Recently, Tian Qinxin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the China National Theater, revealed in an exclusive interview that "Literature and Art in the War of Resistance", a collaboration between the China N

"Literature and Art in the Anti-Japanese War" is the movie dragon label 2024 No. 001, and will be released nationwide in April 2024 Duration: 00:24 Source: Movie Network

"Literature and Art in the Anti-Japanese War" is the movie dragon No. 2024 No. 001, will be released nationwide in April 2024 Close

Duration: 00:24 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News Recently, Tian Qinxin, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the China National Theater, revealed in an exclusive interview, "Literature and Art in the War of Resistance", a collaboration between the National Theater of China and China Film Group, has received the 2024 Dragon Award No. 001, and the film will be released nationwide in April this year.

"Literature and Art in the Anti-Japanese War" is the first documentary drama produced by the National Theater of China. The drama involves famous literary and artistic figures such as Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Lao She, Cao Yu, Tian Han, Xia Yan, Nie Er, Xian Xinghai, Bai Yang, etc., and Through drama, film, music, art and other artistic forms, the spirit and power of Chinese literature and art during the Anti-Japanese War are concentratedly displayed.

The film will still reproduce the period from 1931 to 1945 in the form of a documentary drama. In order to find a way out for China, patriotic writers and artists used literature and art to explore, struggle and struggle, and finally established the A story about a people-centered creative direction.

Actors include Tian Yu, Li Guangjie, Guan Xiaotong, Wang Kaisheng, Zhao Yang, Xin Baiqing, Qin Hailu, Sun Honglei, Duan Yihong, Liu Ye, Chen Jianbin, Liao Fan, Zhang Yixing, Luo Yizhou, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wu Jinyan, etc.