As a spy drama, "Storm Chaser" is particularly exciting. Wang Yibo's performance of Wei Ruolai is very interesting, and his growth line is very moving. The story of the play unfolds according to Wei Ruolai's growth line, and then lists the people around Wei Ruolai one by one, suc

"Storm Chaser" is particularly exciting as a spy drama. Wang Yibo's performance of Wei Ruolai is very interesting, and his growth line is very moving. The story of the play unfolds according to Wei Ruolai's growth line, and then lists the people around Wei Ruolai one by one, such as Wei Ruolai's nobleman Shen Tunan, Shen Jinzhen who has an unusual relationship with Wei Ruolai, and the people around Wei Ruolai's residence. neighbors.

Among them, there is one person whose relationship with Wei Ruolai seems superficial, but is actually very deep. She is Wei Ruolai's landlord Aunt Zhou. The role of Aunt Zhou is played by Yang Kun. Aunt Zhou is the third female lead and has a lot of roles. As long as Wei Ruolai comes home, Aunt Zhou will appear.

Aunt Zhou is a rent collector in an old shanty town. She has some spare money, but not much. She is a money-obsessed woman, she is a bit sharp-tongued, and she is a market lady in the true sense. In the opening chapter of

, Wei Ruolai helps Aunt Zhou trade stocks. Wei Ruolai discovers clues about a stock and asks Aunt Zhou to sell it, but Aunt Zhou refuses to listen. By the time Aunt Zhou threw it away, Aunt Zhou had already paid more than 100 yuan. Because of this, Aunt Zhou made trouble for Wei Ruolai. Aunt Zhou even threatened to chop Wei Ruolai into pieces and feed it to the cat.

When Aunt Zhou learned that Wei Ruolai was going to take the exam, Aunt Zhou's attitude changed 180 degrees. She found a coat for Wei Ruolai to wear so that he could be more decent when taking the exam. In the plot of , Aunt Zhou's kindness and character of helping neighbors are reflected in the warmth. An ordinary coat makes Wei Ruolai feel the warmth, and also allows the audience to see the gentleness in the bones of the market lady.

The female lead is Shen Jinzhen, played by Li Qin . Shen Jinzhen has the halo of the protagonist, and her appearance can switch between the two identities of a rich girl and a revolutionary at will. The second female lead is played by Gao Lu. Su Cishu is Shen Tunan's lover. They have a daughter. Gao Lu is dressed very beautifully in the play. Standing next to Wang Yang, she is the gentle and skillful wife of a successful person.

The third female number, Aunt Zhou, is played by Yang Kun. She is a real common people. Yang Kun also brought the role of Aunt Zhou to life, and the portrayal was particularly brilliant. When the stock rises, there are stars in Aunt Zhou's eyes, twinkling and twinkling, which can convey Aunt Zhou's joy and joy. When the stock plummeted and she lost more than 100 yuan, Aunt Zhou's eyes dimmed and she kept complaining about Wei Ruolai, which was especially true. When I learned that Wei Ruolai was going to the Central Bank for an interview, I brought Wei Ruolai a coat. The atmosphere was very strong.

Aunt Zhou is a clear and genuine person. She doesn’t pretend and is very real. As Wei Ruolai's landlord, she also takes good care of Wei Ruolai, and Yang Kun also plays Aunt Zhou full of fireworks.

Speaking of Yang Kun, many people will think of "Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law and Sister-in-law" 26 years ago. Yang Kun played Qiu Jiazhu. After Yu Xiaojiao and Qiu Jiabao got married, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was very complicated. Her mother-in-law had very high demands on Xiaojiao. Coupled with the addition of Qiu Jiazhu, conflicts often intensify. The key is that Qiu Jiazhu is not young and still unmarried. Yang Kun performed Qiu Jiazhu vividly. Yang Kun was so beautiful at that time. The style in the play was short hair, and her beauty was 360 degrees without blind spots.

In "Sixteen Years Old", Yang Kun plays Teacher Tong. Teacher Tong is reasonable and well-loved by his classmates. Yang Kun also played a teacher and left a deep impression on the audience.

In "Dog Stick", Yang Kun plays He Qigu, she is Xiu'er's mother. In " weaning ", Yang Kun plays Qin Yuping, she is Aunt An Qi. In " The True Story of Hot Mom ", Yang Kun plays Aunt Li. In "Revelation of Life", Yang Kun plays A Cai, who is Bao Jiaming's mother. In "My Son is a Wonderful Son", Yang Kun plays Luo Ailan, who is Jiang Bo's mother. Ying Qin's mother in " Ode to Joy 2", Qin's mother in "Turn Around and Meet You", Qin's mother in " How Much Love Can Come Again", and Hua Ruolan's mother in "The Heroine".

Yang Kun has participated in many film and television dramas. She has played many mother roles, and Yang Kun has gained the reputation of "the hot mom who takes care of herself".

Yang Kun can also be seen in popular dramas, such as Lao Cai's wife in "South to North", the aunt in "Where the Wind Blows", the Hou Mu in "Even if the Wind Rises", and "County Party Committee". Aunt Tang in "The Courtyard", Liu Yan in "The Twenty-eighth Law of Love", Liu Meili in " Welcome to ", Aunt Mao in "Mother-in-law's Bracelet".

However, I still like Qiu Jiazhu, played by Yang Kun 26 years ago. This role retains Yang Kun's youthful beauty. Her acting skills are not new, but very stable, and she makes Qiu Jiazhu lifelike.

Returning to the drama "Wind Chaser", I see Yang Kun again. He is still the third female lead. Compared with the third female lead Qiu Jiazhu 26 years ago, Yang Kun is really old. Time has taken away She has a young appearance, but she also impressed the audience with her superb acting skills.

Nowadays, Yang Kun has become a professional mother. Mothers with various personalities are particularly brilliant under her interpretation, especially the mother who loves to be a demon is even more impressive.