Yang Yuhuan's popularity began to burn before the Spring Festival. Players in the early passers-by didn't notice her strength. It wasn't until the first week of the KPL game that all the major teams used Yang Yuhuan as a jungler that everyone got to know Yang Yuhuan again. Compet

Yang Yuhuan's popularity began to burn before the Spring Festival. Players in the early passers-by game did not notice her strength. It was not until the first week of KPL competition that all major teams used Yang Yuhuan as a jungler. Everyone got to know Yang Yuhuan again. So they rushed to imitate. Different from heroes like Cao Cao, although Yang Yuhuan has dual skills, the gameplay is simple and there is no fixed combo. It is easy to get started. Therefore, jungler Yang Yuhuan became popular in the canyon for a while. Players used Yang Yuhuan to perform well that shocked the jungle circle. data. Data from the

camp shows that heroes such as Chang'e and Athena currently have the highest winning rate in the jungle position. Their winning rates are around 53%. These are the statistics produced by the unique skill brother in the Diamond Star Game and cannot prove the strength of the heroes. Yang Yuhuan in the middle has a winning rate of 53.94% in all ranks and a winning rate of 54.28% in peak matches. Everyone knows that this data was generated by jungler Yang Yuhuan. In the jungle position, Yang Yuhuan's double ranking data is the first, and she has a high winning rate with a considerable appearance rate.

Judging from the data, Yang Yuhuan really exceeded the standard. A mage hero actually led the jungle circle. It is not good to hear about this. Yang Yuhuan, who has only been popular for less than a month, finally faced sanctions. Some players gave suggestions to the planning in the camp, suggesting that Yang Yuhuan should be adjusted so that she could return to the middle lane instead of running rampant in the jungle. The planner believes that Yang Yuhuan is positioned as a mage. Her strength in the jungle field exceeds that of the mage, which violates the original intention of the hero design and indeed needs to be adjusted. The specific adjustment plan has not been given, but the plan will definitely focus on two aspects: rapid development and comprehensive team fighting ability, weakening one of them.

Recently, players in the camp have given a lot of opinions on the planning. In addition to the old heroes, there are also some new heroes, and Ao Yin is among them. Players think that Ao Yin's strength is a bit high and it is not easy to control in the game and needs to be weakened. The new hero has a comprehensive mechanism and will definitely be strong for a while, and the planners have no plans to touch the new hero. But the reply to netizens needs to be well-founded, so the planner came up with Ao Yin’s data. The planner believes that Ao Yin’s 52% winning rate is still within the normal range, not excessive, and will not be adjusted in the short term.

Since the plan will not be adjusted, Ao Yin players can rest assured and boldly use him to increase points in the S34 season. There are many ways to deal with Ao Yin, simply and directly send him to the ban position. If there are not enough ban seats, it doesn’t matter. Jialuo can also suppress Ao Yin, Li Yuanfang can also be at odds with Ao Yin, Diao Chan can chase Ao Yin, and Arthur’s silence can also make Ao Yin unable to express his pain. . In short, no hero is invincible. Everyone restrains and restrains each other. Since Ao Yin cannot adjust, everyone can just find a way to deal with him.