On February 28, the movie "I Lost You" released the "The Difficulties of Love" trailer, which revolves around the quarrel between Bai Xiaoyu and Wang Jinjin. Apart from love, they have different situations in their respective jobs and different life choices; the conversations on

The movie "You Who Lost Me" released the trailer "The Difficulties of Love" Duration: 01:50 Source: Movie Network

The movie "You Who Lost Me" released "The Difficulties of Love" Trailer Hide

Duration: 01:50 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On February 28, the movie "You Who Lost Me" released a preview of the difficulties of love, which revolves around the quarrel between Bai Xiaoyu and Wang Jinjin. In addition to love, they have different situations in their respective jobs and different life choices; the conversations on the rooftop are the brewing of depression, and the quarrels that break out in the corridor are long-standing emotions. Will Bai Xiaoyu lose Wang Jinjin again? Do we dare to find the lost people?

The trailer shows the rich life story lines of the hero and heroine. Bai Xiaoyu's job was unsatisfactory and he chose to resign. At the same time, Wang Jinjin seemed to have a new turning point in his career development. Perhaps out of pressure, or perhaps out of the goal of a common life for the two of them, Bai Xiaoyu concealed his resignation plan from Wang Jinjin.

Wang Jinjin unexpectedly learned of Bai Xiaoyu's resignation at the dinner party. She said "You won't tell me anything now, right?", which revealed her disappointment. It also revealed the secret differences and divergences between the two. The conflict finally broke out, and words that hurt each other were blurted out. After the unruly words, what kind of turning point will the relationship between the two face?

The film also released a new poster, showing the inner entanglements and pain of Bai Xiaoyu and Wang Jinjin when they face differences. The silence at the corridor window was long-lasting, but the cracks were deafening. The atmosphere between actors Tan Jianci and Zhang Jingyi is full of pain, and the story-filled state makes the audience have countless associations with the plot.

The movie "I Lost You Twice" is directed by Han Yan and written by Zheng Zhi. It is adapted from Zheng Zhi's original novel "Wang Jinjin I Lost Twice", starring Tan Jianci and Zhang Jingyi, Jiang Long, Liu Starring Lian, the film is scheduled to be released nationwide on March 8, and pre-sales are now fully open.