One is the internationally renowned pianist Lang Lang, and the other is a simple worker master Yi Qunlin. They met because of their love for piano. Lang Lang's promise of "Let's see you in Shenyang" made Shenyang a city that fulfilled its promise. The city of dreams. On January 3

One is the internationally renowned pianist Lang Lang, and the other is a simple worker master Yi Qunlin. They met because of their love for piano. Lang Lang's promise of "Let's meet in Shenyang" made Shenyang a city that fulfilled its promise. The city of dreams. On January 30, Yi Qunlin, who had shouted to Lang Lang from a distance in the CCTV hall of the main station more than ten days ago, met Lang Lang in Shenyang as he wished. Lang Lang quietly listened to Yi Qunlin's performance of "Butterfly Lovers" and guided the old man step by step. Yi's playing skills have greatly benefited Lao Yi. Lang Lang expressed that he had been looking forward to meeting Yi Qunlin for a long time, "I am really happy. Brother Yi's love for music from the heart is priceless, and his optimistic and upbeat spirit about life moved me even more."

Yi Qun Lin shouted to Lang Lang from a distance

Lang Lang: "I am honored to be infected by his spirit of loving music and life."

In the summer of 2023, Yi Qunlin, a worker-master who improvised piano on the streets of Shenzhen, went out of the circle and was well received by the entire network. focus on. The Spring Festival is approaching, and Yi Qunlin received an invitation letter "Spring Festival Gala is waiting for you" and was invited to watch this year's CCTV Year of the Dragon Spring Festival Gala. On January 19, Yi Qunlin came to the CCTV hall of Beijing Main Station to perform. He shyly shouted to the famous international piano master Lang Lang, "If there is a chance, I wonder if Mr. Lang Lang can guide me." Enthusiastic netizens They all posted @langlang on the Internet to help Yi realize his dream. On January 21, Lang Lang responded on Weibo, "Brother Yi, I saw your video and like your spirit of loving life. Thank you for your like! I am also looking forward to meeting you." On January 23, Lang Lang once again made a promise on social media, "I saw Brother Yi's video two days ago. This spirit of loving life is very infectious to me. I want to say to Brother Yi again that those who persist in their dreams have a voice. See you in Shenyang!

Seven days later, Lang Lang met Yi Qunlin as scheduled in his hometown of Shenyang. He told reporters that he felt particularly honored when Lao Yi shouted to him from a distance, "I really want to meet him. I think Brother Yi is so good." This kind of longing for music and an optimistic attitude towards life is particularly touching." After the two met, Yi Qunlin played "Butterfly Lovers" live, and Lang Lang was immersed in the melodious melody flowing from Yi's fingertips. , he praised Lao Yi's performance for impacting his soul, "We are all people who love music, and I feel great to see him enjoying it."

Lang Lang guided the piano performance step by step

Yi Qunlin said, "I benefited from it." It's very touching, I feel very deeply."

Yi Qunlin, who came to Shenyang from his hometown of Hunan, was very excited when he saw Lang Lang and smiled from ear to ear. He told reporters that because he likes to play the piano, his son showed him many videos of Lang Lang playing the piano. From then on, Yi Qunlin liked and admired Lang Lang. Face to face with Lang Lang this time, Yi Qunlin said excitedly, "Lang Lang is more handsome than he looks on the Internet!"

After meeting, Yi Qunlin immediately communicated with Lang Lang about his piano learning experience. He has been very sensitive to melody since he was a child. Talent, which surprised Lang Lang. Because he had never studied piano systematically, Yi Qunlin, who did not know music notation, relied on rote memorization of simple musical notation to play. After hearing this, Lang Lang repeatedly said, "It's not easy!" Yi Qunlin asked Lang Lang on the spot for tips on how to play with his left and right hands. Lang Lang carefully demonstrated to Yi, "Your right hand is very relaxed when playing, but your left hand is a little tight." Nervous. When playing, you can add some chords. Listen! The three-dimensional effect of the piano sound will come out." Lang Lang also told Lao Yi that he can practice playing scales at ordinary times, "You find your comfortable position and play like this You will feel more comfortable when you play."

These piano playing tips made Yi Qunlin say, "I benefited a lot and felt deeply." In order to let Yi Qunlin better experience the charm of piano art, Lang Lang presented his autographed album on the spot, with a message: "I wish you will get better and better as you practice the piano!"

Shenyang became Yi Qunlin's dream come true City

Lang Lang: "The most recommendable people in Shenyang are Shenyang people"

On weekdays, Yi Qunlin is a hard-working construction worker; during his breaks, he is passionate about music and likes to play the piano. Yi Qunlin told reporters that last year he picked up an abandoned piano in a demolished house in Shenzhen. “I found someone to repair it, but it was difficult to repair it.Even so, Yi Qunlin still felt like he had found a treasure, put it in the work shed and refused to throw it away. This piano appointment also made Lang Lang feel his enthusiasm for music, "He has never studied piano systematically. There is no time to practice a lot, so I play the piano entirely based on my love for music. The emotion that comes from the heart is priceless. Whether professional or not, this spirit and attitude are precious. "

met with Lang Lang as scheduled, making Shenyang the city where Yi Qunlin's dream comes true. As a native of Shenyang, Lang Lang warmed Yi Qunlin with the enthusiasm and straightforwardness of Shenyang people and encouraged him to continue working hard for his music dream. Shenyang is even more so. Witnesses of those who pursue their dreams, its openness and tolerance continue to refresh people's imagination of this city.

Talking about his hometown of Shenyang, Lang Lang said that Shenyang's cultural tourism was very popular last year, and the positive spirit of his hometown has also He was very excited to get more attention. Lang Lang revealed that he would take his son back to Shenyang this summer and take him to visit the place where he lived when he was a child. "I think the most worthy of recommendation in Shenyang is us Shenyang people. Every I went back to my hometown for the first time and chatted with my friends in Shenyang. I felt very relaxed and happy. In the new year, Shenyang will continue to open its arms to everyone, welcome Brother Yi, and welcome more friends to my hometown of Shenyang to experience the local customs and customs. We Shenyang people are funny and humorous. Here we have the quaint Shenyang Forbidden City, the bustling Zhongjie Fangcheng, the beautiful banks of the Hun River, and the more infectious Northeastern folk music. In 2024, I hope everyone can stick to the things they love and continue to love life. ”

Director Zhang Ning, all-media reporter of Shenyang Evening News and Shenyang Daily Photographer Chang Shenggang

(Source: Shenyang Net)