A promising nation cannot live without heroes, let alone forget heroes during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon. When thousands of families are reunited, the People's Liberation Army Press and Communication Center launches a new series of integrated media planning "He

A promising nation cannot live without heroes

Let alone forget the heroes

Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon, when thousands of families are reunited

The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center has released a new series

Launched a series of integrated media planning "Heroic Family Portrait"

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This situation is described by netizens as "a sense of ceremony exclusive to the Chinese"

The mountains and rivers are safe, the fireworks are ordinary

The heroic spirit shines even more in the New Year

Click the video

↓ Watching is touching Moment ↓

Focus on the heroic family

Sending a heartfelt blessing and care

Attracting enthusiastic interaction from netizens

family portraits

Carrying the stories of heroes

Freezing touching moments

What is a hero?

They braved dangers and risked their lives to fulfill their mission.

Resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea.

They hid in the ice and snow to protect their homeland and the country. Mission

Peacekeeping in a foreign country

They are willing to sacrifice and write loyalty with their lives


Let us look back together

These "7 copies" are full of touching


"It's great

Someone is taking care of the hero's parents

Someone is caring"

Wang Zhuoran's parents A family photo was taken with the militia representatives of the "Wang Zhuoran Militia Company". Photographed by Wang Shigang

Let the relatives of the hero

enjoy the same noble treatment as the hero

It is not only a consolation for the dead

but also a respect for the living

In the summer of 2020

Wang Zhuoran sacrificed heroically while performing tasks at the border

was awarded by the Central Military Commission "Heroes who defend the country and defend the border" Honorary title

New Year of the Dragon

Wang Zhuoran's home is happy

Eight members of the "Wang Zhuoran Militia Company" sent New Year blessings to the hero's parents

"I want to turn myself into the magic pen Ma Liang,

Write an immortal chapter,

make the world more brilliant."

This is a small note hidden in Wang Zhuoran's home

When he grew up, he did not become the magic pen Ma Liang

but really used his young life

to add Lewan Valley wrote an immortal chapter

The years when the hero left

We have not forgotten

Netizens said

"It's great!

The parents of the hero are taken care of and cared about"


"I now have 7 sons!"

Zhang Shenglin , Zhu Liping and his wife and their "7 sons". Photographed by Ding Meining

Take a new family portrait

He is the "model of the times" martyr Zhang Nan

7 comrades and the agreement between Zhang Nan's parents

New Year in the Year of the Dragon

Zhang Nan's 7 comrades

rushed to Wuqiao, Hebei from all directions

to visit Zhang Nan Parents

This "family of seven children" family portrait

made countless netizens cry

On July 26, 2015

The Chinese Embassy in Somalia

was attacked by a suicide bomb

Armed police soldier Zhang Nan, who was responsible for guard duty, died heroically

At the age of 28

Zhang Nan's parents

are still deeply loved by their seven "sons"


"The army has never forgotten us over the years"

Shen Liangliang's parents held company family photos and took photos with representatives of officers and soldiers.Photographed by Yang Shuai

The parents of "People's Hero" Shen Liangliang

also received a special family photo

A group photo of Shen Liangliang's company when he was alive

The comrades left the middle position

to Shen Liangliang

In May 2016

I am peacekeeping in Mali The camp was attacked

Shen Liangliang died heroically to prevent terrorist vehicles carrying explosives from rushing into the peacekeeping camp

Shen Liangliang's family said

Whenever I see children in military uniforms

it is like seeing bright lights

The troops have never forgotten us over the years


"We will definitely inherit your glory"

Drawing by Li Yunpeng

This is a composite "family portrait"

The person in the middle -

The person who did not appear in the photo was the martyr who died on the front line of the flood fight last year Zhou Kunxun

2023 In early August

Heavy rainfall occurred in Shulan City, Jilin Province, causing flooding.

Zhou Kunxun, political commissar of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces of Shulan City.

When rescuing people, he suddenly encountered a flash flood.

He was swept away by the torrential floods. Unfortunately, he died heroically.

"I will dedicate myself to our party!"

This is The oath Zhou Kunxun wrote in his diary before his death

He used his 46-year-old life

to practice the faith and pursuit engraved in his heart


The old hero returned to the company to "visit relatives"

"It was very sad to be killed by a bullet on the battlefield. 'Easy',

It's hard to stay motionless in the ice and snow..."

Representatives of the officers and soldiers of the "Liangshan Battle Hero Company" visited Zhou Quandi, a veteran of the Volunteer Army and a first-class disabled soldier. Photographed by Tang Ruijie

74 years ago

16-year-old Zhou Quandi braved the severe cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius

and lurked in the snow for three days and three nights in the Battle of Changjin Lake

His body was severely frostbitten

His limbs had to be amputated

Tang Ruijie Photo

Returning from the battlefield

Brother Zhou Quan is eager to find his old army

But because the army has been transferred several times, this wish has not been realized

Until 2020

After careful inspection

it was determined that Brother Zhou Quan’s old army

was a member of the Navy. A handwritten letter and a group photo presented to Brother Zhou Quan by the soldiers of the "Liangshan Fighting Hero Company"

company. Photographed by Tang Ruijie

In order to fulfill the old hero's wish to return to the company to "visit relatives"

In the camp thousands of miles away

The company officers and soldiers prepared a surprise for the old hero

Organized a video link

Take a special "family portrait" with brother Zhou Quan "


3 years later, they met again "in the cloud"

They were in their prime when they parted.

The two old heroes saluted each other with full hair and full temples.

The two old heroes exchanged military salutes. Photographed by Chen Dianhong

November 1951

During the mission to bomb Yamato Island to resist US aggression and aid Korea

Fighter pilotXu Huaitang

Bomber navigatorYang Zhukui

They fought side by side and fought bloody battles in the sky

A farewell in the clouds

Xu Huaitang and Yang Zhukui did not have time to meet each other

Then they went to different battlefields

73 years later

They reunited through the "cloud" via video connection

A group photo made of Yang Zhukui (left of the screen) and Xu Huaitang (right of the screen).Illustrated by Gao Wanting, Wu Hao and Chen Lei

"We fought back desperately,

thinking that even if we couldn't defeat it,

we would be knocked down if we hit it!"

Speaking of the escort battle scene at that time

Xu Huaitang, who is now 100 years old, unconsciously raised his voice

Originally relying on The body sitting on the sofa tried to sit upright.

He raised his hands tremblingly and gestured.

As if he had traveled back to the years of burning passion.


"Every word is filled with the feelings of family and country!"

A family portrait

The memory of heroes was turned over again. Open

July 2023

A soldier of a brigade of the Army's 81st Group Army who was on vacation at home Ke Dongxian

Encountered 4 people who accidentally fell into the water

At the critical moment, he did not hesitate to go into the water to rescue

He wandered on the edge of life and death several times

Finally, he successfully saved the lives of 4 people

The rest of the life after the disaster

4 The family was grateful.

also formed a brotherly bond with Ke Dongxian.

"Without you, there would be no reunion year for our four families!"

Ke Dongxian (middle of the third row), the rescued villagers, and their families took a family photo together. Photographed by Yang Dianji

As the Spring Festival approaches

The rescued villagers brought their families to Ke Dongxian's house again

and took a special "family portrait"

The lens focused, and happiness was frozen.

family portraits

heroic stories

After the release of the "Heroic Family Portrait" series of integrated media products

Moved hundreds of millions of netizens

Netizens liked it on various platforms

Some netizens left messages


seemed to have touched the hero complex deep in their hearts

So far,

#herofamilyportrait#, #giveHeroesNew Year#, the total number of topics read

exceeds 150 million

The "Heroic Family Portrait" series of integrated media works

has achieved a cumulative circulation of nearly 1 billion times

has received hundreds of millions of likes from netizens


is the inexhaustible driving force of the warmth and progress of an era

What is behind each family portrait

Concern is missing

It is a promise, it is guarding

The moment of reunion in the New Year

Let us remember the heroes and spread the warmth together!