According to Taiwanese media, Huahua (Li Wenjing), former wife of F.I.R band Ah Qin, was arrested by Taipei police for possession of drugs. It is reported that the police went to her residence to search and seize the second-level drug marijuana, and took her back to the police st

According to Taiwanese media, Huahua (Li Wenjing), the former wife of f.i.r Feier band Ah Qin, was arrested by Taipei police for possessing drugs. It is reported that the police went to her residence to search and seize the second-level drug marijuana, and took her back to the police station for questioning according to law. Clarify the sources and uses of drugs.

Ah Qin responded: "Because I went out for a meeting in the morning and came home after the meeting, only then did I know that the police had arrived. I am also now trying to find out what happened. Huahua is my wife. If anything happens, we will face it together." "

According to reports, on the 13th, the Criminal Bureau cooperated with the "High Prosecutor's Office" to implement a Taiwan-wide anti-drug project and launched a simultaneous search operation targeting more than 500 targets across Taiwan. One of them was Huahua, and two persons were also searched and seized at her residence in Taipei City. level drug, marijuana, and took her back to the police station in accordance with the law.

f.i.r Feier Band was founded in 2002. Lead singer Zhan Wenting left the band in 2018. At the end of 2023, guitarist Ah Qin ended his 20-year relationship with Feier Band and his contract with Huayan Records, returning to his status as an independent composer. Ah Qin and Zhan Wenting were lovers. In 2014, Ah Qin dated Li Wenjing, a female model 14 years younger than herself, and got engaged in 2015. The two have two daughters.

source | Southern Metropolis Daily