all the cells in his body into this character, so as to present a vivid and vivid performance to the audience.

​​At the Beijing Film Studio, there is another actor who is the same as An Zhenjiang. He also played a supporting role all his life, and in most cases played the villain. But when it comes to his performance, no one does not give a thumbs up.

Who is he? He is Fang Hui.

Now if you talk about Fang Hui, some viewers may find this name so familiar, but they can’t remember who it is for a while, right?

Okay, let me remind you that he is the actor who played the bandit leader Li Hanguang in the classic movie "Heroes and Guts". Does everyone remember right away?

There are three villains in the movie "Heroes and Guts", all of which are fresh in our memory. One is the female spy Alan played by the beautiful queen Xiaotang, the other is Li Yuegui played by the original Bayi Factory actor Hu Minying, and the other is Li Hanguang played by Fang Hui.

Fang Hui can be said to have portrayed Li Hanguang's overbearing but stubborn and somewhat fearful image of his wife, so that he can get a good impression.

also started from "Heroes and Dare", Fang Hui has become a "character actor" from a "natural actor" and a "professional villain".

His acting career has also opened a new chapter.

Before this, Fang Hui's main purpose on the screen was to shape the image of "workers, peasants and soldiers".

Fang Hui was born in Shenyang in 1929. I went to school in Peking at the age of 13. In January 1949, Peking was liberated. The 20-year-old Fang Hui received the news of the admissions of the Department of Arts and Literature of North China University. He who loves arts and arts resolutely signed up and was accepted successfully. After graduation, he naturally became an actor in the Beijing Film Studio.

The first movie he participated in was "Democratic Youth March" starring Sun Daolin. Fang Hui played a student with few roles in it. This is the first time he has come into contact with film performances, and he is very ignorant, but from this he has entered a fantasy world of light and shadow.

followed him in films such as "The Heroes of the New Sons and Daughters" and "Infinite Potential". Although they were all small supporting roles, he was pleased that the roles he was assigned were all "workers, peasants and soldiers".

At that time, an actor, being able to play "workers, peasants and soldiers" was the greatest happiness and glory.

In 1955, he also played the role of Gu Agen, a young fisherman, in "Light Riding in the Angry Sea". His simple image also left a deep impression on people.

I think that in Fang Hui's film acting career, one of the most important roles he has received is undoubtedly the "Great Ocean Horse" Lu Fengyang in "Three Comrades". This is a veteran who wants to change his hometown. It's just that he has some minor problems, such as always being self-righteous and so on. But these small shortcomings make this character even more lovely. The director of

Bayi Factory, Yan Jizhou, decided to give him the role of Li Hanguang in "Heroes and Guts" after seeing Fang Hui's performance in "Three Comrades in Arms".

Why does Yan Jizhou look at Shanghuihui? The reason for

is that Fang Hui is tall and very thin, which fits the image of Li Hanguang as a "big-smoke bandit leader" in Yan Jizhou's mind.

As a result, Li Hanguang has become synonymous with Fang Hui for a long time. And since then, he "want to stand upYou can’t turn over the role.”

Because Fang Hui portrayed Li Hanguang’s role too successfully, many directors immediately asked him to play the villain. Like Li Deshun, the enemy platoon leader in "Food" and "Anonymous Island" The enemy artillery officer Feng Zhankui, Li Qingshan in "The Storm", Hu Dingneng in "After the Armistice", the butler in "Colorful Road", etc. Among them, I personally gave his performance in the film "Food", His memory is particularly deep. Although he played Li Deshun, although forced to serve as the Imperial Army, he was obviously unwilling to work for the Japanese soldiers, so he did not want to be an enemy of the Eighth Route Army.

Fang Hui grasped the character’s inner psychology very well. , The use of eyes is also very vivid, and a lot of classic lines were dedicated in the film, which makes my memory still fresh. For example, "Don't you see that they have thousands of people? Are you looking for death? When they walk over, let's shoot two shots and it will be over? ", "What's the matter with the devil?" They are afraid of the Eighth Route Army, we don’t know it’s okay to live? "

, have everyone remembered his wonderful performance in "Food"? Someone at

asked why Fang Hui can make the negative role so vivid? His answer is that actors must be good at observing. Every in life Individuals may become the material for artistic creation. For example, when he is playing a negative role, his mind will appear in his mind, such as the ruffians, gangsters, bullies and other characters he has met, which provides a source for his artistic creation. Constant inspiration. During the special ten years of

, Fang Hui was also persecuted and sent to Daxing County on the outskirts of Beijing for labor reform. Later, the Beijing Film Studio resumed the shooting of feature films and needed actors, so he was called back and continued to perform. "Bad guy."

About the mid-1970s, Fang Hui played the role of the enemy operations chief in "The Scout", the pseudo captain in "The Beacon Boy", and Sun Tianfu in "Red Rain".

My impression. The deepest thing is his role as Sun Tianfu in "Red Rain." This hidden class enemy has been defeated in countless battles with Hong Yu, but he is not reconciled, and finally wants to harm Hong Yu. But its The conspiracy was naturally spotted by Hong Yu and others and captured it alive.

I think audiences who have watched the movie "Red Rain" can't forget the appearance of Sun Tianfu jumping over the wall and struggling to death at the end of the film, right?

has to say, Fang Hui is really a good actor. Every action and look in his eyes are so vivid.

In my memory, Fang Hui has also played in "Black Triangle", "Wind and Rain Miles", "Southern Spring Morning", "Tears" , "Happy Laughing", "Strange Marriage", "Friends", "An Unfinished Game of Chess", "Two Heroes" and other films. In the 1990s, he also participated in "Donkey Ga on TV" and "Nine "Nine Sunny Days" and other film and television dramas.

, a national first-class actor, said he is a performing artist. I don’t think there will be any disputes?

is just, how many people still remember this good actor every time? Speaking of him, the first thing everyone thinks of is which role he plays? Welcome everyone to tell us through the message area.