Recently, the online drama "Detective Chinatown 2" held a media viewing event. The drama is divided into four units: "Angel's Melody", "Devil's Breath", "Amusement Park" and "Golden City". Directors Yao Wenyi and Wang Tianwei attended the event And share creative moments.

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the online drama "Detective Chinatown 2" held a media viewing event. The drama is divided into four units: "Angel's Melody", "Devil's Breath", "Amusement Park" and "Golden City". Director Yao Wenyi, Wang Tianwei attended the event and shared his creative moments.


Yao Wenyi said bluntly that from the selection of materials, shooting to post-production, producer Chen Sicheng will be responsible for checking the work. He is the core figure of Tang Tan Universe. Familiar faces from Tang Tan Universe Wang Baoqiang, Liu Haoran, and Xiao Yang will make guest appearances in the series, bringing everyone back to the familiar world. Liu Haoran's cameo scene is connected to the plot of his exchange with Kiko in the movie "Detective Chinatown 3". Wang Tianwei added that a lot of thought went into filming that scene.

Yao Wenyi

Shang Yuxian, who plays Kiko, takes the lead in the play and carries the mission of the entire chapter. Wang Tianwei praised: You can see that she has made many breakthroughs in her role. Compared with the previous work, "Detective Chinatown 2" has welcomed more characters. Wang Tianwei said that he is very fortunate that the target actors he had in mind when developing the project, such as Zhong Zhentao, Rong Zishan, and Yang Jinhua, will all be in the series. Appear. Everyone improvised a lot of details at the scene, and they were all retained in the end.

It is reported that the Detective Tang series returns after four years. "Detective Chinatown 2" tells the story of crime surging between cities, detectives Lin Mo and Kiko shuttle through mysteries and show off their magical powers. It was released in February It will be streamed on the 29th.