Copywriter | Sesame Editor | Bu Mang The Chinese drama market in 2024 will not be as lively as in previous years. Looking back at the dramas at the beginning of the past two years, there are dramas such as "In the World" and "Hurry" that have achieved cross-industry explosions. A

Copywriting | Sesame

Editor | Not sure

The Chinese drama market in 2024 will not be as lively as in previous years.

Looking back at the dramas from the beginning of the past two years, there are dramas such as " in the world" and "Hurry" that have achieved cross-industry explosions.

However, "If Running Is My Life" and "South and North", which were broadcast well this year, are still far from becoming hits.

Fortunately, " and Fengxing " is finally here.

starred on Hunan Satellite TV, and its first broadcast ratings exceeded 2.2, beating " Little Days " starring Chen Xiao and Tong Yao, and won the first place in satellite TV ratings, making a good start.

At the same time, the popularity value exceeded 28,000 146 minutes after the broadcast, breaking the record on the Goose Factory site.

There is no doubt that the premiere of "Walking with the Phoenix" was a hit. The "heaven" for domestic dramas in 2024 has changed.

It is full of fairy tales, and the more you watch it, the more you get addicted to it.

As we all know, the key to whether a fairy tale drama is good or not is the story.

"Walking with the Phoenix" tells the story of Bi Cang Wang Shen Li ( Zhao Liying ) who was seriously injured when she escaped from marriage and fell to the earth and turned into her original form. She accidentally met Xing Xing/Xingyun ( Lin Gengxin ) and started a love story. .

At the beginning of the series, two scenes attracted the audience's attention.

In the first scene, the "fat chicken" comforts the dead.

After being injured, Shen Li transformed into a prototype phoenix, and was treated as a pheasant by local mortals and sold to Xingyun.

By chance one day, Xingyun made a bet with a fortune teller in the market, and became everyone's "god" who could tell the future. As soon as he got home, he was approached by a peasant woman, begging him to tell where her husband was on an expedition.

Xingyun declined, and the peasant woman left in despair, but Shen Li smelled an unusual smell on the peasant woman's body and secretly came to the peasant woman's house at night.

As expected, when she saw the husband of a peasant woman who had been promoted to immortality because of killing an enemy, she was worried that Yun Niang had been silently by his wife's side for fifteen years.

Shen Li regained his mana and returned to human form. He cast spells with Xingyun to help the two reunite, and told the man the dangers of staying with Yun Niang. After the man found out, he asked Shen Li to help him leave.

Xingzhi accidentally fell into the water on his way home. Shen Li struggled to fish him out, but he turned back into a "fat chicken". This scene happened to be seen by the farmer brother on the other side of the river.

What this brings out is the main line of the story -

In the second scene, Shen Li learns the secret of Xingyun.

The peasant woman's brother was greedy for money, so he told Gu Chengrui (played by Yao Yiqi), the eldest son of the city lord, about Xingyun's sorcery. Soon, he sent someone to Xingyun's house to ask him to help him become the new city lord.

Xingyun naturally refused. In a panic, Xingyun kicked away the stones on the ground to activate the formation. Shen Li's spiritual power returned to human form, and he threw the opponent out the door with one move.

However, Shen Li also discovered the secret of the Xingyun Formation. It turned out that he could return to his human form on the first day he fell into the mortal world. He was kept secret for several days, and he was very angry.

But Xingyun had saved his life after all, so he decided to take care of him for up to three days. As expected, Gu Chengrui came to find trouble in person, but Shen Li used magic to beat him to pieces.

At the same time, Shen Li's master Shen Muyue ( Zeng Li) sensed her use of spiritual power and sent someone to capture Shen Li.

How can Shen Li escape from the next life and death situation? No spoilers, I’ll leave it to you to see for yourself.

In the first four episodes, "Traveling with the Phoenix" clearly explains the background of the story through an encounter, and clues are constantly drawn out, attracting the audience to keep watching. This dark horse drama is not simple.

The cast is luxurious, and all the members are close to each other.

Another highlight of "Traveling with the Phoenix" is the cast, from the protagonist to the supporting roles, all of them are well-acted.

Let’s talk about the most important thing first, the heroine Zhao Liying.

With dramas such as "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Houses" and "The Wind Blowing Pinellia", Zhao Liying has firmly established herself as a powerful actress, but fairy tale dramas are her domain. In

's new drama, she plays the role of Shen Li, King of Blue Cang, with cold eyes and a serious expression. She gives off the domineering feeling of a prince at first glance.

When the military weapon she brought out pierced her shoulder, her expression changed for the first time. There were tears in her eyes and her brows were slightly furrowed. She couldn't believe that the other party had betrayed her.

After realizing that Mo Fang was helping him, Shen Li's expression softened, and a relieved smile fell from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Li appears to be the cold and arrogant King Bicang, but in fact he is also an ordinary person with affection and righteousness. Zhao Liying's performance makes the character more full and three-dimensional.

Let’s talk about the male protagonist Lin Gengxin.

Xing Zhi, played by Lin Gengxin, disguised himself as a mortal Xing Yun in the first four episodes, dragging his weak body. He seemed to be indifferent to everything, but he could see all changes.

When he saw the fire falling from the sky, he stood up and looked carefully at the glowing square. His eyes were scrutinizing, which immediately made the audience see that he was not simple.

Being begged for divination by the peasant woman, he knew the consequences and could not bear to tell the truth. Seeing the peasant woman's pleading, he was moved, with tears in his eyes, and he immediately coughed a few times to hide his emotions.

Lin Gengxin's performance gives the character a soul. Even if there are many funny scenes, the truest side of the character can be revealed in casual details. The role of

was given to Lin Gengxin, and the director chose the right person.

Finally, let’s talk about the supporting role in the play, Dong Jie.

Dong Jie doesn’t have many scenes as the peasant woman Yun Niang, but it only takes one scene to prove that she is an underrated actress.

When she saw her husband return, whom she had not seen for a long time, her eyes and brows were full of surprise, and the tears she shed showed her sadness after waiting for many years.

After a brief moment of excitement, she lowered her head and frowned, complaining that she had not prepared anything. Then she raised her head again and told with one look the difficulty of the past fifteen years.

Every change in Dong Jie's expression accurately reflects the emotions of the character, making the audience unable to help but get emotional with it. I wonder if you are convinced by this character creation!

and Zeng Li in the trailer. appears with a sense of majesty and a very strong aura, making people believe that she is the king of the spiritual world.

In addition, there are also many powerful actors such as Xin Yunlai , Song Ningfeng, Liu Guanlin joining the play, and their acting skills are very good.


Today's fairy tale dramas seem to have reached a "dead end", but "Traveling with the Phoenix" does not follow the routine and makes breakthroughs and innovations in fairy tale dramas.

First of all, its narrative is clean and neat. In the opening four episodes of

, various characters appear on the stage. The ins and outs of the story and subsequent foreshadowing are all laid out for the audience to understand, and the light-hearted setting allows the audience to continue watching.

Secondly, the action scenes have a good quality.

In addition to the main story, the excellent quality of the play is also reflected in the scene and action design. The wonderful drama sequences are full of impact and give the audience the most intuitive impact, which is worth appreciating.

With these two killer features, "Traveling with the Phoenix" is definitely scheduled to be a hit. It depends on whether the subsequent plot can be stabilized.