The country's first integrated media news column on archeology, culture and museums, "Chinese Archeology Report", is now launched on Dragon TV. This column is guided by the News Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and is committed to creating a timely and auth

China Archeology Report, the country's first integrated media news column on archeology, culture and museums, is launched today on Dragon TV.

This column is guided by the News Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and is committed to creating a timely and authoritative archaeological news release platform. At the same time, it follows the idea of ​​"big archeology" and explores ancient China from multiple angles by going deep into archaeological sites and talking to archaeologists. See people through objects, discuss history with objects, inspire thoughts with history, and use vivid news vocabulary to refine and display the historical context of Chinese civilization in simple terms, and establish memory links and emotional resonance between archaeological results and the contemporary public. Following the large-scale documentary series "Why China", Shanghai Radio and Television Station is another initiative to build a news platform and strengthen culture to create an integrated media communication IP "Exploring the Origin of Civilization and Seeing the East".

As a news magazine TV column, "Chinese Archeology Report" covers multiple sections. "Archaeology News" sorted out important information about archeology and cultural heritage. The first episode tracked and reported on the preliminary shortlisted projects of "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2023", and took the audience into the archaeological work cabin of Shanghai's "Yangtze Estuary No. 2" ancient ship for a sneak peek.

On the eve of the opening of the new Yin Ruins Museum, the key section "Archaeology" interviewed and photographed the latest archaeological discoveries in the Yin Ruins, exploring the layout of the tombs of the Shang kings and the changes during the changes between the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

At the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, the "Lianmai Exploring Ancient" section focuses on the "Dragon Cultural Relics" special exhibitions at the Shanghai Museum, Sanxingdui Museum, and Shanxi Museum, and talks with on-site experts to jointly trace the origin and evolution of "Dragon Worship" in Chinese civilization.

"Article Hot Search List" relies on big data analysis to use professional vocabulary to analyze hotly searched topics in art blogs.

In addition, the column will also broadcast the cultural relics micro-documentary "Collection of Ancient Records" from time to time, focusing on national treasures, interpreting the codes of civilization, and making the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books Come alive.

It is worth mentioning that the rare characters involved in "Chinese Archeology Report" are marked with phonetic notation in the subtitles, so as to better popularize archaeological cultural knowledge to the public, especially young people.

"Chinese Archeology Report" strives to tell Chinese stories well within the broad perspective of human civilization. It is disseminated overseas by the shanghaieye international communication matrix under the Shanghai Media and Broadcasting International Communication Center, and through the establishment of cooperative organizations such as the Associated Press and the European Television Union. Share the cooperation platform, provide films to international mainstream TV media, and provide integrated communication of large and small screen linkage and internal and external publicity resonance for the construction of archeology with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style; contribute to Shanghai becoming an important window for displaying Chinese culture.

Author: Wang Yan

Picture: Picture provided by Shanghai Radio and Television Station Editor: Wang Yan Editor: Xing Xiaofang