Nowadays, more and more second-generation celebrities are active in the public eye. They have gained a lot of attention because of their parents' celebrity halo. At the same time, the words and deeds of the second-generation celebrities are also scrutinized by the public. Just re

Nowadays, more and more second-generation celebrities are active in the public eye. They have gained a lot of attention because of their parents' star halo. At the same time, the words and deeds of the second-generation celebrities are also scrutinized by the public. Just recently, actress Christy Chung’s daughter Koala was involved in controversy.

Previously, Koala shared her 14-year-old birthday celebration photos on social platforms. She held a party with her good friends at a high-end restaurant and put on a tube top and backless dress to have fun with everyone. Koala showed off her good figure in a high-profile manner, but her clothes sparked discussion. Koala is now 14 years old. Different from her peers, her clothes are very mature. She wears very sexy clothes at a young age, and she wears groundbreaking clothes. A backless dress.

After Koala posted her photos, there were many controversial voices in her comment area. Some people thought that Koala was only 14 years old. Her dress was both tube top and backless. Is it suitable for minors? Not quite right. These discussions attracted Kaola's attention. She then exposed the doubts of some netizens and posted multiple comments in response to them.

Koala bluntly said that she would not pay attention to these voices at first, but some of the messages were too much. She explained that she would not dress like this when she was in school, and she would only celebrate her birthday with her friends in a normal restaurant. Not only that, Kaola also bluntly said that some people should not involve money in everything and should not think too dirty of everyone.

Perhaps she was still angry. Koala also posted a limited-time update on a foreign social platform. She responded to netizens and said: " I'm sorry, I didn't wear sportswear, casual clothes, red scarf, and play on my birthday. Mud. I’m sorry, you didn’t know what underwear was when you were 14 years old.

Koala’s response instantly aroused dissatisfaction among netizens. Some netizens complained that she had too much superiority, even if she had to reply with some bad comments. There is no need to glance at the innocent ordinary girls. Everyone knows what the red scarf symbolizes, and every mainland student will wear it in school. Koala's public reply is no longer a matter of politeness, but a matter of impoliteness. It involves serious discrimination.

Of course, some netizens spoke for Koala, thinking that some people were making scandals about attacking Koala, and some people were making rumors that Christy Chung was looking for financial sponsors for Koala. Koala was just dissatisfied with the personal attacks on herself and her mother, so she responded to netizens in a high profile, but she He is just a 14-year-old child and has no intention of discriminating against mainlanders.

The controversy gradually escalated. Kaola later issued an article to clarify the rumors, saying that she only did this after being scolded by others, but she did not mean to say anything bad about the red scarf. She did not want to wear a red scarf on her birthday. Regarding this red scarf controversy, , Koala said frankly that she had no other intentions, but she did not expect that the matter would become such a big deal, and she felt very sorry.

Koala's voice did not calm down the storm, but also affected Zhong Liti. Zhong Liti's comment area fell into trouble one after another. Netizens asked Zhong Liti to take care of her daughter. She has the right to share her private life publicly, but she cannot talk nonsense. What's more, the symbolism of the red scarf is of great significance, and every netizen will never forget it. If you want to criticize, go and criticize netizens, don’t shoot them randomly!

Finally, I would like to say that as a second generation star, if you don’t want to be noticed, don’t post it online. Christy Chung should educate her daughter well. Underage girls are not mature enough and can easily make mistakes and get into trouble.

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