Cameron returned with "Terminator" Judgment Day 28 years later, what exactly is Judgment Day?

A nightmare in

late at night, awakened the sleeping James Cameron in his dream. He had a terrible dream and he was chased by a red-eyed robot monster. Then he wrote everything he dreamed about, and made up a story that is-"Terminator".

In 1984, the "Terminator" directed by James Cameron was a masterpiece that became popular all over the world, with a box office of 400 million US dollars. At that time, Cameron was still a fledgling unknown. This B-level sci-fi film is considered by everyone, not many people are optimistic about it, but it ended up like a large-yield nuclear bomb, detonating the audience’s surging hearts. The audience regarded it as "one of the most classic imported films in history" and "science fiction enlightenment film". Since then, Cameron has started his career as a major Hollywood director, and starring Schwarzenegger has also reached the pinnacle of his interpretation, and this series has also become the benchmark of Hollywood classic science fiction movies.

​​"Terminator" It is a pity that "Terminator" has reached a very high status in film history under Cameron's careful guidance. From the third part, Cameron's "Terminator" has lost its own soul, even though With Schwarzenegger showing his acting skills with all his strength, he can't get rid of the normal state of Hollywood sequels getting worse and worse. The clues of the story are messy and trivial, and the wind reviews fall again and again.....The reason for all this is Cameron’s initial shocking move. As a newcomer in the film industry, in order to raise funds for his first "Terminator", he Sold his script to the producer for a high price of $1, and the only condition was that he be the director.

After "Terminator 2", the copyright of the series was transferred many times. Cameron once regretted the original decision and tried to buy back the copyright several times, but for various reasons, he finally failed.

The Terminator without the owner is like a person lost his soul. The series of films was once in a downturn. In the end, even the production cost could not be recovered. In people's hearts, "Terminator" gradually died. It was precisely because of the failures of the third, fourth, and fifth series that Cameron was unwilling and finally won the copyright rights starting in 2019 after some hard work. After 28 years, "Terminator" is back in the hands of its owner.

"Terminator" series 1-3 is also on the occasion of this 28th anniversary, Cameron once again returned, personally supervised the screenwriter, and incorporated his true story ideas into "Terminator: Dark Fate". This time, it is the arrival of the real sequel after "Terminator 2". What kind of inheritance and innovation will "Terminator: Dark Fate" have? Judging from the news released so far, the film directly inherited the previous "Terminator 2", abandoned the timeline and settings of the 3, 4, and 5 parts, and Governor Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton returned again. The long-lost reunion of the Iron Triangle will undoubtedly be a masterpiece with strong feelings, and countless fans burst into tears.

It can be seen from the official trailers and special episodes that although Schwarzenegger has grown a lot of age, his appearance remains undiminished, and he also shows his prestige in fighting scenes. Although I don't know what kind of role he will play and in what way he will appear on the stage, personal guess is that he will definitely appear in the storyline as a justice.

And Sarah Connor and several other female characters (including Canadian Mackenzie Davis, the actor of Blade Runner), will be the mainstream characters throughout the film. In the trailer, she brought a pair of young people to resist Grace, a future terminator. The battle between good and evil was about to start, and she switched her equipment skillfully-rifles, grenades, and rocket launchers, all well-trained and handy. In fact, Sarah's appearance is so sturdy and domineering, it is very exciting, not only brings the audience's memory of the first two films closer, but also makes the plot a perfect combination.

​​"Terminator" in the young

"Terminator 2" in the sassy director Cameron once said, "This time there will be more intense firefights and confrontations, and Sarah Connor is the core protagonist and soul of the film. Character". Unlike the past, "Terminator: Dark Fate" is dominated by female characters, which may become the most subversive work in the series. Linda Hamilton only appeared in "Terminator 4" after "Terminator 2". It took Cameron 4 full phone calls to get his ex-wife to come out again. Linda not only took into account the past love, but also recognized the play of the film.

"Terminator" one to five word-of-mouth gapGeographically, in addition to the change of midway directors, Cameron’s unique ability to innovate and strong genre film screenwriters is also an important reason. Vertically and horizontally intertwined and refined time-space structure, uniquely consistent character image and identity reversal, and brain-burning contradictions, these are the outstanding features of the first two parts of "Terminator".

This time, the production and violence of Cameron will obviously bring the 3, 4, and 5 series back to the right track from the audience. Schwarzenegger has previously revealed the excellent performance of "Terminator: Dark Fate" in the drama link-"This new work is full of various plot transitions and complicated character settings. Even I feel very It is complicated and requires careful calmness to understand the story and timeline. This is the power of James Cameron. In his mind, he knows the story, creativity and roles of the series, including the behavior and responsibilities of various characters, and the time travel. Design, return to the story line of the role, what will happen if the so-called future never happens, and what will the new future be?"

Regarding the film’s technical sense of special effects, everyone can rest assured, because Cameron himself is " The pronoun of "the frontier of film technology", its treatment of special effects of science and technology is no less than that of director Ang Lee-"Titanic", "Abyss", "Terminator" and "Avatar" and other works have opened up Hollywood technology time and time again A large new world. From the "Alita: Battle Angel" released some time ago, it can be seen that CG special effects have been used to the extreme under his guidance.

"Deadpool" director Tim Miller, who has taken over the important role of director this time, also has an expected performance: Miller was born in visual effects and is also a heavy metal fanatic. Cameron's overall style of the movie controls Miller's visual style to give another finishing touch. The two complement each other can be described as a perfect match, thinking about it is exciting. According to Cameron, who has watched the film, said confidently: "Tim Miller really shot the style that the series should have. It has a strong sense of rhythm and is very exciting. It will be an addictive movie. adventure".

At the end of "Terminator 2", Sarah was speeding alone on a highway, muttering to herself: "The unknowable future unfolds in front of us, and I face it with hope for the first time." And "Terminator:" "Dark Destiny" is the beginning of a series of restart trilogy, facing the unpredictable dark future, and will also open a more ambitious chapter. Fate can be changed, humans can continue to fight, let Cameron take us to relive the excitement and shock of the year. I'll Be Back!