Picture source @Visual China Titanium Media Note: This article comes from the WeChat public account New Economy Daily (ID: cls-xxfribao-01), author|Liang Youyun, editors|Gao Mengyang, Liang Youyun, Titanium Media is authorized to publish. The annual March 15th Consumer Rights Day

Picture source @Visual China

The annual March 15th Consumer Rights Day is approaching. Industrial and commercial law enforcement departments in various places are actively carrying out illegal inspections and inspections to respond to consumer concerns and crack down on unscrupulous businesses. At the same time, many media have also exposed in advance many illegal and chaotic incidents that have attracted many consumer complaints.

Looking back at the CCTV 315 Party in 2023, illegal businesses and manufacturers in many fields were exposed. One year has passed, what is the current situation of the exposed merchants? Did he get the punishment he deserved?

"Fragrance rice" counterfeiting incident: certificate revocation, huge fines

A case exposed at the CCTV 315 Party was the incident of "flavored rice" passing off as Thai fragrant rice. Illegal companies purchase local rice and mix it with flavors, then directly label it as Thai fragrant rice for sale. The rice is stored in poor conditions and the mixing and processing dosage is confusing, which is very likely to endanger human health.

Currently, Tianyancha data shows that the rice sales company involved, "Anhui Xiangwang Cereals and Oils Food Technology Co., Ltd." was listed as serious in June 2023 for "adding other chemical substances and other substances that may harm human health to food." List of dishonest companies. The company was subsequently sued by several food distributors. In August 2023, the company's food production license and business license were revoked and it was fined.

Two manufacturers involved in the processing of "flavored rice", Shouxian Yongliang Cereals, Oils and Food Co., Ltd. and Huainan Chufeng Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. were fined 2 million yuan and 5.5588 million yuan respectively. Among them, Chufeng Industry and Trade is prohibited from engaging in food business-related work for five years. Its person in charge was involved in lawsuits due to large debts in 2023 and was listed as a dishonest person many times.

Compared with manufacturers, flavor suppliers Shanghai Langfeng Fragrance Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Fengmi Industrial Co., Ltd. have not received relevant penalties.

"Zhuangzihao" beauty needles: Three companies involved were deregistered, and one was fined 1.1 million yuan

The second exposed case also worried many consumers. Many beauty institutions only used raw materials for training and sales. Some of the "Zhuang brand" skin care products for external application are even produced by informal manufacturers. Due to the low cost and simple injection operation, some illegal organizations use this method to make huge profits. After such products are injected into the human body, they may not only cause skin edema, infection, and allergies, but also cause harm to the human body.

Many offline beauty institutions have been exposed, located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other cities. At the same time as the news was exposed, law enforcement agencies came to seize relevant injections and raw materials.

So far, three companies involved have been deregistered, including Shanghai Haimao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Yishengzi Biomedicine Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Ji Peptide Factor Medical Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Two of the companies were "empty" on March 16, the day after the March 15 party, and their managers could not be contacted.

The Beijing Xuri Beauty Trading Co., Ltd. involved in the incident has been fined 1.1 million yuan for this. At the same time, the company was included in the list of seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterprises by the Beijing Haidian law enforcement agency because of its serious damage to fair competition and market order.

It is worth noting that Guangdong Yutamei Biotechnology Co., Ltd., as an OEM that produces related injections, has been named and questioned by many parties, but it has only replaced and adjusted its management personnel, and many of its subsidiaries have not been severely punished. In 2023, the company continued to expand production, register new cosmetics information, and also expanded its import and export business.

live broadcast "Bitter Love Drama" to bring goods: both companies have canceled, the anchor is still

At the 2023 CCTV 315 Party, the program also exposed a major chaos in the current live broadcast of goods, that is, high-priced goods through situational interpretation, mainly The method is to use "painful drama" to deceive the sympathy of the elderly and guide them to place orders for products with high premium prices and no efficacy.

At the same time that the program was broadcast, the relevant live broadcast platforms had immediately banned the relevant anchor accounts, and behind the anchors there were operating companies and studio teams. As of now, although there is no warning or punishment from relevant departments, Li Ge (Linyi) Trading Co., Ltd. and Lanshan District Hehe Network Culture Media Studio involved have both been cancelled.

However, other media revealed that some of the anchors involved are still active in the live broadcast.Among them, "Gao Leng", who is good at sad sitcoms, is still active in Kuaishou, with a cumulative fan base of 23.565 million. He broadcasts several live broadcasts every day. Store information shows that the cumulative number of repeat customers has reached 67,000, and the total sales volume has reached 5.085 million. But compared to the "miserable sales", today's anchors have transformed into positive energy and full-time anchors.

In December 2023, the account re-updated the video content, and released some live-streaming sliced ​​content in January this year. Each video can have hundreds of comments and thousands of likes. After deleting the content such as the sad drama, the account retained its previous content of doing charity and donating money to the disaster area.

Storytelling Machine Trap: The facility company has completed the punishment

Middle-aged and elderly people who are not well aware of online shopping routines are often the "hardest hit areas" for being deceived. According to exposure at the 2023 CCTV 315 Party, some unscrupulous merchants took advantage of the free delivery of storytelling machines to promote high-priced "medicines" in storytelling content to lure middle-aged and elderly people to place orders. After verification, the "medicines" sold by the merchants are not beneficial to human health despite their high prices. On the night when the

program was broadcast, the Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau quickly closed down the companies involved. The mastermind, Shenzhen Qiaimei Electronics Co., Ltd., was fined 1.1276 million yuan; the relevant party involved, Shenzhen Xiangguifa Technology Co., Ltd., was also fined a total of 29,000 yuan for product quality violations in 2023, and its illegal gains were confiscated.

Live broadcast room navy army: one company canceled and another was involved in lawsuits

has many online shopping live broadcast routines. Many people have realized that some anchors’ popularity and orders are fraudulent, but they lack intuitive understanding. At the March 15 party in 2023, CCTV exposed two illegal companies that provided live broadcast room popularity trolls and interactive comment trolls for anchors. The scene of thousands of mobile phones placed in a small room shocked many viewers.

At present, the Jiaxing Yuhe Culture Media Co., Ltd. involved in the incident has no record of administrative punishment. However, on the other hand, the company was sued and became the person subject to execution, and the amount of execution amount reached 137,000 yuan. Another company involved, Yan'an Yarunjin Network Technology Co., Ltd. was canceled in December 2023.

Safety belt issue at internet celebrity attractions: Change of person in charge after interview

In addition to the risks of shopping, consumption and food safety, there are also many hidden safety risks when traveling and entertainment. Especially when experiencing thrilling projects in scenic spots, personal accident safety is particularly critical. However, some scenic spots ignore potential safety issues because they have never experienced any dangerous incidents. At the March 15 party in 2023, faced with an unannounced visit from CCTV reporters, the person in charge of the scenic spot even directly stated that "rectification will not be considered." After the

program was broadcast, the scenic spots involved in the incident in Nanning, Tianjin, Kunming and other places received focus. Nanning Xixiangtang District Culture, Radio and Sports Bureau and Kunming Municipal Government issued notices and issued rectification notices to the scenic spots involved.

industrial and commercial information shows that the scenic spot operator, Nanning Xixiangtang District Xinjingjie Amusement Management Department, quickly changed the person in charge in April 2023. Thanks to the development of Yunnan's tourism industry, the Yunnan Xiyoudong Tourism Development Group involved in the incident expanded its business to Kunming and established a new subsidiary.

Although the other scenic spot involved in the incident, Tianjin Jiushan Mountain Natural Scenic Area, has not received administrative penalties, the scenic spot operating company has been successively sued to the court by individual consumers since October 2023. The reason is that the company violated its safety guarantee obligations. . In addition, the operating company was also sued over amusement equipment contract disputes and construction project contract disputes.

Renovation of scrap high-voltage insulators: The official website of the party involved cannot be opened

The problem of high-voltage wire scrapped insulators returning to the market exposed at the 315 Party in 2023 has become the seemingly remotest, but it is the key to the safety of power transmission in tens of millions of households. After the party, the Henan Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau led relevant departments in multiple cities to quickly rush to investigate and deal with the matter.

Qingrong Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd., which was named by CCTV in the program, did not show any administrative penalties, but the company’s official website can no longer be opened. Historical punishment information shows that in October 2020, the company was fined about 10,000 yuan for producing and selling pin insulators with fake factory names, and the illegal products were confiscated.

Cutting corners on cement pipes: fined 1.006 million yuan

The behavior of cutting corners on major projects is unacceptable to the market. The high-standard farmland construction exposed at last year’s 315 party showed many flaws, such as poor quality cement pipes and shrinkage of steel bars. affect subsequent long-term use.

The company involved, Binhai County Liwu Cement Products Factory, received a penalty of 1.0062 million yuan from the local Market Supervision Administration in August 2023 and had its business license revoked. In November 2023, the company was included in the list of seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterprises for "issuing false or seriously inaccurate inspection, testing, certification, and accreditation conclusions."