Picture source@visualchinesewen | Entertainment values, written by Chen Tong, edited by Meiqi In the just-concluded Spring Festival, the film market once again broke multiple records and ushered in a good start. This high-frequency word that is commonly used in the field of movie

Picture source @Visual China

article | Entertainment values, written by Chen Tong, edited by Meiqi

In the Spring Festival that just ended, the film market once again broke multiple records and ushered in a good start. This high-frequency word that is commonly used in the field of movies has also earned enough attention. However, in the context of the new entertainment era, the Spring Festival is not exclusive to movies, but has been given a broader meaning. For example, dramas can also have a Spring Festival schedule.

In the past two years, during the Spring Festival of TV series, two super hit movies, "" and "Hurry Up" were born, further driving the drama market to follow the footsteps of the movie market and paying more and more attention to schedule management. For major broadcasting platforms, dramas aired around the Spring Festival often carry the year's ratings and traffic expectations, and are the beginning of a continued increase in market sentiment.

Compared with the movie market that has hit new highs and the short drama market that is late to the game, the drama market, which is caught between the two, seems a bit lonely this year during the Spring Festival. There are neither super hits nor intensive contributions like the previous two years. What an out-of-circle topic. However, although it has not reproduced the reputation and traffic myths such as "In the World", " Three-Body " and "Hurry", this year's Spring Festival dramas are still remarkable, with a hundred flowers blooming in themes and more sophisticated and mature content operations. , providing new inspiration for the market.

For the platform, the Spring Festival period is not just a temporary concentrated broadcast of content, but also fully reflects the overall film list reserve and creative strength of each company. It is possible to see the big from the small, and from it, we can also get a glimpse of the changes and trends in this year's drama market. .

01 Three major platforms Spring Festival stalls each have their own magic

Taken together, the 2024 Spring Festival dramas are full of "New Year flavor" and rich in themes. Most of the dramas follow the general tone of "family fun", and the content style is mainly relaxed and enjoyable.

Sweet pet dramas such as iQiyi's "The One and Two", Youku's "Long Time Love", Tencent's " in blizzard time " and other sweet dramas are sweet during the Spring Festival. Comedies such as iQiyi's "Young Master and Me" and "Gou Sheng Run", Youku's "Country Love 16", Tencent Video's " Happy Roll Ever City " and other comedies form the Spring Festival atmosphere group, filling the New Year atmosphere.

Of course, these dramas are just appetizers. During the Spring Festival this year, Aiyouteng has launched three major dramas: "South to North", "Da Tang Di Gong An" and " Fireworks and Others ", and the exclusive network broadcast rights are divided. Three dramas on different platforms were broadcast on CCTV at the same time. It can be said that you are in me, I am in you, we love and kill each other.

Among them, "South and North" and "The Case of the Tang Dynasty" chose to premiere on the same day. The former held a "New Year's Joy Party" and all the crew turned into comedians, while the latter made a special trip to Xi'an to hold a launch press conference. , echoing the background of the play. Judging from various pre-heating and marketing actions, these three dramas are the biggest weight in the Spring Festival competition among the three major platforms.

Judging from the traffic and topic performance, there is no doubt that these three dramas will become the top three most popular during the Spring Festival this year. Among the three dramas, "South to North" is the most obvious hit. The iQiyi popularity exceeded 9,500 in the 14th day after it was aired, and the popularity reached 9,959 at the end. It has been popular on various platforms such as Maoyan, Kuyun, Yunhe, and Dangtao. topped the list.

In terms of topic popularity, the drama has received a total of 2,000+ hot searches on the entire Internet, and the cumulative views of the main topic on Douyin have exceeded 15 billion. It ranks top 1 in the Weibo drama influence list and is the only main topic in the Spring Festival drama market. The premiere drama, which grossed over 10 billion, triggered a lot of discussion.

"Fireworks" broke 3 in ratings on the day it premiered on February 13, with a viewership share of 12.955%. Kuyun's premiere broke 2, and the popularity value on Tencent Video also exceeded 25,000. As of February 28, the topic #火火人家 has received 5.93 billion views on Douyin, triggering considerable discussions on multiple social platforms. It can be said to be a double harvest of word-of-mouth popularity.

"The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" premiered on CCTV and its ratings exceeded 1.5%, ranking top 1 in average ratings among all channels during prime time for 8 consecutive days. In terms of Internet, after being launched on Youku, the show quickly topped the market share of Beacon TV series, Douban real-time popular TV, and many other hot lists. It also ranked among the top three in the Yunhe Data hot list for many consecutive days. While the data is eye-catching, it has also triggered continuous discussions among the audience about the plot and history.The three dramas of

have jointly supported the popularity of the Spring Festival drama market, and their performance in multiple dimensions also has their own highlights. Except for the Spring Festival, it is difficult to find a time when audiences of all ages and all social classes are relaxing. In the long run, future Spring Festival movies will compete fiercely in both offline and online battlefields, with video websites and theaters Cities are paying more and more attention to this period, and the Spring Festival period of dramas will continue to feature multiple parties and gods fighting.

02 The lack of super hit has regrets and gains

Although the three dramas have their own highlights in the horizontal comparison, from a vertical perspective, there is still a big gap between the three top dramas in the Spring Festival this year and the previous two years. The main reason is that There are no phenomenal hits that arouse the popularity of all age groups.

"In the World", which will be broadcast during the Spring Festival in 2022, and "Hurry", which will be broadcast in 2023, have both produced phenomenal influence. Of course, the reason why these two dramas have become phenomenal hits is firstly because the content is of high quality, and secondly, it is also inseparable from successful topic marketing and the combination of multiple factors such as the right time, place and people.

Although the contents of the three leading dramas in this year's Spring Festival are also of high quality, it is actually very difficult to replicate the popularity of "Hurricane". First of all, it is difficult for a costume detective drama like "The Case of the Tang Dynasty" to become a popular hit during the family carnival period like the Spring Festival. "South to North" and "Pyrotechnics" are competing against "The World" and raising the audience's expectations. It also means that there may be a lack of innovation and freshness.

In addition to the factors of subject matter and content, " Blossoms ", which was broadcast before the Spring Festival, also overdrawn the popularity and traffic of the Spring Festival schedule in advance. The first TV series "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai became an all-round "explosion" at the beginning of this year, attracting countless viewers Immersed in the Shanghai style at the end of the last century depicted in the play, various data and topics are as popular as "Hurricane". The popularity of this play has even set off a consumer boom in the real world, not only making people in the play popular The main scene is Huanghe Road, and the "British Blossom Suite" of the Peace Hotel has been promoted to a sky-high price of 18,888 yuan per night.

"Flowers" can continue the popularity of "In the World" and "Hurry" if it is placed on the Spring Festival release. In fact, the 2024 Spring Festival release is not without phenomenal hits, but a big hit that could have been released during the Spring Festival. The drama is set for the beginning of the new year.

Since the broadcast period of "Flowers" has been moved to the beginning of the new year, and at the same time it has raised the audience's expectations with its multi-dimensional popularity, this will undoubtedly put great pressure on the upcoming Spring Festival. Audiences who have followed "Flowers" for more than a month will naturally look at these three new dramas broadcast during the Spring Festival with a more critical eye.

However, although the lack of phenomenal hits makes the 2024 Spring Festival schedule a bit regretful, the three major dramas actually have many highlights. After "The World", "South and North" has updated the creation of period dramas. The various aspects of life on a train, the warmth and warmth of human relationships among a group of neighbors, and the dual-line narrative not only make the content of the drama very rich, but also the content of the drama on the train. The detective story incorporates suspense elements and complements the human warmth of the neighbors in the compound.

"Fireworks Family" has a sensitive insight into the current new type of family relationships. It uses simple and warm life aesthetics to calmly and decently complete the high-level expression of the same theme competition, opening up a new path for family themes. "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" also relies on hard-core suspense and vivid undertones to constantly explore new solutions to costume detective dramas.

It is tempting to have a big hit every few years, but the drama market needs more down-to-earth creation and exploration such as "South to North", "The Case of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty" and "Fireworks". In fact, although there may still be a certain distance between them and the phenomenal hits, the performance of the three dramas has been quite outstanding. On February 26, the final night of "North and South", Kuyun's peak ratings reached 4.0335%, successfully breaking the 2023 ratings record of "The Blast" and giving viewers warm company in this New Year. .

03 Can the spring drama market still become popular?

Spring after the Spring Festival every year is a relatively "off-season" for the drama market. How to maintain the basic base with high-quality content and ensure that audiences always have good dramas to watch during the "off-season" requires each platform to plan in advance.

html On February 21, " Ice Hunting " starring Zhang Songwen was broadcast exclusively on Tencent Video after "Fireworks", which was the first shot in the spring drama market. After the show was launched, the reputation became polarized. The image of the "drug lord" played by Zhang Songwen was widely recognized, but the heroine Yao Anna's acting skills and the rough texture of the series also caused a lot of heated discussions and doubts.

However, although the drama has not yet reached a final conclusion, its current broadcast data, hot topics and popularity are not inferior to those of the three major dramas during the Spring Festival. The popularity on Tencent's site is also approaching 30,000, which is the market for Spring Festival dramas. A good start.

Detective dramas after "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" will also usher in a small climax. On February 20, "Dali Temple Shaoqing Tour" will be officially launched on iQiyi. This ancient costume suspense film is adapted from the comic "Dali Temple Diary" The detective comedy has also been highly anticipated before. Since the series was aired, the ups and downs of the suspenseful investigation and the exquisite and elegant style of the divine capital have aroused heated discussions among the audience. The popularity of the series is still increasing rapidly.

" Chinatown Detective 2" was also exclusively launched on iQiyi on the 29th. After three years, "Tang Detective Universe" finally returned to surprise the audience. This season will bring four unit stories to further boost The diversified expansion of "Tang Tan Universe". In terms of

modern dramas, "Flying Life and Love" was launched on Youku on the 28th. As the first derivative web drama in the Flying Life ip series, the drama version follows the story line of the first movie and is full of competitive excitement and hilarious jokes. The sweet pet drama "Don't Move on Me" starring Lin Zhouzhou has also been officially announced recently and will be exclusively broadcast on the Youku platform on March 1. In terms of costume dramas, " Yong'an Meng " has been launched on Tencent Video on the 28th, and dramas such as "The Legend of Wu Geng Ji" and "Stealing the General's Half-day Leisure" are also expected to be broadcast in March.

Judging from the spring film list, the three major platforms have prepared dramas with multiple themes such as suspense detectives, sweet pets, costumes, cities, and competitions to meet the content preferences of different circles. When the long video industry can truly maintain a certain frequency of outputting good content, it will form a fundamental breakthrough in the so-called "off season." After experiencing leaps and bounds in 2022 and 2023, a new dark horse may be born in the drama market this spring.