The movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" directed by Han Yan and starring Peng Yuchang and Li Gengxi released the movie theme song and ending song "Self" MV. The song is adapted from a popular hit sung by Xu Jun in 2015. It is produced by Qu Shicong and performed by talented sing

The MV for the theme song of the movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" has been revealed. Zhang Jie sings the hope of life with his heartfelt voice. Duration: 03:11 Source: Movie Network

The MV for the theme song of the movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" has been revealed. Zhang Jie loves it. Sing the hope of life Close

Duration: 03:11 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News The movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" directed by Han Yan and starring Peng Yuchang and Li Gengxi released the movie theme song and ending MV for the song "Myself". The song is adapted from a popular hit sung by Xu Jun in 2015. It is produced by Qu Shicong and performed by talented singer Zhang Jie. Accompanied by soft healing songs, Lu Tu (played by Peng Yuchang) and Ling Min (played by Li Gengxi)'s bleak illness lives have become colorful because of each other. With mutual encouragement and support, they are full of hope for the future and work together. Welcome to a better tomorrow.

's song "Self" uses a gentle and soft singing voice to describe the difficulty and determination of ordinary people against fate. The high-pitched "Sing a sun" hits people's hearts directly, singing the hope and beauty of life, and praising the joy of life. Meaning and greatness. In the

MV, Lu Tu and Ling Min gradually become each other's sunshine in the dark days, healing and warming each other. Together they agree not to give up the hope of life, step by step out of the gloom and see the sunrise. There is two-way healing between the two, and the pure love of life and death brings warm and touching emotional comfort and full of life energy every day. Just as the lyrics sing: If it becomes uncontrollable in life, then use the warmest arms to hug yourself. Life is full of ups and downs, and love will be our strength to move forward. Love yourself and love life!

The movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" is now in theaters!