"Ice Hunt", regarded as the "Chinese version of Breaking Bad", is officially launched! And this is also Zhang Songwen's first TV series after "Hurry". The play tells the story of the battle of wits and courage between drug master Huang Zongwei and the public security team headed

"Hunting Ice ", regarded as the "Chinese version of Breaking Bad", is officially launched!

And this is also Zhang Songwen's first TV series after "Hurry".

The play tells the story of the battle of wits and courage between drug master Huang Zongwei and the public security team headed by Zhao Younan.

Zhang Songwen plays the villain again. Although he is different from the evil boss like Gao Qiqiang, there are obviously similarities.

This time, Zhang Songwen plays the drug-making master Huang Zongwei. On the surface, he is gentle, loyal and kind-hearted, but in fact he is full of scheming and cruel. To some extent, this is the same type of person as Gao Qiqiang.

However, Huang Zongwei was a chemical genius, but he unexpectedly went astray and became a drug manufacturer and trafficker. But he also has a simple desire to support his family. He came from a poor background, but he had a virtuous wife who gave birth to triplets. For the sake of his family's happiness, Huang Zongwei took risks and embarked on the road of drug production and trafficking.

In this drama, Zhang Songwen once again contributed a wonderful performance, with perfect acting skills.

started to play with , Han Geng, and , with overwhelming aura and murderous intent.

At first, he lowered his head and held his breath, his whole face was shaking, and he was quite angry. Then he broke out, with tears in his eyes, anger, and even a fight with a drug dealer played by Han Geng, all just to go back and save his kidnapped son. He was originally a well-thought-out drug lord, but he became so impulsive and reckless because of his son. This not only reflects the importance of his son to him, but also left suspense for the audience. But at the same time, it also showed the explosive power of Zhang Songwen's acting skills.

Later, when discussing business with others, he first lowered his attitude, was polite, talked and laughed.

was laughing heartily at one moment and horrified at the other.

After sending away his business partner, his eyes changed from white to black in a second, and his eyes were so sharp that it made people shudder.

Then he squatted down and pinched out the cigarette butt, thoughtfully, calmly and calmly, showing his boss temperament.

In this scene, Zhang Songwen's grasp of the characters is even more precise. The entire state changes according to the context, which fully reflects the complexity and multi-facetedness of the characters.

During the conversation with the drug dealer He Hongzhang, his inadvertent smile made people marvel. This elusive smile highlighted his alertness and sophistication. Because he knew that He Hongzhang did not tell the truth and lied.

After eating two mouthfuls of noodles, He Hongzhang became afraid through code words. Although he was still smiling, his words were very oppressive. With such reminders and hints, He Hongzhang knew that he could no longer hide it, and of course he also knew what to do next. This is the famous scene where He Hongzhang kills a man and a woman in KTV.

Afterwards, when dealing with the documents of the drug manufacturing factory and preparing to temporarily close the factory, he encountered workers stealing drugs, which even more hinted that his confidant had silenced him, once again showing his cruel side.

At home he is polite and courteous. Facing his son, he showed a fatherly smile, and facing his wife, he doted on him. I went shopping with my wife and children, bought, bought, and even danced, as happy as a child.

Of course, he is also generous with his employees and neighbors, and is good at winning people's hearts.

In a head-to-head confrontation, he is cunning and cunning. He is full of warmth, affection and righteousness when getting along with his family, but underneath this, he is greedy, vicious and extremely ambitious.

Such a multi-faceted and complex Huang Chongwei was thoroughly brought to life by Zhang Songwen. The performance was textbook level, penetrating and lifelike.

But for the heroine of the show, she directly persuaded her to quit, which was a hindrance.

The policeman Zhao Younan played by Anna Yao is cool and capable as a female police officer who has been transferred from the army, and her temperament matches the character. However, in terms of performance, Anna Yao is really too stiff and embarrassing.

first disguised himself as a drug dealer and sneaked into the village to buy drugs and find out the truth.

's entire look and makeup have changed drastically. She has long yellow hair, a pink shirt, a black halter top, and a pair of sunglasses, and is very charming.

But once the glasses are taken off, people are a little surprised. For those who don’t know, they think that the man is pretending to be a woman. The way he walks is even more shaky and masculine.

Seeing this kind of makeup and walking posture, we understand why Anna Yao is usually cool and sassy, ​​because she is not suitable for taking the glamorous and enchanting route at all.

Of course, returning to his normal police identity, the entire makeup still matches.

And this is only minor, the terrible thing is that the entire performance is in extremely bad condition.

's lines are not breathy, childish, and lack life. It is more like reciting lines. The whole expression is stiff, even too stiff at times, and the eyes are even more empty, just for the sake of performance.

Not to mention comparing with Zhang Songwen, just compared with the policemen around her, Yao Anna's entire performance seemed extremely immature.

Fortunately, in the first three episodes, Anna Yao did not have many roles, and she did not dominate the entire plot.

However, this character still has his careful and keen side, and he still plays an important role in key clues.

Although Yao Anna had previously gained recognition for "Go Where the Wind Is", her role in that drama was extremely limited, and it was more in line with the character's characteristics and temperament. But in this drama, once there is a span, all her problems are fully exposed, and they are still the problems of a newcomer. Of course, for Anna Yao, she is still a cross-border actor and does not have a professional background, so this kind of performance is not surprising and understandable. But for her, she really needs to polish her acting skills.

For "Hunting Ice", the entire plot and shooting techniques are relatively old-fashioned and traditional, continuing the previous realistic imaging style of chief director Gao Qunshu. However, this style has a sense of age and life. In addition, the play also has a certain degree of suspense, and the entire plot is fast-paced and full of ups and downs. Although the heroine's performance is weak, the actor Zhang Songwen undoubtedly supports the show and becomes the biggest highlight of the show.