Every reporter: Song Meilu Bi Yuanyuan Every editor: Chen Junjie In the 2009 "Happy Girl" national top 20 promotion competition, because of the issue of Zeng Yike's stay, Bao Xiaobai said bluntly: "I am willing to use my identity to exchange for stay. problem. As long as there ar

Every reporter: Song Meilu Bi Yuanyuan Every editor: Chen Junjie

In the 2009 "Happy Girls" national top 20 promotion competition, because of the issue of Zeng Yike's departure, Bao Xiaobai said bluntly: "I am willing to use my identity in exchange for It’s a question of staying. As long as there is such a player in the future, I can only say that he will let me go."

Externally, Bao Xiaobai is known as a "venomous judge" and "top music producer", but whenever it comes to his daughter's tolerance, he also He will transform into a loving father, and his words will be full of doting and longing for his daughter. Bao Xiaobai's agent Wang Jun told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that in his eyes, Bao Xiaobai is "peaceful" and has positive energy.

The saddest thing in the world is "a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a gift".

"The moment my daughter passed away, I felt that the meaning of life was gone. I wanted to give up and invalidate myself." On December 20, 2021, after his 22-year-old daughter Renfeng passed away due to illness, Bao Xiaobai Starting to feel confused.

Bao Xiaobai seems to have done it when meeting his deceased relatives. On the evening of February 29, a video of Bao Xiaobai’s daughter embracing her “resurrection” was widely circulated on the Internet. This is the answer sheet Bao Xiaobai handed in for himself.

Bao Xiaobai uses AI to "resurrect" tolerance Video screenshot

After his daughter passed away, Bao Xiaobai continued to study for a doctorate and began to delve into AI technology, and established an AI company with his friends. Throughout the process, he received countless cynicisms, but after he played a simulated daughter's voice, his wife was surprised that the voice was so similar. Bao Xiaobai told her: "This person is tolerant."

"Although it is not a top-notch AI technology, for ordinary people with zero foundation, the effect of doing this in two years is already very good." Digital Economist, DCCI Internet Liu Xingliang, director of the institute, affirmed in an interview with reporters.

devoted himself to research and established an AI technology company

in Beijing with his friends. Speaking of Bao Xiaobai, Bao Xiaobai's agent Wang Jun told the reporter of "Daily Economic News", "I haven't contacted him for a long time."

In 2019, Bao Xiaobai’s 22-year-old daughter Feng Feng suffered from “aplastic anemia”. On December 20, 2021, Rong Rong passed away due to a rare blood disease. According to reports, Bao Xiaobai once donated bone marrow to his daughter, but unfortunately, the transplant failed due to strong rejection.

"The moment my daughter passed away, I felt that the meaning of life was gone and did not exist." Bao Xiaobai once said in an interview.

Picture source: B station video screenshot

Although Wang Jun and Bao Xiaobai rarely talk about family matters at work, in the seven or eight years of cooperation, Wang Jun can still feel Bao Xiaobai's strong love for tolerance. From Bao Xiaobai’s mouth, I learned that tolerance has gone all the way from university to choosing a dentist. “It went very smoothly. Brother Bao sometimes said that it would be great for my daughter to learn the dental profession that she likes and become a doctor in the future.” Wang Jun Said that Bao Xiaobai is proud of tolerance and has high expectations for her.

Externally, Bao Xiaobai is known as a "venomous judge" and "top music producer", but in Wang Jun's view, Bao Xiaobai is a very peaceful and positive person in private, "Our agents may be more balanced when dealing with things. He would say, don’t think too much about my aspect, as long as it can help the program team or customers.”

Bao Xiaobai studied all the way from MBA to PhD. Wang Jun was not surprised. In his eyes, Bao Xiaobai has always been a person with positive energy. During the exchange between the two, Bao Xiaobai would tell Wang Jun about his experiences and achievements in the learning process from time to time, "I feel that Brother Bao is particularly devoted to this matter, not just playing for fun like others. He will also give his daughter He said, I am still learning at such an old age, and you should also keep pace with it.”

Being a role model for children is what motivates Bao Xiaobai to continue learning. Regrettably, in the end, Bao Fang failed to see the commemorative medal of the honorary student who graduated. Bao Xiaobai only kept the commemorative medal when he burned the relics for his daughter. He hoped that one day in the future, the medal would be hung on his doctoral uniform, so that his daughter and her daughter could be together. The thought of graduating together supported Bao Xiaobai to continue studying and studying for a Ph.D.

Picture source: Screenshot of Bao Xiaobai's interview video

"If you can't come out, you won't come out." Over the past year or so, Bao Xiaobai can still think of the days and images of his daughter lying in the hospital. It was the biggest pain in his and his wife's lives. It hurts. "She (meaning inclusive) is skinny and can only survive on drugs. There are tubes inserted into the holes in her body. She can't make a sound and only her left hand can move. She wrote the three words ilu (I love you) on her iPad. ". After

Bao Xiaobai left, he made up his mind to rebuild his daughter's voice and appearance. "I want to give her the most perfect image and the most perfect voice so that she can continue to survive in the digital world."

Picture source: Screenshot of Bao Xiaobai’s interview video

After that, he concentrated on AI research and established an AI technology company in Beijing with his friends just for this purpose. According to Qichacha, the company is Beijing Yousifangteng Technology Co., Ltd., which was established on June 20, 2023, and holds 25% of the shares.

Qichacha screenshot

Bao Xiaobai’s AI Search for Music: Using technology to find lost family ties

At the end of 2023, in an interview, Bao Xiaobai revealed his dilemma. He was even accused by a professional AI engineer of being “an idiot talking in his sleep”. "Everyone at her age has the right to squander their youth, but my daughter does not. As a father, I have the responsibility to continue an inclusive digital life."

This once-powerful music producer crossed over Entering the field of AI, you can imagine how difficult the process is. Liu Xingliang, a digital economist and director of the DCCI Internet Research Institute, said, "AI may have become more common, but it is still relatively difficult for ordinary people to do it completely from scratch."

Cross-border is just one of them. The most difficult practical problem is that there are not many voices left by Tolerance during his lifetime. Starting in September 2022, Bao Xiaobai contacted professional AI engineers to try to reconstruct his daughter's voiceprint. However, what they first need is at least 300 to 500 minutes of audio recordings of their daughter during her lifetime.

But who would enter the recording studio in advance to record such a large number of recordings? In the end, he only found three English conversations between his daughter and her mother, and the recording was mixed with wind noise.

No AI engineer was optimistic about Bao Xiaobai's whims. He suddenly broke into the AI ​​circle and looked like a layman no matter how he looked at it. He recalled that at first, he didn’t even know what AI was. "I didn't even have the space for dialogue. Even if I did, they all thought I was talking in my sleep because there is no living example in the world."

stumbled around in a big circle, and Bao Xiaobai decided to study it on his own. But after using the AI ​​engine for a while, he got failed results. Until February 2023, with the rise of AIGC, many large companies began to share big data engines. Seeing hope, Bao Xiaobai continued to try, and finally successfully reconstructed his daughter's voiceprint for two hours with these three sentences of English dialogue.

In this process, he first used noise reduction technology to process these three sentences, and then let the AI ​​learn his daughter's language and accent. Finally, he successfully applied his daughter's voice to the second stage - "singing". Whether it's a new song or a cover, he can make his daughter's voice appear perfectly.

When Bao Xiaobai’s wife heard her daughter’s AI audio, she was surprised that the voices were so similar. Bao Xiaobai told her affectionately: "This person is tolerant."

Although Bao Xiaobai's heart aches every time he completes an audio clip, he always firmly believes that this is a continuation of his longing for his daughter. He also admitted that this technology may be controversial in terms of social ethics, but he hopes it can provide a new way of mourning for those who miss their loved ones.

Picture source: Video screenshot

After expressing his longing for his daughter, Bao Xiaobai also issued a warning to the audience: "AI technology fraud is coming, and it is closely related to everyone. Keep the data of your lifetime well, and don't leave it easily. For outsiders."

"From a personal emotional point of view, I don't want AI to do 'resurrection'. I believe that everyone will feel very uncomfortable after talking to the dead digital person. This will make people feel like they have passed away. As relatives continue to struggle, the grief will continue," Liu Xingliang told reporters.

Daily Economic News