In addition to the first kiss of Yi Yang Qianxi, the microscope reveals 10 details in "You are a teenager"

In early October, if you haven't watched one of "My Motherland and Me", "Captain of China" and "The Climber", you would be embarrassed to greet others when you go out. Originally, the enthusiasm for presenting the Big Three has passed, and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" is also withdrawn. Everyone thinks that October will become the "fateful month" of 2019. But suddenly at the end of October, "Young You" returned with the strongest set in history, and it exploded! From the mysterious disappearance of the Berlin Film Festival to the sudden withdrawal of files on 6.24 to 10.25, the distribution staff took the flight 3 days in advance to send copies of human flesh and then to 0 announcements and 0 promotion. The pre-sale broke 70 million. The box office broke 600 million at the box office in 3 days and the Douban score opened 8.7. And change the copy halfway...If you haven't watched "Youth in the Young", it would be more embarrassing to greet people when you go out.

Yi Yan Qianxi’s first kiss on the screen, but a movie can achieve such a high box office and word of mouth, the Internet celebrity explosion halo is just the icing on the cake, the director's extremely clever audio-visual language is the guarantee of the quality of the film. The so-called high degree of completion, telling a story well, depends on the grasp of the details of the film’s audiovisual language. They say "You are in a young man" is good, but what's the good thing? Have you seen these details? 01 The full-screen close-ups of "You are in the young" comedy master Chaplin once said: Comedy uses panoramic view, tragedy uses close-up. This sentence is vividly expressed in Chaplin's classic movie "City Lights". In the film, the kind-hearted tramp played by Chaplin, fell in love with the same poor and blind flower girl and kept helping her secretly. The flower girl thought that the person helping her must be a tall, handsome, and wealthy gentleman. However, the homeless man was mistakenly taken to prison by the police and was released two years later. When he met his beloved girl again, the eyes of the flower girl had regained light with his funding, and he opened a flower shop to wipe out the previous misfortune. When the girl gave the flowers to the homeless man who was released from prison, she felt a familiar touch. The girl asked with a puzzled face: "Is that you?" The tramp replied: "Can you see it now?" The movie stopped abruptly in the close-up of Chaplin's sad and happy face, leaving the audience with endless imagination and sadness. It also leaves a classic close-up with a long aftertaste to film history. One of the most classic close-up shots in the history of

follows the creative technique of "tragedy with close-up". Director Zeng Guoxiang also used close-up and close-up shots extensively in "Youth in Youth". Especially for Chen Nian, played by Dongyu Zhou, he did not hesitate to face the face of the bullying victim directly to the audience at close range, and even made Dongyu Zhou's face full of the entire scene.

A lot of close-up shots are used in "Youth of Youth". This is a very subjective shot, even with a strong sense of oppression, which gives the audience a strong psychological shock. An audience member is accepting the silent accusation from the bullying victim: Have you bullied others? Have you been a spectator? Have you done anything for campus bullying? Will your conscience hurt? 02 The closing or opening of the closed lens of "Youth in Youth" refers to whether the person or object in the frame is deliberately arranged. The content elements appearing in the open shots look random, as if they were not intentionally arranged. The closed lens frame is a small world, and all the information that wants to attract the attention of the audience is carefully arranged. The inside of the frame is completely enclosed, and the information outside the frame is not important. Like close-ups, the director used many closed shots to express Chen Nian and Xiaobei's struggle and helplessness. In the scene of Chen Nian being pushed down the stairs by Wei Lai and his group, the leg of the unidentified classmate on the right side of the screen actually does not need to appear. Only Zhou Dongyu's acting skills can support the scene. But a good movie does not have a waste shot, and there is no waste information in a shot. The appearance of these two legs completely blocked Chen Nian's right exit, and a gap was left in the white wall on the left, as if something else would happen. A very discordant red frame on Chen Nian's head squeezed the figure downward, and a dark red kickboard crossed his neck. Facing bullying, Chen Nian had nowhere to escape at this time.

An example of a closed shot of "You are a teenager" is like the shot that the director gave Chen Nian sitting in the classroom at the beginning of the movie. It is both a close-up and a closed shot. The head of the figure is cut off, the top and bottom are confined by the edge of the frame, and there is nothing left and right. Although the characters are in the environment, they seem to be very distant from the environment.

03 The color of "You are a teenager" is a subconscious element in the movie, and it is emotionally suggestive. It can unconsciously create a kind of emotion that the director wants the audience to generate. You may be able to easily see the structure of the movieThe cleverness of the picture, or the difference between light and dark, but the color change is difficult to detect. In "Young You", the use of color is also very clever. Warm colors mainly include red, orange, and yellow. The negative meaning represents aggression and violence, while the positive meaning symbolizes passion, passion and love. In designing the scenes where Chen Nian and Xiao Bei are together, most of them use warm colors to create atmosphere. On the one hand, Chen Nian was bullied at school and can only be protected when she is with Xiaobei, so the warm colors help to set off this atmosphere. On the other hand, Chen Nian and Xiaobei have been in contact again and again. Secret love. Especially in the scene where the two are in front of the fish tank, there is a large area of ​​red that is rare in the whole film, indicating that their hearts have been upgraded from protectors and protected persons to love.

The warm colors in "You are the young" are opposite, and the cool colors mainly include blue, green, purple and other colors. The positive meaning of cool color is tranquility, stability, and harmony, while the negative meaning has the hint of alienation, indifference, and even cruelty. In the movie, the school uniform of Chen Nian's school is all blue. As long as Chen Nian leaves Xiaobei and comes to the school, the environment immediately becomes cold. For example, in this scene where Chen Nian was bullied in a volleyball hall, we can see a large area of ​​cold blue, green and off-white, which is in sharp contrast with Xiaobei's scene. Create a sense of powerlessness of being bullied and a sense of alienation from the entire school environment.

The cool color

in "Youth of the Youth" has the same cold color that appears many times. Each color is neutral. It is not that the warm color is necessarily more positive than the cold color, nor the blue is stronger than red. The key depends on the director. What is the meaning of the color, and what kind of atmosphere do you want to create. 04 "Young You" talks about color in light and shade, the following is the details of light and shadow that are generally used together with color. Generally speaking, light represents "light" and darkness represents "darkness", whether emotionally or environmentally. Where is the brighter in the movie? school! Hugo once said: “Build one more school, and build one less prison.” There is no need to say more about the positive significance of schools to teenagers and to society. In "Young You", the school scenes are all very brightly lit, with few shadows, and are basically dominated by natural light, which are all so-called high keys. Because the school should be a noble and pure place for teaching and educating people. Although there is bullying in

, where is the darkest movie in the brightest school lighting? The streets where home and Xiaobei mix together! Especially in Chen Nian's home, a high school girl's home should be warm, at least bright. However, Chen Nian's native family is very bad. The unreliable mother played by Wu Yue did a deceptive MLM (or micro business) and owed a debt. Therefore, Chen Nian did not dare to turn on the light after returning home, for fear that the creditor would know that there was someone at home.

Another home is Xiaobei's home. This is easier to understand because Xiaobei lives in the shadow of society. When the director deals with the environment of Xiaobei's home, he always uses a low key style in film noir.

​​Xiaobei's home is always in the dark. Apart from the homes of the two protagonists, the streets of Xiaobei's ruins basically appear at night, which also implies Xiaobei's identity and social environment. If Chen Nian still has a chance to change his life through the bright school, then Xiaobei, who is in a mixed society, will always be unable to extricate himself in the dark.

The daily environment of "Little North Men" is very dim, just like the use of color, and the light and shade do not necessarily represent what they usually understand. The director will use special arrangements to make it produce completely opposite effects to suit the expression. Meaning. For example, overexpose (overexpose) can make people or objects in the lens feel unreality, which is generally used to express death, fantasy or dreams. At the beginning of the film, the director showed that Hu Xiaodie, who committed suicide by jumping off the building due to unbearable campus bullying, had too bright lighting in order to highlight the campus tragedy caused by bullying.

Hu Xiaodie's lighting is too bright, which produces counter-effects with the use of natural light, and the special use of artificial light sources. Sometimes, a beam of light that is particularly untimely also represents a special meaning. When the police interrogated Wei Lai for the first time, the director deliberately arranged a beam of light in the dark interrogation room to keep the characters between light and dark, instead of placing the bully Wei Lai in the darkness. According to common sense, Wei Lai is a bad person, and the bad person should appear in the dark, but this spotlight effect makes Wei Lai have a strong contrast between light and darkness. What the director wants to express is precisely campus bullies like Wei Lai. On the surface, they look pure and harmless, but they are actually on campus.Violent. This kind of human division and hypocrisy is fully expressed by the director with lighting.

Wei Lai’s light-dark contrast lighting. At the same time, if you comprehensively consider the use of color and light and shade in "The Young You", you can see an interesting phenomenon, that is, the bright school is a cold color, the dark streets and Xiaobei’s home But full of warmth. The movie produced a strong ironic effect of heinous crime in the sun and a group in the gutter for warmth. 05 "Young You" distance space distance space, as the name suggests, refers to the distance between the characters in the movie, and the space occupied by people or things. The distance from near to far can be divided into four levels: "intimate distance", "personal distance", "social distance" and "public distance". The greater the distance between the characters, the more alienated, and vice versa, the more private. This is mainly reflected in the relationship between Chen Nian and Xiaobei in "Youth in Youth". The first time Chen Nian met Xiaobei was when Xiaobei was beaten up by other punks on the street. At this time, the two were just two teenagers of the same age who had just met, and they did not have any emotions, but because of the coercion of the gangsters, the distance between Chen Nian and Xiaobei was shortened to a "personal distance" of one arm's length away. It is neither private, but not exclusive.

The distance between Chen Nian and Xiaobei was in line with social distancing. At the beginning, Chen Nian slept on the bed and Xiaobei on the sofa. There was still a distance between the two. And as the relationship between Chen Nian and Xiaobei gradually narrowed, especially after the scene of the two appearing on the bed in the same frame, the distance between them completely broke through the "personal distance" and reached the "intimate distance." Although there is no mutual confession between the two in the plot, the audience can easily understand that the relationship between the two has actually become a romantic relationship.

The distance between the two people keeps getting closer. Let’s talk about space. Space has two dimensions. On the one hand, it is what kind of regional space the person or object occupies in the movie. On the other hand, it changes its meaning by changing the space. The lens often occupies a lot of space, and the people or things in the upper position occupy the initiative and control, while the people or things forced to the corner appear weak, pitiful, and helpless. From the comparison of these two shots below, the bullying Wei Lai occupies an absolute spatial position in this scene, both in C and high position, while Chen Nian in the movie has appeared in the corner many times.

The spatial comparison between Wei Lai and Chen Nian Although the tone of "You are a youth" is a story of youth and pain, it does not only show the mourning side like Hu Bo's "Elephant Sitting on the Floor". In "Elephant Sitting on the Floor" there are a lot of follow-up shots of the protagonist's back, which means that the character breaks with the world and does not want to talk to anyone at all. "Elephant Sitting on the Floor" A Lost to the End 06 "The Young You" portable photography The motion of most of the shots of this movie is quite regular, and there are not many fast-paced sports. But many viewers also noticed that some portable photography was used in the movie. Hand-held photography was first used in documentaries to capture the veracity of the fleeting events. Some legal programs or tracking and recording wild animals require the photographer to record truthfully with a camera. The advantage of hand-held photography is timeliness, but the disadvantage is that it will cause the picture to be unstable and shaky, which makes people feel rough. Soon, the director’s meticulously choreographed feature films also learned to use portable photography, and the messy feeling of portable photography sometimes fits the content that the director wants to express. The scenes of "Youth in the Young" Xiaobei mixed on the street, and the bridge section where Chen Nian was bullied on the street, both used portable photography. Because if these contents are separated from the movie, it is more like an episode of "The Rule of Law in Progress", so using this "false record" method can instantly bring the audience into a social case. If the scene of Chen Nian's clothes being torn was taken with a fixed lens, I am afraid it would have a funny effect instead of being as cruel as portable photography. 07 The time scale of "You are a teenager" When we judge the quality of a movie, there is usually a standard called: the plot is compact, and when translated into the vernacular, it means that there is no urine point in the whole process. Since "Young You" is a good movie, it must also meet the standard of "compact plot". On the surface, the film expresses the story of Chen Nian being bullied on campus and warming up with Xiaobei, a young boy outside school, but the screenwriter very cleverly set a time scale in the film-the college entrance examination. The setting of the ultimate goal of the college entrance examination has allowed this realistic film to increase the visibility of Hollywood classical narratives. At the beginning of the movie, there was a flashing scene, which was the countdown card for the college entrance examination at the entrance of Chen Nian School. At the beginning of the movie, the countdown sign shows that there are still 42 days before the college entrance examination. Although this shot is extremely short, it gives the movie a clear time scale. The audience will subconsciously accept that what happens in the movieThis is the story within 42 days before the college entrance examination. (Because there are too few stills released in the movie, there is no picture for the time being) As the plot moves forward, in the second half of the movie, this countdown sign appears again to remind the audience that the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and also remind the audience that Chen Nian and Xiaobei The story is about to have a result at the moment the college entrance examination is completed. Finally, through the lines, the screenwriter reminded the audience that there are still three days before the college entrance examination, constantly creating a sense of anticipation for the ending, and firmly holding the audience on their seats. The audience knows that the unstoppable time of the college entrance examination is the ending, so many predictions will be made in advance, so they have been curious to watch, hoping to verify their predictions. The reason why the Hollywood classical narrative model is good-looking and enduring is because it sets a goal for the protagonist in advance. In the process of accomplishing this goal, there will be many unexpected difficulties, which are finally resolved by the protagonist. The audience His emotions were also released. Generally, the villain will show his face at the beginning, paving the way for subsequent troubles. In addition, in the Hollywood classical narrative mode, a love "secondary line" will be added, that is, the protagonist will also gain a love in the process of accomplishing the goal. Often this other half will also be involved in the whole incident with the protagonist, and finally get a happy ending through the last-minute rescue. Think about it carefully, does "Youth in Youth" also fit this narrative pattern? 08 There are many important lines and golden sentences in the line of "You are young", such as "You protect the world, I protect you" in the poster, and the famous line of Oscar Wilde "We are all in the gutter" There are still people looking up at the stars (We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.)" This was our playground. This used to be our playground. The two sentences have the same meaning on the surface, but the use of was or used to be will have different implicit meanings. When explaining the difference between was and used to be, the English training teacher Chen Nian repeated these two sentences to students. Repeating these two English texts constantly, in the face of the old things, whether to choose to completely forget the old things, or to stay with them for a lifetime, has become a choice for everyone who has suffered bullying on campus. In addition, there are many netizens picking up the movie before Hu Xiaodie jumped off the building. The English listening clip that Chen Nian listened in the headphones was really from the "Advanced English 2" textbook, excerpted from the inauguration speech of former US President Kennedy: And , if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor - not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved. English textbooks and texts are combined with the themes of movies, and then look at this passage, it is really meaningful. The creators even designed such a few seconds, too small a paragraph so meticulously, so a good movie is determined by the details. 09 The editing of "You are a teenager" is an important means of expressing the conflicts of movies, and some film masters even think that the essence of movies is editing. When the director uses extremely stylized montages, we will feel a strong sense of conflict, because the pictures shouldn't appear continuously like this. The most exciting and stylized clip in "You are the Younger" is the last cross-editing of the movie. In the drama that is about to end, Chen Nian, Xiaobei, and the college entrance examination, the three things that once merged, were divided into three time and space by the director, and they appeared crosswise. This editing technique can create a tense atmosphere and a strong sense of rhythm, and is the fastest-paced part of the movie. The college entrance examination for all the people is already very stressful, and the interspersed with the other two lines strengthens the sharpness of conflicts and creates an atmosphere that the audience expects. 10 The symbol of "The Young You" The most discussed symbolic element in "The Young You" is that Xiao Bei is tied to a wireDaisies. The flower language of the daisy was originally joy, happiness, purity, innocence, peace, hope... In Roman mythology, the daisy is a fairy in the forest and an energetic naughty ghost, so the main flower language of the daisy is joy. Obviously, this small bunch of daisies symbolizes a pure and happy boyhood, but is bound by a merciless barbed wire, and is also hit by heavy rain. The scene of the wire-bound daisy and the movie poster itself also reflect each other. In the poster, Chen Nian and Xiaobei are close to each other, and only the head is exposed. We cannot see the body. They rely on each other in this way, both as subjective behavior and as if they are tied together. Rely on each other together and face the heavy rain of life. After the above-mentioned "Lewenhoek" analysis, it can be seen that a high-quality movie is full of all the creators' polishing of details. The teenager is worth the wait before, and also worthy of today's box office and reputation. -END-