Since "Flowers" became popular, this work created by director Wong Kar-Wai has received high praise from CCTV and is known as an "orphan" in the film and television industry for a long time. As we all know, director Wong Kar-wai is famous for his excellence in his works. He spent

Since "Flowers" became popular, this work created by director Wong Kar-Wai has received high praise from CCTV and is known as an "orphan" in the film and television industry for a long time. As we all know, director Wong Kar-wai is famous for his excellence in his works. He spent three years preparing and polishing this work, which shows his deep intention.

The success of "Flowers" is not only due to the director's intentions, but also to the wonderful performances of a group of powerful actors.

However, during the filming process, something unexpected happened. The powerful actor Wu Yue fell into an extreme state of collapse as soon as he joined the group. He even kept apologizing to fellow actor Tang Yan: "Xiao Wang, I'm sorry."

What on earth is going on?

The secret behind "Flowers": Wong Kar-wai's "harshness" and Wu Yue's "collapse"

When the curtain of "Flowers" slowly opened, the audience was moved by the exquisite pictures and deep emotions. However, there are countless stories and sweat hidden behind it. Among them, Wu Yue's "collapse" and Wong Kar-wai's "harshness" have become a good story.

Wong Kar-wai, a director known for his sophistication and meticulousness, put forward an unprecedented requirement when filming "Flowers": Every dialogue scene must be lit from different angles and shot repeatedly. Such a requirement is undoubtedly a huge challenge for actors.

Imagine that when you devote yourself to a shot, the emotions, actions, and lines have all reached a perfect state, but you are told to do it again, twice, or even dozens of times. It feels like climbing a never-ending mountain.

However, faced with such "harshness", the actors did not choose to give up. They understand that Wong Kar-wai's request is to show the most beautiful side of each character. As a result, everyone quickly adjusted their mentality and devoted themselves to this battle of "slow work produces careful work".

Wu Yue, the talented actor who played the role of Ling Ling in "The First Half of My Life", also joined the battle. However, she joined the group two days later than the others. This means that she needs to quickly adapt to Wong Kar-Wai's shooting rhythm and requirements in a short period of time.

As expected, Wu Yue ushered in his role as soon as he joined the group. She worked hard to adjust her state and devote herself to it. However, after taking more than a dozen shots in a row, the director still asked to do it again. At this moment, Wu Yue collapsed. She has extremely high requirements for her performance, but she feels unable to do so at the moment.

However, the crash is only short-lived. Wu Yue quickly cheered up, and she understood that she could not live up to the role and the director's expectations. So, she took a deep breath and stood in front of the camera again. This time her performance was more natural and real, as if she was integrated into the character.

In this way, under Wong Kar-wai's "harshness" and the actors' persistence, "Flowers" finally presented its unique beauty and charm. Wu Yue also won the audience's recognition and love again with his wonderful performance in the film.

Section Chief Jin, the sculptor of "Flowers" behind the scenes

On the screen, she is Miss Wang's guide in "Flowers" - Section Chief Jin; but behind the scenes, she has experienced a struggle with herself and her character. Contest. Wu Yue, an experienced actor, once felt a lot of pressure when facing the director's "high demands".

On that day, Wu Yue came to the set early as usual to prepare for filming the scene of Section Chief Jin. She already knew the role well and was confident that she could handle it easily. However, the director's "high standards and strict requirements" caused her to encounter unprecedented challenges. Whenever she felt that she had performed well, the director would always point out some deficiencies in details, forcing her to start over.

Watching the actors around him successfully completing the filming one by one, Wu Yue became increasingly anxious. She felt like a "burden" dragging down everyone's progress, and she felt guilty.At this moment, Tang Yan came over and patted her shoulder gently: "Sister Wu, don't take it too seriously, we are all here like this." Tang Yan's words made Wu Yue feel a little warm, and she knew that she was not Not alone.

Later, Hu Ge also joined the ranks of comforting. He smiled and told Wu Yue: "The director is such a person. He pursues perfection in every detail. This does not mean that your acting is not good, but he hopes to present the best effect." Hu Ge's words made Wu Yue suddenly realize : It turns out that the director’s high demands were not directed at her personally, but at being responsible for the entire work.

After several days of adjustment and adaptation, Wu Yue gradually found the rhythm of working with the director. She was no longer eager for success, but settled down to study every detail carefully. She knows that only by truly understanding the character's inner world can she interpret it vividly. Even if she takes dozens of shots, she no longer has any complaints, because she understands that every repetition is for a better presentation.

In the end, Section Chief Jin in "Flowers" left a deep impression on the audience. Although she doesn't have many scenes, Wu Yue injects soul into this role with her professionalism and persistence. In the behind-the-scenes battle, she won herself, her role, and the respect of the audience.

Section Chief Jin is tough and tender, Ms. Wang’s career guide

In the bustling Shanghai Bund, everyone knows the name of Section Chief Jin. This iron lady is known for her strong principles and tough bones. She once sent her uncle to Tilanqiao Prison without hesitation because she couldn't stand it. However, such a tough-minded female hero showed a tender side in front of his apprentice Miss Wang.

Miss Wang, a smart and ambitious young woman, has been cared for and supported by Section Chief Jin while working at the No. 27 Foreign Trade Bureau. Section Chief Jin not only gave her careful guidance in business, but also set an example for her in life and work. In Miss Wang's eyes, Section Chief Jin is like a mountain, admirable.

However, Section Chief Jin is not perfect. She was somewhat emotional when it came to dealing with Mei Ping's promotion. Mei Ping is another key member of the bureau, her abilities and qualifications are not inferior to Miss Wang's. However, after Ms. Wang resigned, Mei Ping had a great opportunity to be promoted, but she missed the opportunity due to Section Chief Jin's selfish motives.

The reason for this is a long story. There was no deep hatred between Section Chief Jin and Mei Ping, but some of Mei Ping's small actions made Section Chief Jin dissatisfied. In her opinion, although Mei Ping has outstanding abilities, she is lacking in life. Therefore, she preferred not to be promoted and did not want to give Mei Ping a chance.

This approach may be a bit extreme, but it also reflects the character of Section Chief Jin from the side. She is such a person, who has a clear distinction between love and hate, and must repay kindness and hatred. In a complex workplace, she maintains inner justice and fairness in her own way.

Looking back at those eventful years, Section Chief Jin and Miss Wang had a deep master-disciple relationship. They had experienced ups and downs together and witnessed each other's growth and transformation. And this good story will be circulated in every corner of Shanghai forever, inspiring those who come after to keep moving forward.

Miss Wang’s entrepreneurial gamble: a new chapter on the Yellow River Road and the choice of face

Miss Wang’s entrepreneurial decision is like a carefully planned gamble. She was not only betting on her business vision, but also on whether she could make a name for herself on the bustling Yellow River Road after leaving Mr. Bao. The challenges and opportunities involved are only hers who know best.

However, when Ms. Wang stepped into the scene carefully arranged by Mr. Wei, she realized that this bet seemed to be much more complicated than she imagined. The luxurious and solemn layout seemed to be announcing something to the outside world. She suddenly understood that if she stepped into Zhizhen Garden, it would mean that her relationship with Mr. Wei would be pushed to the forefront.

At this moment, Miss Wang was in a dilemma. She wants to prove her strength, but also doesn't want to be misunderstood by the outside world as relying on Mr. Wei's relationship to get to the position. In the small corner of No. 27, she cried like a child, helpless and confused.

At this moment, Section Chief Jin's words were like a guiding light, illuminating her way forward: "You have no retreat, you must go, stand next to Mr. Wei, and support his face." Jin Although the section chief's words were straightforward, they revealed the true meaning of the business world - face is not valuable, business is the most important.

Miss Wang took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. She knew that she had no way out. She must win this bet. So, she straightened her back and walked towards Zhizhen Garden with firm steps. She decided to put aside those unnecessary concerns about face and devote herself to this business. Because she understands that only by doing this can she prove her worth.

Ms. Wang has been in the business world for many years and knows that exchange rate fluctuations are normal and she has long been accustomed to them. However, even with her rich experience, she could not accurately foresee the specific magnitude and timing of exchange rate changes. In the face of a large order involving tens of millions, even the experienced Mr. Fan appeared to be extremely cautious and did not dare to be careless in the slightest. However, at this critical moment, Ms. Wang decided to add an additional 10 million processing fees. Where did her confidence and confidence come from?

We may be able to find the answer from one detail: Section Chief Jin. Ms. Wang's confidence probably comes from the secret support of Section Chief Jin. Perhaps Section Chief Jin revealed to her inside information about exchange rate changes at a critical moment, letting her know that the exchange rate would change favorably on New Year's Day and understand the magnitude of the change. With this key information, Ms. Wang can naturally press the calculator with confidence and accurately calculate the profit margin she can still retain.

​In this story, the role of Section Chief Jin is particularly important. His kindness and tolerance, as well as his secret support for Ms. Wang, have become key factors in her success. Although this may slightly violate some principles, Section Chief Jin's courage and calmness, as well as his rich inner emotions, make people full of understanding and sympathy for him. Wu Yue's superb interpretation of Section Chief Jin made the audience deeply immersed in the inner world of this character.