Concert poster. Photo courtesy of the organizer, People's Daily Online, London, February 2 (Yu Ying) From February 1 to 7, the 6th China-British International Music Festival was held in London. Chinese and British musicians brought many music competitions and popularized music. L

Concert poster. Picture provided by the organizer

People's Daily Online, London, February 2 (Yu Ying) From February 1 to 7, the 6th China-British International Music Festival was held in London. Chinese and British musicians presented many music competitions and Popular lectures and awards concerts.

According to reports, the Sino-British International Music Festival was founded in 2018 and is an annual Sino-British cultural exchange event. At the opening ceremony on February 1, many guests from the British political, music and literary circles unanimously stated in their speeches that as a unique language, music transcends words and cultural boundaries, allowing human beings to find common ground in resonant melodies. A sense of belonging.

Baroness Uddin said in her speech that music is not only an art form, but also a language that is inherently understood and shared by all cultures and countries. Through this music festival, I hope everyone can rejoice in the magical power of music and inspire the power of innovation.

Director of the China Tourism Office in London Zhang Li said in his speech that as the old Chinese saying goes, reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles, the London Tourism Office is not only committed to cooperation in the tourism industry between China and the UK, but also strongly supports and promotes cultural and artistic exchanges. I believe The bond of music will bring the hearts of the people of the two countries closer and make our exchanges more frequent and intimate.

Two invited guests this year, accordion player Ruan Mingyuan and erhu player Yang Yue, played "isaac albeniz: asturias" and "Birds in the Empty Mountain" respectively, and the event reached a climax with an ensemble piece "Horse Racing" .

This music festival will continue to promote dialogue and exchanges in the music field between China and the UK on the basis of the successful holding of the five music festivals, encourage more people in the Chinese and British music circles to participate in friendly cooperation activities in the humanities field between the two countries, and achieve Famous masters perform on the same stage to blend Chinese and Western music, promoting friendship between the Chinese and British people.