The 62-year-old "Song God" Jacky Cheung held 15 "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" in Shanghai. On March 7, relevant parties issued a notice stating that Jacky Cheung’s concerts scheduled for March 8, 9 and 10 in Shanghai were canceled due to physical discomfort. After canceling thr

62-year-old "Song God" Jacky Cheung held 15 "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" in Shanghai.

html On March 7, relevant parties issued a notice stating that Jacky Cheung’s concerts scheduled for March 8, 9 and 10 in Shanghai were canceled due to physical discomfort.

After three cancellations, Jacky Cheung’s six concerts in Shanghai remain, which will be held from March 15th to 17th and March 22nd to 24th, all on weekends.

As for the reason why Jacky Cheung canceled the concert, the official did not disclose it, but fans of the singer said in the group: Jacky Cheung is pregnant and his body cannot bear it.

The implication is that Jacky Cheung needs to be isolated and recuperate because he was infected with the new coronavirus and cannot perform normally.

html On the evening of March 7, unsubstantiated news began to circulate on the Internet. Someone posted a screenshot. It can be seen that in a group with only 50 people, a netizen said "Jacky Cheung entered the Zhongshan ICU", and the group members also echoed, "I heard it too." ...

After the screenshot was exposed, Jacky Cheung's fans said "this is a rumor" because Jacky Cheung's habit is that when he is not working, he will stay at home in Hong Kong to accompany his family.

is no exception this time. Fans said that after Jacky Cheung completed his Shanghai concert on March 3, he returned to Hong Kong on Monday (March 4) morning. He did not go to Shanghai this week. He wanted to enter the ICU, which is also a hospital in Hong Kong. , rather than Shanghai "Zhongshan Hospital".

Some people also pointed out that if Jacky Cheung really enters the ICU for rescue, then the official will not just cancel three concerts, but cancel all the remaining performances!

Regarding the cancellation of three performances of "Jacky Cheung 60+ Tour" in Shanghai, Universal Records responded to the media, "Thank you for your concern. Mr. Zhang is resting."

Universal Music's response did not mention the news of Jacky Cheung being hospitalized, only saying that "he is resting."

In addition, the official statement mentioned, "Considering the artist's physical condition and public safety..." This sentence coincides with what fans said about "infection with the new crown". Because Jacky Cheung's disease is contagious, We must consider public safety and cancel the performance.

In addition, fans also revealed that many people in Jacky Cheung's performance team were suffering from influenza and other epidemic diseases, and team members took turns asking for leave.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Jacky Cheung to be infected and sick.

As for the rumored Jacky Cheung entering the hospital ICU, I believe it is unlikely.

Under today's medical conditions, COVID-19 can be prevented and cured, and there are specific drugs that can prevent severe cases. For Jacky Cheung, getting the best treatment after infection is easy and won't be a big problem.