The Ning'er County Meteorological Observatory issued an orange rainstorm warning signal at 05:35 on March 22, 2024: The rainfall in Xianren Village, Liming Township, Ning'er County in the past 1 hour was 35.9 mm, and it is expected that there will still be 20-30 mm of rain in the

The Ning'er County Meteorological Observatory issued an orange rainstorm warning signal at 05:35 on March 22, 2024: The rainfall in Xianren Village, Liming Township, Ning'er County in the past 1 hour was 35.9 mm, and it is expected that there will still be 20-30 mm in the above areas in the next 2 hours. The rainfall amount will exceed 50 mm in 3 hours. Locally accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, instantaneous strong winds, the risk of disasters such as flash floods, mudslides and landslides is higher. The public should avoid going to low-lying and dangerous areas and suspend outdoor work in open areas. (Source of warning information: National Warning Information Release Center)

Legend Standard Defense Guide

The rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 3 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue. 1. The government and relevant departments should carry out rainstorm emergency response in accordance with their duties; 2. Cut off dangerous outdoor power supplies and suspend outdoor operations; 3. Units in dangerous areas should suspend classes and operations, and take special measures to protect students and children who have arrived at school. and the safety of other workers; 4. Do a good job in drainage of cities and farmland, and pay attention to prevent possible flash floods, landslides, debris flows and other disasters.

(China Weather Network)