The latest comprehensive industry sales data shows that in January 2024, the monthly retail sales of Haopin HT were only 504 units. Compared with last month, Haopin HT's single-month retail sales fell by 68.38%, almost 70%. This sales decline is much higher than the overall decli

The latest comprehensive industry sales data of

shows that in January 2024, the monthly retail sales of Haobo was only 504 units. Compared with last month, Haopin ht's single-month retail sales fell by 68.38%, almost 70%. This sales decline is much higher than the overall decline in the new energy vehicle market during the same period.

Haopin ht

According to data from the Passenger Car Association, in January 2024, the single-month retail sales of the new energy vehicle market in January was 668,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 101.8% and a month-on-month decrease of 29.5%.

In fact, for Haopin HT, this means that after its official launch in the domestic auto market, its single-month retail sales have declined month-on-month for two consecutive months.

As a blockbuster electric model carefully created by Haobo , Haobo HT will be officially launched in the domestic auto market in November 2023. Comprehensive industry sales data shows that in November 2023, its monthly retail sales were 1,910 units.

In the month when Haopin ht

was launched, its sales performance was not outstanding, but it was already pretty good. We have expressed this point many times in previous articles.

However, what is surprising is that in December 2023, two months after Haopin HT was officially launched, its single-month retail sales declined. Comprehensive sales data of the

industry shows that in December 2023, the monthly retail sales of Haopin HT was 1,594 units. Compared with last month, sales fell by 16.54%.

Haopin ht

At that time, we believed that temporary increases or decreases in sales were just normal market fluctuations. Perhaps, Haopin ht’s single-month retail sales will increase in the future.

Unfortunately, sales data for January 2024 now shows that Haopin HT’s single-month retail sales not only did not increase, but fell by nearly 70% month-on-month.

However, the retail sales volume has dropped from more than 1,500 units to more than 500 units. I have to say that this sales drop is indeed too high.

HaoBo ht

In fact, for HaoBo, in January 2024, not only the sales of HaoBo HT dropped to more than 500 units, but the sales of another blockbuster model HaoBo gt also dropped to more than 300 units. Comprehensive sales data of the

industry shows that in January 2024, the monthly retail sales of Haopin GT was 315 units. Compared with last month, its sales fell by 27.58%, almost 30%.

Obviously, whether in terms of sales volume or sales trends, the performance of Haopin GT in January 2024 is not outstanding.

I have always thought that this is a pity. As a model built by Haobin, the retail sales of the Haobin GT exceeded 2,000 units in a single month after it was launched in the domestic auto market.

Haopin ht

industry comprehensive sales data shows that in July 2024, which is the first month of its official launch, monthly sales reached 2,003 units. Considering its positioning and price range, I think this sales performance of

is very good. However, it is a pity that from August to November, its single-month retail sales fell for four consecutive months.

So much so that in November 2023, Haopin HT’s monthly retail sales were as low as 100 units. After that, in December 2023, single-month retail sales rebounded, but only 435 units.

Haopin ht

Obviously, from its launch in July 2023 to January 2024, among the eight months, only in July 2023 its monthly retail sales reached more than 2,000 units.

In the remaining 7 months, the monthly retail sales of Haopin GT were less than 800 units. Even in some months, the monthly retail sales are less than 500 units.

It is said that the market is the best touchstone. To a certain extent, this shows that it is not an easy task for Haobo to "shoot up" in the Chinese auto market.

However, for GAC Aian , "shooting higher" should be said to be a correct decision. However, in the early stages, it is inevitable that you will experience some setbacks.

Haopin ht

However, which new car brand will not experience setbacks in the process of growth? I think this is also normal market behavior.

is just that it is not easy to reach high.As for success, it will test Haopin's market decision-making.

Finally, the model sales data involved in this article comes from the comprehensive industry sales data released by third-party platforms; the third-party platform data description shows that it is displayed in strict accordance with the corresponding relationship between sales and platforms announced by the Automobile Dealers Association and manufacturers, and the accuracy rate is More than 99%, for reference only.

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This article is an original article by Cheyu World Operations Department, total issue 10883. Some pictures come from the Internet, and the data and related materials marked with the source are all quoted. Cheyu World original copyright, any infringement will be prosecuted.