On January 29, Stephen Chow posted an update on social platforms: He wrote the words "9527 Theater" on the whiteboard. It is reported that "9527 Theater" is a short comedy comedy label founded by Stephen Chow. It is worth mentioning that Stephen Chow's first micro-short drama "Go

On January 29, Stephen Chow posted an update on social platforms: He wrote the words "9527 Theater" on the whiteboard. It is reported that "9527 Theater" is a short comedy comedy label founded by Stephen Chow. It is worth mentioning that Stephen Chow's first micro-short drama "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" is expected to be launched in May this year.

Stephen Chow said that micro-short dramas are a rapidly developing field of technological innovation and media innovation in recent years. He hopes that this time, micro-short dramas can bring more joy to the audience. "I am looking forward to this new attempt. Please support me." ".

The "2023-2024 China Micro-Short Drama Market Research Report" released by iiMedia Consulting shows that China's online micro-short drama market size will be 37.39 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 267.65%. Recently, the rapid development of micro-short dramas has attracted many major companies and well-known directors to join the industry. It is reported that in addition to Stephen Chow, Wang Jing has also filmed micro-short dramas.

text | reporter Gong Weifeng

picture | information picture