Recently, the online drama "The Young Master and Me" released its ultimate trailer, which revealed the chapter names and themes of the twelve short episodes. Long Aotian and Liu Bo will perform hilarious stories in twelve different universes.

The first trailer of the short play "The Master and Me" has been released. Aotian Liu Bo travels through the twelve universes Duration: 02:09 Source: Movie Network

The first trailer of the short play "The Master and Me" has been released. Aotian Liu Bo Across the Twelve Universes Hide

Duration: 02:09 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the online drama "The Young Master and Me" released the ultimate trailer. The trailer revealed the chapter names and themes of the twelve short episodes, Dragon Aotian and Liu Bo will perform hilarious stories in twelve different universes.

It is reported that the play is directed by Wang Li and stars Zhang Zhehua and Zhan Xin (Xinzi). Previously, the two performed a program "Young Master and Me" in the variety show "Annual Comedy Competition 2", which left a deep impression on the audience. Classic lines such as Liu Bo's bangs scar also became a hot topic on the Internet. The title of this work is Young Master and I are also the names of the two-person team. The Master and I won second place for Comedy Team of the Year that season.