Elephant News Reporter Yuan Xiaoqiang Correspondent Feng Weifeng Xue Mingrui At 3 pm on the 4th, the China Central Radio and Television Station’s 2024 Spring Festival Gala held its fourth rehearsal. 88 students from Tagou Martial Arts School participated in three programs includi

Elephant News reporter Yuan Xiaoqiang Correspondent Feng Weifeng The performance of the program won rounds of applause from the audience with its wonderful performance.

Starting at 12 noon, the aisles around Studio 1 have been bustling with actors, audiences, and staff coming and going, and the atmosphere has gradually become lively. In order to perform well on the court, the Kung Fu boys from Tagou Martial Arts School started warming up at two o'clock. After hearing the news, reporters from CCTV News Channel came to interview them about their participation and preparations.

19-year-old Li Chaozhi is a member of the Tagou Martial Arts School performance troupe. He has experienced the Spring Festival Gala five times. This time he participated in the opening song and dance performance. "This year is the Year of the Dragon. We started preparing and practicing based on the elements of the Year of the Dragon in school. Later, the director and coach adapted the program many times. The dragon dance performed was different from the previous ones, and many innovative elements were added. The program is getting better and better as it changes. There were many leaders reviewing the program today, and I felt a little nervous, but I got into the mood quickly after taking the stage."

"We were well prepared for today's rehearsal. We warmed up in advance, were familiar with the props, and performed well on the field. Kung Fu boy Lu Zhikun was very satisfied with his performance today and said he would train more in the future, carefully study the skills of various movements, study hard and practice hard. Strive to show the most exciting side of martial arts people in the live broadcast on New Year's Eve.

Huang Kesheng, who has participated in the Spring Festival Gala three times, participated in the opening song and dance and Baduanjin performances this year. "The program includes both traditional Baduanjin drills and innovative interpretations. The main purpose is to let everyone move their muscles and bones, exercise, and feel the charm of Shaolin's traditional health-preserving exercises."

It is reported that Tagou Martial Arts School's 2024 CCTV Spring Festival Gala The three programs they participated in had three different themes, including a song and dance program with dragons as elements, an innovative Ba Duan Jin program that showed traditional culture, and a martial arts program with a real-life interpretation of dragons. Since we can't reveal too much specific content at the moment, they will definitely live up to expectations and present a wonderful show to audiences across the country on New Year's Eve.

Editor in charge: Wang Lei