The cute little golden retriever in the snow has captured the hearts of many people, but these puppies cannot be found in real life because they are AI works. The Vincent video model Sora developed by Open AI produced such a high-definition picture, which looks so realistic. This

The cute little golden retrievers in the snow have captured the hearts of many people, but these puppies cannot be found in real life because they are AI works. The Vincent video large model sora developed by open ai has produced such a high-definition picture, which looks so realistic.

This progress, which is called a revolution, has also driven the demand for AI chips. For this reason, Nvidia’s market value has soared to more than 2 trillion US dollars, and it has also made CEO Jensen Huang personal assets surged. Although Jen-Hsun Huang once said that the most interesting part of any game or business venture is "when you fail," he really can't enjoy that "fun" now and is predicted to become the next richest man in the world.

On February 27, local time, the British "Daily Mail" focused on the 61-year-old Huang Renxun and briefly sorted out the growth path of this technical genius.

A major feature of Huang Renxun in recent years is that he loves to wear leather jackets. Even when attending formal meetings, he always wears a black T-shirt underneath a leather jacket. At first glance, he looks like an old rock star, and he also has a leather jacket on his left arm. NVIDIA logo tattoo.

However, he once said that he is actually a very introverted person and very shy. "I was surprised that I had to talk to others," Huang said when recalling his first part-time job experience.

When he was 15 years old, he went to work at "Denny's Restaurant", earning the minimum wage, US$2.65 per hour (about 19rmb at the current exchange rate).

Many years later, his idea of ​​founding Nvidia was also carried out at "Denny's Restaurant". While eating a sandwich, he talked with two partners about the potential of a company specializing in computer chip rendering graphics.

A Wall Street analyst commented, "A war is taking place in the field of artificial intelligence, and NVIDIA is the only arms dealer now." This sentence is not an exaggeration. It is currently estimated that NVIDIA has more than 80% of the GPU market share. . These chips are worth tens of thousands of dollars each and are so valuable that they are even transported between some companies in armored vehicles.

Huang Renxun was born in Taiwan Province of my country, but he mainly spent his childhood in Thailand.

His father was an employee of the air-conditioning manufacturer Carrier. He had gone to the United States for training and came up with the idea of ​​sending his son here. When preparing to leave for the United States, Huang's mother read English words in the dictionary to teach him every day, even though she knew almost nothing about English.

htmlWhen he was 09 years old, Huang Renxun and his brother were sent to Kentucky, USA, to live with relatives, and then were sent to a Baptist boarding school. But this was actually a mistake. The relatives originally thought the school was a well-known local prep school.

Although Huang was bullied by his classmates in boarding school because of his accent, he was still grateful for the years he spent there, saying that the school instilled in him a "fanatical sense of work ethic." After he became successful, he donated 200 to his alma mater. Ten thousand dollars was used to build a girls' dormitory.

When he was in school, in addition to excellent grades, Huang Renxun also showed an almost genius table tennis talent. In 1978, he was described by Sports Illustrated as "perhaps the most promising table tennis boy in the history of the Northwest." .

Of course, Huang Renxun did not develop his career in sports. He was admitted to Oregon State University with straight A's and developed a passion for computing.

While in school, Huang Renxun fell in love with Lori, one of the few girls in the engineering courses. After graduation, he got married and had children. It was a romantic but peaceful relationship.

This is a group photo of Huang Renxun’s family of four. He has two children, daughter Madison and son Spencer. The outside world doesn’t know much about them. Obviously they are not the second generation of rich people who follow the internet celebrity route.

This is the house of Jen-Hsun Huang and his family in San Francisco. It is located in the "Billionaire's Row". Although it looks a bit close to other houses, it is worth 44 million US dollars. There is no way that land there is so expensive. After all, it can We are neighbors with many technology giants, such as Larry Ellison, David Sachs, etc.

In addition, Huang Renxun also owns a property in Maui, Hawaii, with a valuation of US$33 million. For Jen-Hsun Huang, whose net worth has reached US$69.7 billion, he only has two luxury homes, which is considered low-key.

However, Huang Renxun still maintained his old habits. This "Silicon Valley weirdo" writes hundreds of very short emails every day. In addition, he does not have an office at the company headquarters and prefers to use different conference rooms every day.

It is worth noting that Huang Jensen’s management style seems to be quite popular among employees. As CEO, his approval rate is as high as 97%.