The Spring Festival comedy movie "Hot" is currently in theaters, starring Jia Ling and Lei Jiayin. After its release, the film achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success, winning the 2024 Spring Festival box office championship. The number of movie viewers exceeded 50 mil

The behind-the-scenes documentary of "Hot and Spicy" is about to be launched. An immersive experience of Jia Ling's "upgrade" journey Duration: 02:54 Source: Movie Network

The behind-the-scenes documentary of "Hot and Spicy" is about to be launched. An immersive experience of Jia Ling's journey. Ling's road to "upgrading" Hide

Duration: 02:54 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News The Spring Festival comedy movie "Hot and Spicy" is currently in theaters. The film stars Jia Ling and Lei Jiayin. After its release, the film achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success, winning the 2024 Spring Festival box office championship. The number of movie viewers exceeded 50 million, and the topic remained high.

The behind-the-scenes documentary "I Only Live Once" for the movie "Hot" will be released on February 22. The latest trailer of the documentary has been released. Audiences across the country will witness the story before the transformation and immersively experience Jia Ling's upgrade path.

The behind-the-scenes documentary "I Only Live Once" for "Hot and Spicy" will present Jia Ling's behind-the-scenes stories when creating her new film in the form of four episodes: "Adventure", "Transformation", "Sprint" and "Fighter". Looking back on the year when she disappeared from the public eye to make movies, Jia Ling experienced hunger, exhaustion, pain, suffering, and crying. She also lamented that it felt like this scene would take a lifetime to film, but because I had to appear in a suit of flesh, I could complete this scene. She never backed down from her determination to compete. After all, I only live once.

How did she start this adventure? How do you spend those moments when you long for transformation but are struggling? Viewers may be able to find the answer in the behind-the-scenes documentary.