As of 10:15 on March 7, the box office of the movie "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils" reached 212 million yuan. 470,000 people on Douban platform scored it 8.1 points, making it a strong box office dark horse after the Spring Festival. The film is directed by Huang Jingfu and sta

March 7, as of 10:15, the box office of the movie " week to eliminate three evils " reached 212 million yuan. 470,000 people scored a high score of 8.1 on Douban platform, becoming a strong box office after the Spring Festival. Dark horse.

The film is directed by Huang Jingfu, starring Ethan Ethan , Yuan Fuhua, Chen Yiwen, etc. The title of the film comes from the allusions of "Book of Jin Zhou Chu Zhuan" and "Shi Shuo Xin Yu". It tells the story of the wanted criminal Chen Guilin (played by Ethan Ethan) Ranked third on the local wanted list, after learning that he had terminal lung cancer, he was determined to get rid of the top two wanted criminals and become famous all over the world. In the end, he gained real peace in his battle with "greed, anger, and ignorance."

Stills from "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils". Picture/Douban video information

The film originally had a good reputation. On March 5, the topic "Zhou Chu eliminates the three evils of plagiarism" became a hot search topic. Director Qian Renhao posted on his blog that "the film plagiarized his creativity and has been sued." Arouse public attention. Many viewers expressed their surprise on social platforms.

An audience member told Jiupai News that he watched this movie on the first day it was released. He thought this movie was his favorite Chinese commercial film in recent years. What he was confused about was whether the script was stolen. Has it become a "crime" demonstration that intertextualizes with the movie?

Based on the current evidence, can we believe that "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils" involves plagiarism? What is the difference between plagiarism, reference, fusion and tribute in film and television works? What do people in the industry think of the film? Jiupai News consulted relevant people in the film industry regarding the above.

[1] Plagiarism in film and television works is very "subtle", while tribute is "obvious"

Cai Xiaoma, a young screenwriter and a teacher of drama, film and television literature at the Jackie Chan School of Film and Television, Wuhan Institute of Design and Engineering, told Jiupai News that he believed that the film did not The particularly innovative parts, the scale and the issues discussed are actually not new.

"In the past one hundred years of film development, there is not much new stuff. So whether it is this movie or other movies, there will be some situations where the old capital is used. But ("Zhou Chu Removes Three Evils" Plagiarism or not) what we want to look at is its core creative part."

Cai Xiaoma introduced that in film and television works, if you want to "pay tribute", the creator will let everyone know that he is paying tribute to the work he likes. , so the most famous scene is usually chosen to pay tribute.

He gave an example. When Liu Zhenwei was filming " ", the character style was a tribute to ", the killer is not too cold. ". The style was exactly the same. Even in the plot, a man came out from behind a ghost and put a knife to his neck. The storyboards are the same.

"The author likes a movie very much, so he uses its plot. This is called tribute. He lets people all over the world know that I like this thing, so I use this thing."

"The Night of Return to Soul" stills. Picture/Douban video information

Cai Xiaoma said that borrowing specifically refers to borrowing a certain shooting and production technique. For example, when Quentin was filming "Kill Bill ", every time the heroine discovered someone else, alarm-like music would sound. Quentin borrowed the form from his favorite old Hong Kong films. Even the form of the protagonist's revenge alone is a common routine in old Hong Kong films. He borrowed the form rather than the specific plot.

"Legally, plagiarism is defined as plagiarism only if the core creative content is copied. However, the core creative content of a movie is actually divided into many points, and plot is one of them, as well as techniques, storyboards, text and other contents. For example, some netizens recently said It is said that "This Killer Is Not So Cold" plagiarizes "The Glory", and that the core of the story is about an older man taking a little boy to be a killer. But this model has been around since the 1940s and 1950s. There is one in Japan, called the Belly Heroic Wolf series, which is the story of a very powerful samurai taking a child to explore the world. The core creative point of "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" is that it portrays a precocious little girl and a An adult who is as innocent as a child. After the innocence of the two people met in a cruel world, they had a wonderful chemical reaction."

Stills from "Zhou Chu's Elimination of Three Evils".Picture/Douban video information

Cai Xiaoma revealed to Jiupai News that since there is no complete script comparison, it is not known whether "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils" is plagiarized. Because of plagiarism, except for the judiciary, many people have no way to intervene and judge.

"Plagiarists will try their best to conceal the traces of plagiarism after plagiarism. Unless someone points it out, they will not take the initiative to mention what references their works have. Sometimes even if someone points it out, they will turn a blind eye and fool around. If it is a tribute and reference, others will take the initiative to mention it." Cai Xiaoma said

[2] Whether plagiarism or not will ultimately be left to the judiciary, and the audience does not need to feel guilty.

March 6, Director of Shanghai Li Zhen Law Firm, Li Zhenwu, a teacher at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, told Jiupai News that whether a film and television work is plagiarized cannot be defined by relying on the "palette" on the Internet, but ultimately requires judicial judgment.

Before the results come out, the judge usually takes a long time to hear the case. Some cases take months or even years.

Jiupai News found that there have been related cases of plagiarism in film and television works. On April 8, 2014, the TV series "The Palace" created by Yu Zheng (formerly known as Yu Zheng) was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV. On May 27, writer Qiong Yao hired an attorney to formally submit a complaint to the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court. , sued Yu Zheng for infringement of "Gongsuo Liancheng". The next day, the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court accepted the case and held a public hearing on December 5, 2014.

The court of second instance found that "Gongsuoliancheng" basically contains the story content structure of the work involved in the case (i.e., the 21 plots of the script "Plum Blossom Brand" claimed by the plaintiff), so that the audience can perceive that it comes from the work involved in the case, and the above-mentioned plots It is the vast majority of the content of "Plum Blossom Brand". Therefore, the script "The Palace" is still substantially similar to the work involved in the case as a whole. The script "The Palace" infringed Chen Zhe's right to adapt the work involved.

It can be seen that in disputes related to plagiarism of film and television works, the arguments for plagiarism revolve around "to what extent the two works are similar", "whether a large number of other people's works are quoted", "whether the core creative points of other people's works are stolen" and "whether it affects others" "Normal use of the work" and "Whether it unreasonably damages the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright owner" and other aspects. Whether

is plagiarized or not will be left to the judiciary to decide. However, Cai Xiaoma still believes that there is not only black and white logic in the film and television industry. Even if in the end, the judiciary determines that "Zhou Chu Removes Three Evils" is plagiarism, assuming that the two directors can reach an agreement, they can follow up through commercial channels. solve this problem.

Stills from "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils". Picture/Douban video information

"This is ultimately a commercial act. Although plagiarism is illegal, it does not mean that it cannot be solved commercially. In the early years, a western cowboy film that was famous all over the world was called "The Wilderness" and "The Wilderness". After the release of "The Last Day", as expected, I received a complaint from Akira Kurosawa and was sued in court. Fortunately, Sergio Leone was a fan of Akira Kurosawa. In the end, he settled out of court and agreed to pay Akira Kurosawa and added Akira Kurosawa to the screenplay of "Red Dead Redemption". Kurosawa later said that his profit from the film exceeded that of his " Yojimbo "."

talked about Huang Jingfu and Qian Renhao The two directors, Cai Xiaoma, said that Director Huang Jingfu is very good at action scenes and shaping the atmosphere of the story. His weakness is the lack of logic in the emotional paragraphs. For example, after Chen Guilin rescued Xiaomei, the conversation between the two at the beach made them laugh. People do not understand what is being said and have not properly explained the relationship between redemption and being redeemed.

Qian Renhao is an independent director, and " Beijing No. 81 " was his first attempt in mainland China. "Z-108 Abandoned City" directed by him is Taiwan's first zombie film. "Although Director Qian Renhao mainly shoots B-level movies, the public does not need to be biased against his excellence."

Cai Xiaoma said that even if "The Three Evils" was eventually judged by the court to be "plagiarized", the audience What I like is the way this movie is presented. "Whether the film is removed from the shelves or fined, that is all the creator's problem. Audiences do not need to feel guilty because they like a work."

Jiupai News Reporter Zhou Yuhe

Editor Wan Xuan Wu Di

[Source: Jiupai News]

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