Pocket Spring News On the afternoon of February 7, the main event of the Kunming Song Contest "There is a Life Called Yunnan - The First Yunnan Folk Songs Singed by Everyone" started wonderfully at Nanping Pedestrian Square. Kunming City invites visitors from all over the world t

Handheld Spring City News On the afternoon of February 7, the main event of "There is a Life Called Yunnan - The First Yunnan Folk Song Everyone Sings" Kunming Song Contest started wonderfully at Nanping Pedestrian Square. Kunming City invites visitors from all over the world to gather together with the people of Spring City to enjoy the rich flavor of the New Year and feel the charm of Kunming through the singing of folk songs.

"How many feet high is the city gate? Thirty-six feet high..." "Little darling, come here and let us tell you to guess..." "Small purse, double silk and double belt floating..." These popular Kunming folk songs have been popular for many years. It has been widely sung for a long time, and the familiar melody flows in the memories of generations, full of people's deep affection for Kunming, the spring city.

At the event site, various mass choirs from Kunming gathered in Spring City and started singing enthusiastically. The Voice of Spring Teachers' Chorus, the Voice of Yunling Choir, the Children's Chorus of ld Dance Education Institution, the Voice of Dianchi Choir, the Kunming Cultural Center Women's Chorus, the Yunnan Journalists Chorus, the Modern Dance Troupe and other three generations of old, middle-aged and young people are enjoying themselves. At the venue, the continuous singing attracted many citizens and tourists, and everyone joined the singing team one after another, releasing their enthusiasm for Yunnan folk songs heartily.

Folk songs that combine traditional, ethnic, pop, rock and other musical elements are either melodious or sweet, or friendly and warm, interpreting "there is a Yunnan accent" in a young and fashionable way. At the end of the event, many spectators and tourists present joined in singing and dancing to "Guests from afar, Please Stay", singing and dancing, taking photos and checking in, and blending into the festive atmosphere of "Celebrating the New Year with Joy" Here...

It is reported that the theme of the event is "Yunnan Folk Songs, Everyone Sings the Chinese Nation as a Family", with Yunnan folk songs as the carrier, the masses as the main body, and the new era as the main line, aiming to sing the main melody, strengthen positive energy, and put the microphone Give it to the masses, give the stage to the masses, and let the masses be the protagonists. The event will showcase the unique charm of Chinese culture through the masses singing Yunnan folk songs, discover and cultivate a group of "mass singers, mass singers, and mass internet celebrities", and activate the cultural life of the grassroots masses through song competitions in thousands of villages and towns. , serve the people, and explore new products, new business formats, and new models of "local" culture, rural tourism, and rural revitalization.

Yunnan folk songs have a long history and are an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. As a multi-ethnic settlement, Kunming has circulated a large number of folk songs rich in ethnic and regional colors and rich in life style. Folk songs such as "Playing Mountain Tune", "Guessing the Tune", "Embroidered Purse", "Ten Sisters", "Spring Outing", "Guests from Far Away Please Stay", "The Horse Bell Rings and the Jade Bird Sings" are passed down by word of mouth among people. It expresses the mutual love between men and women, inspires the enthusiasm for labor, expresses the joy of the harvest, and expresses prayers and blessings for relatives. It is a cultural symbol with great dissemination and influence in Kunming, and it is also a display of the thoughts of people of all ethnic groups. , life, folk customs and art windows.

This Kunming Song Contest’s main event uses Kunming’s representative folk songs and folk songs that are widely sung in Yunnan Province as the main repertoire. It uses national joy songs, contest songs, la songs, antiphonal songs and other forms, integrating Kunming elements such as flowers and seagulls, and Yunnan folk songs, which are wonderful, pleasant and have a profound mass base, inject the language of the times, sing "There is a life called Yunnan", tell the story of "the Chinese nation is one family", and build a solid sense of the Chinese nation's community. The home activities of Kunming Song Festival are divided into three parts. The first section, "There is a romance called Yunnan", started the "everyone singing" formation on the main stage and in the audience area in the form of "lead singing + choir + mass singing", paving the way for singing competitions, antiphonal singing, and singing. .

The second section, "There is a kind of competition song called Yunnan", consists of five competition song formations composed of the choir and the audience. It combines the original flavor with the new singing of old songs to unfold "You sing and I will appear on the stage." The atmosphere was pushed to a climax by singing contests, antiphonal songs, and singing performances; the third section, "There is a Yunnan accent," presented Kunming's open and inclusive temperament and unique cultural connotation in the form of sitcoms, new nursery rhymes, and singing and dancing. .At the end, the whole audience sang "Guest from afar, please stay" and "Love Me China" to express the theme of "Yunnan folk songs, everyone sings about the Chinese nation as a family", and issued a sincere invitation that "the spring city of Kunming is waiting for you".

It is reported that "There is a Life Called Yunnan - The First Yunnan Folk Song Everyone Sings" Kunming Song Contest will run throughout the year. Next, Kunming's counties (cities) and districts will combine local festivals, folk customs, tourism resources, and cultural elements to successively Hold a folk song competition with "tea songs, drinking songs, and love songs" as the main content to explore new products, new business formats, and new models that integrate folk song culture with rural tourism, festival tourism, and cultural and creative tourism: "Baofeng Tiaozi Festival" The "Yunnan Folk Songs Everyone Sings" activities such as the "Xishan Xishan" folk song carnival, the "Ashima" folk song inheritance and singing, and the "Torch Festival" folk song love song and drinking song competition will continue and be exciting.

At the same time, all folk song lovers in Kunming can sign up to participate in the "Online Song Contest" and online selection on the "First Yunnan Folk Song Everyone Sings" online platform Douyin, and participate in "There is a Life Called Yunnan" and "Yunnan Folk Song Everyone" Short video submissions on two topics: "Sing". The activities held at the main venue in Kunming will attract the masses to follow the singing, feel the charm of Kunming, enhance their sense of cultural identity and pride, and experience "there is a life called Yunnan" from different dimensions.

This event is sponsored by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Kunming Municipal People's Government; hosted by the Kunming Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Kunming Municipal Party Committee Internet Information Office, Kunming Municipal Government Information Office, and Kunming Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission; Kunming Municipal Cultural Center, Kunming The Municipal Ethnic Song and Dance Theater, the Culture and Tourism Bureau of each county (city) and district, the Economic Development Zone, and the Social Affairs Bureau of Yangzonghai Scenic Area implement.

Pocket Spring Reporter: Yang Mengqi

Editor: Bi Qun

Editor: Fu Yali

Final review: Zhou Jianjun