In the entertainment industry, a land of right and wrong, the marriages of celebrities always attract much attention, especially those second-married actresses who dare to pursue their own happiness. But did you know that when the actress’ second marriage partner turned out to be

In the entertainment industry, a land of right and wrong, the marriages of celebrities always attract much attention, especially those second-married actresses who dare to pursue their own happiness. But did you know that when the actress’ second marriage partner turned out to be her ex-husband’s brother-in-law, the scene was simply more climactic than any bloody drama! However, when it came to Peng Yu, netizens were surprisingly unanimous: I am full of blessings, what is going on?

Peng Yu, an actress who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, made a surprising decision at the age of sixty-seven - to get married for a second time, and the object was her ex-husband's brother-in-law. This kind of relationship is jaw-dropping when told about it, but for Peng Yu, it seems to be the most natural thing. Is it because she has extraordinary courage, or is there an unknown story behind it?

What is even more admirable is that after Peng Yu's eldest daughter divorced, she did not draw a clear line with her ex-son-in-law. Instead, she cared about him as much as she did her own son. This kind of mind is not ordinary.

As for the youngest daughter, she married a fruit vendor. Peng Yu did not dislike it at all. Instead, she fully supported it and allowed the couple to develop freely. Such a mother is truly enviable and admirable.

So, what happened to Peng Yu in his later years? Why can she live such a real and free life in the fame and fortune fair of the entertainment industry?

The bright star of the drama stage, the persister of love and dreams

In the distant year of 1934, in an ordinary railway worker family in Harbin, a girl named Peng Yu was born. Her childhood was not much different from that of other children, but she had a unique dream hidden in her heart - her love and pursuit of literature and art.

Peng Yu did not come from an artistic family, and no one in his family was involved in the literary and art circles. However, like a seed chosen by the God of Literature and Art, she showed her talent for singing and dancing early on. Whenever family gatherings or friends get together, Peng Yu is always willing to perform for everyone, and her talents always win applause.

As he grows older, Peng Yu's love for literature and art continues to grow. In school, she not only became the literary committee member of the class, but also actively participated in various literary and artistic activities. Whether she was the protagonist on the stage or the mastermind behind the scenes, Peng Yu enjoyed it.

However, her parents were not optimistic about her literary dream, thinking that it was just not doing her job properly. They hope that Peng Yu can study hard, marry a good family and live a stable life in the future.

Despite her parents’ objections, Peng Yu did not give up. Not only did she have excellent academic performance, she was admitted to a normal school and became a primary school teacher. She also secretly participated in rehearsals and performances of the Harbin Amateur Repertory Theater without telling her parents. In her opinion, the dream of being an actor is like a bright light in her heart, guiding her to keep moving forward.

Finally, at the age of 17, Peng Yu ushered in a major turning point in her life. She participated in the drama "How the Steel Was Tempered" and thus officially entered the Harbin Theater and became a professional drama actor. This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also made her parents gradually accept her choice.

On the stage of the theater, Peng Yu is at ease. She worked hard to learn acting skills, constantly challenged various roles, and accumulated rich acting experience. Her acting skills gradually gained recognition and she became a bright star in the theater.

In addition to career success, Peng Yu also met his love in the theater. A young man named Zhao Wenxin fell in love with her at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit.

Faced with the handsome, mature and down-to-earth Zhao Wenxin, Peng Yu was also moved. Although she had hesitated about this relationship, she was finally moved by Zhao Wenxin's sincerity, and the two came together.

A record of the ups and downs of life from the drama stage to the screen

1988 was a drastic change in life for Peng Yu. Previously, she, her husband Zhao Wenxin, and their two daughters Zhao Lingqi and Zhao Jiaqi, a family of four, were quietly working on their acting career at the Harbin Theater. But this year, the peaceful life was completely broken.

The time goes back to 1977, when Peng Yu and Zhao Wenxin finally returned to the drama stage after experiencing a long working life in the countryside. At that time, Peng Yu was already 43 years old and entering middle age, but she was still radiant when she stood on the stage again.

During their days in the theater, Peng Yu and Zhao Wenxin were not only a loving couple, but also a good partner on the stage. Together they raised their two daughters and worked hard for the drama career.

Zhao Lingqi and Zhao Jiaqi also embarked on the path of acting under the influence of their parents. Not only did they inherit their parents' artistic talent, but they also showed their own style on the drama stage.

However, in Peng Yu's artistic career, there is an important turning point that must be mentioned, and that was her participation in the movie "Never Forget" in 1964. In this film, 29-year-old Peng Yu challenged herself and played a 60-year-old man. This role made her become known to the audience and opened up new opportunities for her career.

But the good times did not last long. Due to the times, Peng Yu and her husband's acting careers suffered a huge blow. They were forced to leave the stage and go to work in the countryside. During those difficult days, Peng Yu and Zhao Wenxin supported and helped each other through the low period of their lives together.

Perseverance in company, interpretation of true husband and wife love

For Peng Yu, the great changes in 1988 made her life once again face a severe test. That year, her husband Zhao Wenxin collapsed due to cerebral hemorrhage. From then on, he was bedridden and unable to take care of himself. At this time, Peng Yu was already 54 years old.

Two daughters, the eldest daughter Zhao Lingqi made a splash in the Guangzhou Repertory Theater and was even promoted to a national first-class actor; the younger daughter Zhao Jiaqi found her love at the Harbin Theater and fell in love with a young man who set up a stall at the door. Although Peng Yu had concerns about the marriage at first, seeing her daughter's determination and happiness, she finally chose to give her blessing.

However, the burden of life has not been relieved. The two daughters each have their own lives and careers, and the responsibility of taking care of their husbands naturally falls on Peng Yu's shoulders. She was worried about leaving her husband to the caregiver, so she made a major decision - to retire early and take care of Zhao Wenxin personally.

Every day, Peng Yu is busy in front of her husband's bed, feeding, wiping, turning over, handling urination and defecation... She has been doing these trivial and heavy tasks for eight years. During this period, she did not complain at all, she just paid silently, hoping to bring a little warmth and comfort to her husband.

In addition to taking care of her in daily life, Peng Yu often accompanied her husband by talking and singing, trying to awaken his consciousness in this way. Her persistence and dedication moved everyone.

But fate did not let them go. In 1996, Zhao Wenxin finally failed to survive this test and passed away due to organ failure. At that moment, Peng Yu's heart seemed to be hollowed out. She lost her husband and the focus of her life.

The lost happiness and the glory of the screen

On an ordinary day in Beijing, Peng Yu was sitting quietly at home, with the old box next to him. Whenever her eyes touch this box, she will think of the lover who left her - Zhao Wenxin. Hidden in the box was not only 40,000 yuan, but also Zhao Wenxin's deep love for Peng Yu and her two daughters.

In those days, Peng Yu seemed to be shrouded in gloom and lost his former smile. But life is always full of twists and turns. Just when she needed warmth the most, her two daughters decided to move her to Beijing, hoping that the new environment would bring her a new life.

Peng Yu's daughters are all actors, and their busy life on the set did not make them forget their mother. On the contrary, they often invited their mother to visit the crew, which also allowed Peng Yu to regain her passion for acting. She began to participate in a series of film and television works, such as "Every Family Has a Hard-to-Recite Sutra", "We Gotta Have a Family", etc. Each work witnessed her acting skills and dedication.

Among them, the role of Chen Jiuxiang in "Northeast Family" made her famous, and the audience began to know this powerful veteran actor. Her performance is real and vivid, as if every character is a part of her life. The movie "Full Moon Tonight" even won her the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress, which was the highest recognition of her acting career.

Just when Peng Yu rediscovered herself and enjoyed the happiness brought by performance, love also came quietly. The arrival of her daughter's uncle, Chen Jiurong, brought new color to her life. From acquaintance to mutual understanding to falling in love, everything seems to be so natural.

Love Song at Dusk: The tender bond between Peng Yu and Chen Jiurong

In Peng Yu’s words, Chen Jiurong is the “brother-in-law”, but in a deeper family relationship, he is also the uncle of Peng Yu’s daughter, and Peng Yu is Chen Jiurong’s child. aunt.

Chen Jiurong, a well-educated and highly respected medical university professor, is not only admirable academically, but also a solid supporter of Peng Yu's family in life. However, a trick of fate caused Chen Jiurong's wife, the biological sister of Peng Yu's ex-husband Zhao Wenxin, to die early, leaving Chen Jiurong alone.

Such loneliness didn't turn around until Peng Yu's daughter Zhao Jiaqi had an idea. Zhao Jiaqi looked at her uncle Chen Jiurong, who was also single, and had a bold idea in her mind. She knew Chen Jiurong's personality well and her mother's loneliness, so a plan about twilight love quietly took shape in Zhao Jiaqi's heart.

"Mom, what do you think of uncle Chen Jiurong?" Zhao Jiaqi asked Peng Yu tentatively. Peng Yu was stunned for a moment, and then understood what his daughter meant. It's not that she hasn't thought about this issue, she's just worried that Chen Jiurong will refuse. But Zhao Jiaqi's determination was obviously much stronger than Peng Yu imagined. She not only proposed the idea, but also took active action and acted as a matchmaker.

Zhao Jiaqi found Chen Jiurong's children and confessed her thoughts to them. Unexpectedly, Chen Jiurong's children expressed unanimous support for this. They saw their father's loneliness, and also understood Peng Yu's kindness and the deep friendship between the two, and felt that this was a perfect combination.

In this way, with the goodwill of their children, Peng Yu and Chen Jiurong, the dusk lovers, officially came together. Their love is not as vigorous as that of young people, but it has more warmth and tacit understanding accumulated over the years.

The Flower of Love and Performing Arts at Ninety

In his later years, Peng Yu and Chen Jiurong remarried. This decision moved many people. At that time, she was already a senior in the entertainment industry, but she chose a destination that had nothing to do with the stage. Some people say that this was a fate that allowed her to find real support in her later years.

Chen Jiurong's children initially called Peng Yu their aunt, but as time went by, they were moved by the stepmother's sincerity and kindness and changed their name to "Mom".

Peng Yu also happily accepted this new family. She once said jokingly: "I don't want this big house. It will always be yours, not mine. I only want your father." This sentence not only showed her His open-mindedness and wisdom make this new home full of warmth and laughter.

After marriage, Peng Yu did not give up her beloved acting career. On the contrary, her acting career ushered in a new peak. She has participated in many film and television dramas, especially the role of "mother-in-law and mother-in-law". She acted so well that she was affectionately called "the mother professional" by the audience. Her acting skills have been praised by industry insiders and audiences alike, and her name has become a golden brand in the entertainment industry.

Today, Peng Yu is 90 years old, but she still maintains her love for life and persistence in her acting career. She and Chen Jiurong stayed together and fell in love, enjoying the peace and happiness in their later years. Her attitude towards life and life choices have become a role model and role model for many people.

When we talk about Peng Yu's life, we have to mention her two touching loves.She was deeply loved by two people and had two truly happy marriages. This experience made her life more colorful and allowed us to see the beauty and power of love.

Peng Yu’s story tells us: No matter how old you are, you should bravely pursue your own happiness; no matter what situation you are in, you should maintain your love for life and persistence in your career. Only in this way can we, like her, leave a wonderful chapter of our own in the long river of time.