Recently, the crime suspense drama "Hunting Ice" directed by Gao Qunshu and Wan Peng is currently being aired on a certain platform. On the one hand, anti-drug-themed film and television dramas already have a high audience. On the other hand, the reason why this drama has attract

Recently, the crime suspense drama "Hunting Ice" directed by Gao Qunshu and Wan Peng is currently being broadcast on a certain platform.

On the one hand, anti-drug-themed film and television dramas already have a high audience. On the other hand, the reason why this drama has attracted widespread attention also benefits from the high popularity of the two leading actors.

The drama is starring Zhang Songwen and Yao Anna.

In last year's hit drama "Hurry Up", Zhang Songwen successfully became popular with his outstanding performance of the role of Gao Qiqiang in the drama.

In "Ice Hunt", Zhang Songwen once again challenges the role of a villain, playing the role of Huang Zongwei, the behind-the-scenes drug lord who looks gentle and loyal, is extremely sensitive in behavior, and has meticulous thinking.

In this drama, Zhang Songwen's performance was equally remarkable, and he did not disappoint the audiences and fans who supported him.

Another leading actor Anna Yao, who is in the same role as Zhang Songwen, is not so lucky.

Yao Anna's information introduction shows that she is a pop singer and actress in mainland China. She signed a contract with Tianhao Shengshi in 2021 and made a successful debut.

In the past three years, Anna Yao has released albums and recorded reality shows such as "Chinese Restaurant" and "Longing for Life". Since her debut as

, Anna Yao has participated in dramas such as "Dark Night and Dawn", "Go Where the Wind Is" and "Tomorrow's Survival Guide".

This time in "Hunting Ice", Anna Yao starred as the female lead Zhao Younan, but she was pushed to the forefront because of her embarrassing acting skills.

Of course, a very important reason why the controversial topic of Anna Yao's acting skills is so hotly discussed is because of her other identity - the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and the second princess of Huawei.

On the evening of February 26, "Anna Yao's chicken-style acting" became a hot search topic. In a scene of arresting a suspect, Anna Yao searched the room with a pistol, which was indeed very similar to searching the house in the game of chicken. scene.

The heated discussion among viewers on the Internet also alarmed Wang Hailin, a well-known screenwriter in the industry.

In addition to being a screenwriter, Wang Hailin has been very active on the Internet in recent years. In addition, Wang Hailin is also a professional film and television drama critic who can point out the advantages and disadvantages of work quality, actors' acting skills, etc. from a professional perspective.

html On the evening of February 26, Wang Hailin sharply commented on Yao Anna's acting skills through her social account, saying that she was not good at acting and had no acting talent.

After some netizens raised objections, Wang Hailin posted another piece of content to refute the netizens' claims, and even compared it with embarrassing things such as "men's football".

Shortly after Wang Hailin criticized Yao Anna's acting skills on Weibo, Gao Qunshu, the director of the TV series "Hunting Ice", resigned and decided to fight back against Wang Hailin for Yao Anna.

Gao Qunshu first forwarded Wang Hailin's Weibo comment criticizing Yao Anna's acting skills and wrote: "Hailin, it's over. We can discuss her acting problems, but compared with those criminals, you lose your identity."

After that, Gao Qunshu He also liked Wang Hailin's Weibo account and said: "As a senior in the industry, we should not kill or insult young people. This is the basic quality of our elders."

Wang Hailin quickly replied to Gao Qunshu, He wrote down his own opinion, saying that Yao Anna had entered an environment that was too cruel and that letting her do what she did was irresponsible and harmful to her.

On the afternoon of November 27, Wang Hailin had deleted the previous content criticizing Yao Anna's acting skills, and then posted some more content, which was a summary of the incident.

First of all, Wang Hailin emphasized that he is a staunch supporter of the Huawei brand and Yao Anna's father and sister.

The second point is that he said that he has no ill feelings towards Yao Anna, but he is very disgusted with the flatterers. He still says that he is good at her performance, which is harming her.

The third point is that Wang Hailin said that he had watched some videos that deliberately vilified Yao Anna, and they were all cut poorly. His attitude was against this, and he believed that there was no need to vilify Yao Anna anymore, because he was not good at acting.

On the fourth point, Wang Hailin said: "I am a good friend with director Gao Qunshu. I respect him very much, and I don't want him to be unhappy. If he doesn't like what I said, I will just delete it.""

Last point, Wang Hailin explained his original intention very carefully. He believed that the job of an actor is to be praised and criticized, just like the job of a screenwriter, he has to face criticism from everyone. This is part of our job.

Take Yao For Anna, as a science student, she may have many strengths, but as an actor, she still has a lot to learn.

“I may be a little too harsh on young people, please encourage them more. "

A few days ago, director Gao Qunshu said in an interview with the media that Yao Anna was chosen to play the female lead precisely because she is not a professional actor and fits the role of the "silly young man" in the play well.

It can be seen Come out, Wang Hailin has no ill intentions towards Yao Anna, it’s just that he and Gao Qun Bookstore have different perspectives.