Nearly two years after resigning as a police officer, "Anti-Fraud Lao Chen" is once again at the forefront of public opinion, this time originating from calling for a joint police anti-fraud campaign. The cooperation with "Jining Firefighting" failed, and he was nicknamed "Old Ch

Nearly two years after

resigned from the police force, "Anti-Fraud Chen" once again stood at the forefront of public opinion. This time he called for a joint police anti-fraud campaign. The cooperation with "Jining Firefighting" failed, and he was nicknamed "Old Chen Electric Fraud". After returning to the mountains and being quiet for many days, on March 15, he responded to the question of "hype" in a video, "It's really not true. I can't handle the heat when it comes. Instead, it brings a lot of backlash to myself." He told Nandu reporters will continue to do anti-fraud propaganda offline in the future.

resigned after being involved in controversy over a million-dollar reward.

Nandu previously reported that "anti-fraud veteran" Chen's real name is Chen Guoping. The 46-year-old was a police officer at the Harbor Branch of the Qinhuangdao Municipal Public Security Bureau. "He has worked as a criminal police officer and has done drug arrests." In 2017, we began to crack down on telecommunications network fraud.

In September 2021, Chen Guoping and the anchor "Xichang Yuhuatian" became popular.

In September 2021, Chen Guoping and "Xichang Yuhuatian" even met. When he saw "Old Chen" wearing a police uniform, the other person's smile gradually solidified, "I am funny, brother, I didn't commit anything. Definitely a good citizen." This video spread quickly on the Internet, and the huge contrast made people laugh. Two days later, Chen Guoping broadcast three consecutive live broadcasts, which lasted for six hours. Up to 780,000 people were online, and the number of views exceeded 120 million. The downloads of the "National Anti-Fraud Center App" also increased.

"I was stunned when I saw the data. This traffic was second only to Andy Lau on the two platforms." Chen Guoping found it incredible.

However, the sudden attention also made him involved in controversy. Some people questioned the rationality of "live broadcast in police uniforms", some thought he had commercial purposes, and some even reported it to his work unit. Chen Guoping once announced the suspension of live broadcasts. When operating "Anti-Fraud Police Officer Lao Chen", Chen Guoping also had a personal account and opened live streaming rewards. In a live broadcast in late March 2022, 333 "carnivals" landed, with a total value of about one million yuan. This brought "Old Chen" to the forefront of public opinion. “Are you here to make money on the platform, or to fight against fraud?” Similar questions come one after another. Later, he said that the income from the above-mentioned live broadcast "will be donated to charity" and posted the donation certificate and tax payment certificate. But jokes about "carnival" are still flooding his comment area.

On April 8, 2022, "Old Chen" suddenly announced his resignation. He said in the video, "In order to realize my personal charity dream and prevent my personal charity behavior from bringing more trouble to the unit, I resigned from the police position and continued to cooperate in anti-fraud and anti-fraud work as an ordinary person. Public welfare propaganda, within the scope of one's ability, help those in need." The next day, the Qinhuangdao Municipal Public Security Bureau Harbor Branch also confirmed the news of resignation to Nandu reporters.

Some people think that Chen Guoping "resigned and mistook his platform for his strength" and "wanted to make money as an Internet celebrity", while others advised him to "let him go." For a time, he was unwilling to respond to the controversy about his resignation. Some netizens once asked him if he regretted resigning? He firmly stated that he had "no regrets."

His propaganda from a distance failed and he was called "Old Chen's electronic fraud"

"Anti-fraud" is Chen Guoping's label. After his resignation, he continued to chat with different netizens, published anti-fraud books, filmed anti-fraud skits, and danced in live broadcasts Cao Cao promotes anti-fraud knowledge and explores new forms of anti-fraud through "eating broadcasts", which has set off an Internet craze and also caused controversy from the outside world.

On June 1, 2022, he made indecent actions during a live chat with a female anchor and was accused of disrespecting women and vulgar words and deeds. Chen Guoping issued a video to apologize and explained, "I thought it was a man disguised as a woman anchor, so I wanted to joke with him and liven up the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, so I did those actions."

is once again at the forefront of public opinion, originating from his resignation nearly two years ago Years later, he called on the police to jointly fight against fraud. "If police across the country dare to use me and want to use me, you can contact me and ask for help or re-employment." On February 24, Chen Guoping suddenly released a video. "Anti-fraud veteran Chen appeals to police across the country to ask for a job." Netizens talked a lot and even looked for a job for him. Some people joked that "the community lacks security guards" and "the family lacks drivers."

Two days later, Chen Guoping responded in the video, “It’s not like everyone imagined that I had no food to eat and wanted to find a job."On February 26, he told a Nandu reporter, "There is no charge for going to various units, and it will take a month or half a month. The purpose is to bring them experience and traffic, form a community, train new people, and promote anti-fraud online and offline. . I feel that my power alone is too limited and I need to change my thinking.

Later, Chen Guoping once again broadcast Lianmai's "Xichang Yuhuatian" live. Looking back on his journey after resigning, he was so emotional that he choked up and hid his face, "If you don't have a family, you won't have a career." "This video was intercepted by a blogger with more than 9 million fans, with the comment "I took off my uniform at first... Now I want to turn back the prodigal son, what kind of gold can I exchange for it.

Chen Guoping reacted fiercely to this, saying that he would "use legal weapons", "My pressure has reached its peak, everyone is scolding me." "Until February 29, Shandong's "Jining Firefighting" sent an invitation, "which brought my dying heart back. "

" Jining Fire Protection" said, "I believe that your joining will inject new vitality and motivation into our publicity work. On the same day, Chen Guoping also quickly replied in the video, "Old Chen is here, he must obey orders, obey commands, and serve the people well." "

However, this propaganda from a distance ultimately failed, and netizens gave him a new nickname "Old Chen Electronic Fraud."

changed his name to "Old Chen" and continued his anti-fraud work offline

"Jining Firefighting received a large number of reports and complaints , they are under great pressure. It’s not that I don’t want to go, I really want to go, but I can’t go. "On March 2, Chen Guoping confessed in a video that someone reported that he was "not qualified" and this cooperation failed to start.

"I am under greater pressure. I have no direction whether I want to do anti-fraud in the future. Chen Guoping immediately launched a 24-hour vote on whether Lao Chen should engage in anti-fraud. On March 3, he announced the voting results in a video - "Netizens support Lao Chen in continuing to fight fraud." "On the evening of March 4, he updated the anti-fraud skit. Some netizens left a message saying, "Support Lao Chen, come on. "Some netizens also questioned his recent actions, "He has figured out the traffic. "

stopped updating videos and fell silent for many days. On March 12, Chen Guoping released a video of an interview, and then many related topics became hot searches on Weibo. In two consecutive days, he updated two more episodes of anti-fraud skits.

“Some people suspect that I always hype up the popularity. It’s true. I can’t handle the popularity when it comes. Instead, it brings a lot of backlash to myself. In fact, I just want to communicate more with everyone. "On March 15, Chen Guoping responded to external doubts in a video.

Chen Guoping showed goose eggs.

Chen Guoping told Nandu reporters that shortly after his resignation, he entered the breeding industry, contracting to raise cattle, sheep, chickens, and geese in the mountains. Recently, he I invested in an optical shop with my friends. Sometimes, I also go out to give lectures, "and I get a certain amount of remuneration." ”

He once said, “Nothing will be collected from the income earned from the Internet, all will be donated, and the income and donation details will be announced. "

At the beginning of 2023, he publicly revealed that his total income in 2022 was more than 1.33 million yuan, that he had declared taxes in total of nearly 400,000 yuan, and donated more than 840,000 yuan in total. He told Nandu reporters that his online income in 2023 was 140,000 yuan. He and his friends took photos 200,000 yuan was invested in the anti-fraud skit, and 50,000 yuan was donated to the disaster-stricken area in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province.

This time he called on the police to jointly fight fraud, but to no avail, Chen Guoping returned to the mountains to fiddle with chickens and geese, and happily showed goose eggs in front of the camera, "No No matter how hard you struggle, try to live. " He told Nandu reporters that on March 13, "Ramen Brother" Cheng Yunfu also sent a message to comfort him.

"It is not appropriate to do anti-fraud online. "Recently, the name of his Douyin account changed from "Anti-Fraud Lao Chen" to "Lao Chen", and his signature status was also changed repeatedly. He once told a Nandu reporter, "I want to live an ordinary life. ”

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Linfei