In recent years, online micro-short dramas have gradually emerged, and phenomenon-level "hits" have appeared one after another. Recently, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress and former deputy artistic director of Shandong Film and Television Producti

Posters for works written by Zhao Dongling, "Glory of the Fathers" and "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes "

1905 Movie Network News In recent years, online micro-short dramas have gradually emerged, and phenomenal hits have appeared one after another. Recently, Zhao Dongling, a representative of the National People's Congress and former deputy artistic director of Shandong Film and Television Production Center, was interviewed and talked about the rise of online micro-short dramas.

She believes that the key to micro-short dramas is to be able to keenly grasp the audience's emotional points and excitement, and mobilize the audience's emotions within a few minutes.

In her opinion, the emergence of micro-short dramas will have an impact on traditional film and television dramas. As a screenwriter of long-form dramas, she must face the challenges head-on and strive to write better scripts. Regarding the future development prospects of the micro-short drama industry, Zhao Dongling has a positive attitude. After a new thing comes out, it is always like this. With the popularity of micro-short dramas, I believe that relevant laws and regulations will soon be improved.