Persistence will have the hope of victory "Forrest Gump"

believes that when it comes to the movie "Forrest Gump", many people are impressed by the positive energy of this movie, and this "Forrest Gump spirit" has also encouraged many people. The

film tells the story of a young man named Forrest Gump. Soon after World War II, Forrest Gump was born in a very closed town in Alabama, USA. He was born mentally handicapped, with an IQ of only 75. Although her son has congenital defects, A-Gump's mother wants her son to live like a normal person, so she often encourages A-Gump to be a strong person. A-Gump did not give up on herself, A-Gump's mother did not give up on him, and even God did not give up A-Gump. Although he was born mentally handicapped, A-Gump has the advantage that no one else has-that is, he has a pair of fast legs that can run. In addition, it is precisely because of A-Gump's simplicity that he has the qualities of integrity and kindness. At school, A-Gump met a blonde girl Jenny and fell in love with her. Although life is difficult, A-Gump started his extraordinary life with the encouragement of his mother and Jenny. When

​​arrived in middle school, A-Gump developed the "skills" that can run very fast in order to avoid the chase of his classmates. In this way, he was successfully admitted to the school football team with a pair of scuds. And his outstanding performance in this area has also continued to the university. He was exceptionally admitted to the university, became a football superstar, and was even received by President Kennedy.

After graduating from university, A-Gump became a soldier. Although few people survived the war, A-Gump successfully retreated from the enemy's ambush with his own legs. After the war, Forrest Gump was received by President Johnson as a hero. At a rally, A-Gump and Jenny reunited, but they had already fallen apart. In A-Gump's heart, Jenny is still the most solid dependence who has always encouraged her. However, Jenny no longer loves Forrest Gump, so the two parted ways.

Later, Forrest Gump became a messenger of ping-pong diplomacy and contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Finally, A-Gump broke out of his own world, but he was not trapped by fame and wealth, and became a gardener. Jenny also discovered her sincerity in time, returned to A-Gump, and gave birth to a son for A-Gump, but she herself was terminally ill. At the end of the story, the three of them returned to their hometown. After a peaceful time, Jenny also passed away in happiness.

​​After reading this story, people can't help but feel the legend of Forrest Gump. This movie has a very unique narrative technique. It is narrated through the mouth of the protagonist, Forrest Gump, but the whole story has a very clear context and the main line that runs through the story. In this movie is permeated with the glory of humanity. For example, A-Gump's consistent love for Jenny makes people feel sincerely moved. For example, the affection between A-Gump and her mother is moving. In addition, even though A-Gump became a billionaire in the end, he could not be exhausted by fame and fortune, but returned happily and chose to be a gardener. Since A-Gump has always had a pure and kind-hearted character, it was also very touching that he did not abandon or give up to his comrades during the war and in times of crisis.

"Fools have stupid blessings" is a theme reflected in the whole movie. But in fact this sentence has a deeper meaning. What it represents is a spirit of not giving up and not giving up. It is under the guidance of this spirit that A-Gump will not give up his life and his comrades. Life, do not give up the love for Jenny. This quality of persistence should really be the reason for A-Gump's success.

After watching the movie, many people may be envious of A-Gump's fate, but what we really want to learn should be the A-Gump spirit of "not abandoning or giving up". Although this spirit has passed the baptism of time, it still shines and washes the souls of countless audiences.