Title of work: "Alien" Awards: Excellence Award Creators of the work: Li Jiasheng, Yang Xijie, Li Chunxia, ​​Zou Junqing, Yang Yang University: Minnan Normal University Dong Wei was imprisoned for robbery in order to treat his mother. While serving his sentence, he learned that h

Title of work: "Heterogeneous"

Awards: Excellence Award

Creators of the work: Li Jiasheng, Yang Xijie, Li Chunxia, ​​Zou Junqing, Yang Yang

Affiliated university: Minnan Normal University

Dong Wei was sentenced to prison for robbery in order to treat his mother's illness. prison. While serving his sentence, he learned that his mother had died of illness, and he was disheartened ever since.

After being released from prison, Dong Wei encountered obstacles everywhere while trying to reintegrate into society. In this small village and town the size of a sesame seed, Dong Wei's impression of being a "robber" is so deeply ingrained that it seems to have become an eternal shackle for him.

By chance, Dong Wei bravely helped the working girl Xiaozhen. In return, Xiaozhen introduced Dong Wei to work in the factory where he worked. Despite earning half his salary and being often bullied by his co-workers, Dong Wei's life has finally seen some improvement.

The good times did not last long, and everything was broken again by a factory theft. One day, the factory director convened a meeting to investigate the theft of raw materials from the factory. Dong Wei, who had a criminal record, suddenly became the target of public criticism and fell into a turmoil. People's words are terrible, and even Xiaozhen, who tried to defend him, was implicated and was verbally abused by his colleagues.

Dong Wei was taken away by the police again. After investigation, the police found the real culprit, and Dong Wei's suspicion was cleared. But for Dong Wei, his hometown has become an existence that he can never go back to.

"Heterogeneous" is the winner of the Excellent Award for Microfilm Collection at the 6th National College Student Internet Culture Festival. "How should a person be defined? Because of his past, present, or future?" The creative students used fictional stories to present a story about love and redemption in the process of the protagonist Dong Wei's self-reconciliation, although the technique is still a little sketchy. It's a bit awkward, but this attempt is still worthy of recognition.

The 6th "National College Student Internet Culture Festival Microfilm Collection" activity jointly sponsored by the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education and the Network Social Work Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and hosted by Wenhui News Agency, has been popular among universities and young students across the country since its launch. The response was enthusiastic and a total of 2,116 submissions were received from 694 universities in 30 provinces across the country. After selection, 108 outstanding works stood out and won awards.


Text/Editor: Hao Xinli Editor: Wang Wei

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