The Central News Documentary Film Group has released a list of key film and television programs for 2024, including a total of 28 key film and television works, including seven documentary films, including "Behind Me is the Motherland", which reproduces the history of resisting U

Record the era with images. Central New Film releases 2024 film list Duration: 01:10 Source: Movie Network

Record the era with images. Central New Film releases 2024 film list Collapse

Duration: 01: 10 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News Central News Documentary Film Group released the 2024 key film and television program list, including a total of 28 key film and television works, including seven documentary films, which reproduce the history of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea through the oral narrations of 80 veterans. "Behind Me is the Motherland", "Tidal Waves" celebrating the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, "Fragrance of the Earth" focusing on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, "The Apple Is Red" recording the industrial development and people's lives in Yan'an, reviewing my country's climbing pearls "Dengfeng", a film about the history of the peak, "Extreme Guardian", a documentary film about large-scale natural disasters, and "New Three Gorges", which shows the changes in the Three Gorges over the past century and the achievements in water control.