Recently, as a Chinese civil aviation charter flight landed in Yunnan, 10 leaders or major suspects of telecom fraud groups in northern Myanmar, including Bai Suocheng, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, and Xu Laofa, were successfully escorted back to China by our public security orga

Recently, as a Chinese civil aviation charter flight landed in Yunnan, 10 leaders or major suspects of telecom fraud groups in northern Myanmar, including Bai Suocheng, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, and Xu Laofa, were successfully escorted back to China by our public security organs. In addition to the Ming family that had been destroyed before, almost all the important leaders of the four major electronic fraud families in northern Myanmar have been arrested. This handover can be said to be a landmark event in China's crackdown on telecom fraud in northern Myanmar. It marks the complete end of telecom fraud in northern Myanmar, which can be said to be very satisfying.

Frankly speaking, when the Chinese police wanted the four major families in northern Myanmar, I was still quite nervous. After all, northern Myanmar is not China’s territory, and these telecom fraud leaders have been entrenched there for many years. They have status, weapons, and the military and political power to act as a protective umbrella. But facts have proved that China’s determination to protect border security and safeguard the people is beyond doubt.

And the reason why we can wait for this day is entirely due to China's three-tier layout.

First of all, China issued a wanted order for telecom fraud and drug traffickers in northern Myanmar to help eliminate cancer in northern Myanmar. As we all know, the reason why the four major families in northern Myanmar are so rampant is also inseparable from the Myanmar government forces. Therefore, on the surface, China wants to arrest the fraud leader, but in fact, it is putting pressure on the Myanmar military government. At the beginning, Myanmar's military junta Min Aung Hlaing wanted to quell the war by handing over a few handymen. However, China has repeatedly exerted pressure and even put drug traffickers on the wanted list, insisting on eradicating all the cancer in northern Myanmar. Now that Bai Socheng and others have been brought to justice, this is also the result of Min Aung Hlaing realizing that his arms cannot hold his thighs.

Secondly, China has also actively assumed the task of mediation, providing all parties in Myanmar with an opportunity to sit down and talk.. Recently, the allied forces composed of the Kokang, Ta'ang, and Arakan Army have fought with the military government in Kokang Old Street in the name of China's crackdown on electronic fraud, seriously threatening the peace and stability of our country's Yunnan region. As a result, China sent several waves of people to Myanmar to urge all parties to cease fire. The final ceasefire agreement was signed in Kunming, which shows that China played a key role in this process.

Finally, China will use its influence to help Myanmar regain its image internationally. Myanmar has always been ruled by a military government, which has seriously affected its relations with ASEAN members. Therefore, to achieve Myanmar’s goal of returning to ASEAN, it is crucial to find the right time. Therefore, China seized the opportunity of the 8th Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism, granted Myanmar the status of chairman, and presided over the meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, opening a new chapter for Myanmar in communication and dialogue with other ASEAN countries. .

So in general, China is definitely not going away after eliminating the electronic fraud, but is trying to sort out the chaos in northern Myanmar from the root causes. After the e-mail fraud was eliminated, what Myanmar has to do now is to find its own development path, and Myanmar is also very sensible and has given this cooperation opportunity to China.

Just as Myanmar handed over all the leaders of electronic fraud to China, the Myanmar military government agreed to resume the construction of the Kyaukpyu deep-water port in cooperation with China. This project is an important step for China to establish an outlet in the Indian Ocean and bypass the Strait of Malacca. One step . In fact, as early as 2007, my country signed a lease agreement with Myanmar for the Kyaukpyu Port, with a lease term of 99 years. In 2014, Myanmar officially invited bids for the Kyaukpyu deep-water port project. In the end, my country's CITIC Group successfully won the project, which included the construction of a US$7.3 billion port and a surrounding US$1.3 billion special economic zone.

However, due to the unstable domestic situation in Myanmar, the construction of the Kyaukphyu deep-water port did not go smoothly, causing the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline that had been under construction to be suspended. It was not until 2020 that the project finally started the first phase of construction. However, due to the impact of the epidemic and the situation in Myanmar, the project was stalled again. Until the end of last year, China and Myanmar officially signed a supplementary agreement on the Kyaukphyu Deep-water Port, preparing to promote this long-delayed project. Now the Myanmar military government has also officially spoken, indicating that the restart of the project is just around the corner.

From the map, Kyaukpyu Port is located in the northwest of the Strait of Malacca, which is of great significance to China. With the completion of the construction of the Kyaukphyu deep-water port and its integration with the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, is equivalent to my country opening a direct channel to the Indian Ocean in the southwest. . In the future, goods shipped from the Middle East, Europe, Africa and other regions can enter Yunnan directly through the Kyaukpyu Port. This not only greatly shortens the transportation distance and reduces logistics costs, but also brings great benefits to the development of inland southwest China. This strategic turn will also help enhance China's status and influence in the Indian Ocean region..

Prior to this, Myanmar also revealed news that Min Aung Hlaing was preparing to contact China with the purpose of restarting the Muse to Mandalay railway project and promoting the development and construction of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor. . Without the railway connection between China and Myanmar, Kyaukphyu Port will become an isolated port; conversely, without Kyaukphyu Port, the railway will lose its anchor point. At this stage, the Myanmar government is working on both ends. It seems that it is determined to ride on China’s express train of development. It is also time for Myanmar to say goodbye to electronic fraud and drugs.