On the bright stage of comedy, Feng Gong's name is like a dazzling star, guiding countless newcomers to pursue laughter. However, even though they both graduated from the same school and shared the glory of the Spring Festival Gala, Feng Gong's apprentices showed completely diffe

On the bright stage of comedy, Feng Gong's name is like a dazzling star, guiding countless newcomers to pursue laughter. However, even though they both graduated from the same school and shared the glory of the Spring Festival Gala, Feng Gong's apprentices showed completely different fates in their acting careers.

Some of them continue to be popular and become mainstays in the comedy world; others gradually fade away and their stars dim. What is the reason that causes the widening gap between these fellow disciples? Is it a difference in talent, uneven opportunities, or a difference in acquired hard work?

Bai Kainan

Speaking of Bai Kainan, you may think of his joyful face, but do you know? This face had been a stumbling block for him. In the dance troupe, he was ignored because he was not "idol" enough. But Bai Kainan never accepted his fate. He turned around and threw himself into the arms of cross talk.

cross talk? For a dancer, this is a new challenge. But Bai Kainan has such tenacity that he is not afraid to start from scratch. However, it was not smooth for him when he first entered the cross talk world. He forgot his words and his skills were not solid. The audience's ridicule stabbed his heart like a needle.

However, Bai Kainan did not choose to escape. He used his wit and reflexes to catch the audience's jeers and turned them into jokes on the stage. This unique way of coping not only won him applause from the audience, but also attracted the attention of cross talk master Feng Gong.

Feng Gong took a fancy to Bai Kainan's potential, accepted him as his disciple, and started rigorous training. Under Feng Gong's guidance, Bai Kainan's cross talk skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he soon distinguished himself on the stage.

In 2010, his cooperation with Jia Ling pushed his career to a peak. Their show became popular all over the country, and Bai Kainan's name became a household name. But just when people thought he would continue to shine in the cross talk world, he chose to move to the film and television industry.

The road in the film and television industry is not easy. Although Bai Kainan has made many works, the response has been mediocre. He tried to be a variety show host again, but it didn't seem to suit him. After several twists and turns, he found that he was still more suitable for the stage and comedy.

As a result, Bai Kainan returned to the comedy stage. This time, he cherished this opportunity even more and worked harder to develop his acting skills. Because he knows that only the stage that truly belongs to him can make him shine the most dazzlingly.

Cao Suifeng

Cao Suifeng was born in a rural area and came from a poor family. But poverty did not erase the dream in his heart. Instead, it inspired his love for life and pursuit of art. He has shown an extraordinary talent for imitation since he was a child. Whether he is imitating the speech and behavior of the people around him or the sounds of animals, he can imitate it perfectly.

When he was 14 years old, the burden of life fell on the shoulders of this young boy. He had to go out to work alone and shoulder the responsibility of supporting his family. Having done a lot of grassroots work, he is well aware of the hardships of life.

But even in the most difficult times, the dream in his heart has never extinguished. He doesn't want to be a migrant worker all the time. He longs to stand on the stage one day and use his talents to bring joy to more people.

So, in his spare time, he began to teach himself cross talk. He imitates celebrities and tells the joys, sorrows and joys of people in life through the way he is good at. His talent was gradually recognized by people around him, and he won more opportunities.

In 2000, Cao Suifeng participated in a talent show. His humorous performance won rounds of applause from the audience and officially launched his artistic career.

Later, he stood out in the cross talk competition and attracted the attention of cross talk master Feng Gong. After some exchanges, the two formed a deep mentor-disciple relationship.

Under the guidance of his master, Cao Suifeng made rapid progress. He not only gradually rose to prominence in the cross talk world, but also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with his master.

The image of the migrant worker he played was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and won unanimous praise from the audience.The real-life interaction between the master and the apprentice is also full of kindness and warmth, making people feel the deep master-disciple friendship between them.

Today, Cao Suifeng has become a leader in the cross talk industry. He used his talent and hard work to prove that rural children can also make a career in art.

Pan Binlong

Long before becoming Feng Gong's favorite student, Pan Binlong had been on the military's artistic stage for many years and accumulated rich performance experience.

In those days, he was like a sponge, constantly absorbing the nutrients of art and developing his own unique insights into art. This experience was like a solid foundation for his acting career, supporting his future comedy career.

After retiring from the army, Pan Binlong did not choose to be comfortable, but decided to continue his studies. In 2004, with his own hard work and talent, he was successfully admitted to the crosstalk performance class of the Central Academy of Drama and became a student of Feng Gong.

Here, he not only learned professional theoretical knowledge, but also honed his skills in many performances. His hard work and talent were finally recognized by his teacher, and he became the first student to be brought to the Spring Festival Gala stage by his teacher.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Pan Binlong collaborated with many veteran comedians in the cross talk circle, performed skits, and even impersonated an elderly aunt. Although the audience was not familiar with him at the time and had some confusion about his role, he was firmly on the road to comedy. He knows that only by persisting can the audience see his own light.

A few years later, Pan Binlong participated in the recording of many programs and gradually became well-known to the audience. In "I Am an Actor Season 3", he even won the championship with his superb acting skills. However, in the face of honors and applause, he still remains humble and low-key. There are no scandals or hype, only his love and persistence for his acting career.

Today, Pan Binlong has not only made achievements in the field of sketches, but also successfully entered the film and television industry. Several of the movies he has participated in have achieved good box office results, and he has also won heavyweight awards. Behind these achievements is his persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in his acting career.

Jia Ling

Jia Ling, who grew up in a small town, has dreamed of going out of the mountains and exploring the world since she was a child. After taking the college entrance examination twice, she finally entered the door of Yangzhou Opera.

However, fate played a joke on her. An incident when she was applying for her major caused her mother to mistake drama for comedy. In this way, Jia Ling started her comedy career by accident.

In this male-dominated world of cross talk, Jia Ling is one of the few female students, and her existence itself is a challenge. But it was this environment that allowed her to quickly lose her shyness as a girl and develop a perseverant character. Under the careful guidance of her mentor, her comedy talent gradually emerged and she began to stand out on the stage.

However, Jia Ling faced the cruel reality after graduation. The cross talk market has not yet opened up, and the situation for actresses is even more difficult. She couldn't find a job for a long time and had to live in a dark and damp basement.

The hardship of life and the setback in her career made her doubt her choice for a time. Fortunately, with the help and support of her mentor, she survived the most difficult time.

Jia Ling did not give up. She insisted on honing herself on the stage and constantly accumulating performance experience. In 2010, she partnered with Bai Kainan on the Spring Festival Gala stage and became famous overnight. Since then, she has become a regular guest on major variety shows and has brought countless happy hours to the audience.

After becoming famous, Jia Ling still remains humble and low-key. She knows that success is hard-won. While constantly improving herself, she also actively gives back to society and uses her influence to deliver positive energy.

In 2021, in order to commemorate her deceased mother, a movie written and directed by Jia Ling will be released. This movie not only created a myth in China's box office history, but also enabled Jia Ling to successfully transform into a talented director. Her talent and hard work have been well received and recognized both within and outside the industry.

Nowadays, Jia Ling has become a benchmark figure in the entertainment industry. Not only has she achieved great success in the field of comedy, she has also shown extraordinary talent in film directing.

Her works are deeply loved by the audience, and the box office results have reached new highs. I believe that in the future, Jia Ling will continue to bring more excellent works and happy times to the audience.

Song Ning

Song Ning, this name may be familiar to you. On the comedy stage, she is like a bright star, lighting up the hearts of countless audiences with her smile and talent. But you know what? For this good-looking female comedian, her acting career was not always smooth sailing.

Looking back on her college days, Song Ning’s dream was not to become a comedian. At that time, she had a natural star face and was eager to show her charm in film and television dramas.

However, fate is always full of surprises and twists. In 2002, a phone call from a friend led her to embark on a path she had never imagined - comedy performance.

She thought that the art troupe's performance was just a formality. But unexpectedly, the judges were all big names in the art world. Nervous and apprehensive, she bravely performed a cross talk with her classmates. Although the results were not satisfactory, Teacher Feng Gong saw her potential and decided to accept her as a disciple.

Under the careful guidance of teacher Feng Gong, Song Ning began her comedy journey. In 2005, she appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time and collaborated with Sun Tao in a sketch. Although that performance did not make her an instant hit, it gave her valuable experience.

html After years of accumulation and training, Song Ning's comedy talent gradually blossomed. In 2017, she appeared on the stage again, and this time she proved herself with her strength. The laughter and applause of the audience are the best affirmation for her.

Now Song Ning has successfully opened up the road to acting. She not only shines on the comedy stage, but also gets involved in the film and television industry, and has outstanding performances in many works. She used her strength and hard work to write her own counterattack.


Master’s example is like a guiding light, illuminating the path forward for the disciples. They may have different steps, and their achievements may be high or low, but in terms of moral character, they are all as flawless as white jade. Isn't this the best proof of Master's words and deeds?

Thinking about those famous celebrities, when they are surrounded by scandals, the purity of master and disciple is even more valuable. Speaking of this, I can't help but wonder, who will be the brightest star on this year's Spring Festival Gala stage and shine with Master?