Original title: Wang Yabin: "The dance drama "Tsing Yi" is also my dream" China Culture News reporter Zhang Xin Recently, the dance drama "Tsing Yi" was performed at the Jixiang Grand Theater in Beijing. The starring role, young dancer Wang Yabin, uses a fusion of modern dance an

Original title: Wang Yabin: "The dance drama "Tsing Yi" is also my dream"

China Culture News reporter Zhang Xin

Recently, the dance drama "Tsing Yi" was performed at the Jixiang Grand Theater in Beijing. The starring role, young dancer Wang Yabin, uses a fusion of modern dance and classical dance to vividly and vividly interpret the ups and downs of an opera actor from the stage to life.

html started learning dance at the age of 06, and entered the High School Affiliated to the Beijing Dance Academy at the age of 9. During her professional studies, the seeds of dance were planted in her heart and took root over time. No matter how painful or tiring dancing was, she never thought of giving up.

Wang Yabin starred in the dance drama "Tsing Yi". Photographed by China Culture News reporter Lu Xu

In 2009, Wang Yabin established "Yabin Dance Studio" and created the art brand "Yabin and Her Friends", focusing on love, life and death, faith, etc. An expression of common human themes. Although she continues to release new works, she has never found a dance drama role that best combines her experience and strengths. In 2015, the dance drama "Tsing Yi" broke into her vision and became the seventh work created by "Yabin and Her Friends".

"The dance drama "Tsing Yi" is Xiao Yanqiu's dream, and it is also my dream." Wang Yabin said when talking about the creation of the dance drama, presenting it on the stage is expected to trigger people's thinking about how to view life. Such a proposition is related to Life itself matches the international dance body language.

As a "post-80s" dancer, whether it is the self-pity when looking down at the sleeves, or the infinite sadness in the eyes when the heart is twisting, Wang Yabin's interpretation of Xiao Yanqiu shows a high degree of control. In the dance drama "Tsing Yi", two 3.5-meter-long water sleeves become an extension of the dancer's body, which greatly assists in the catharsis of emotions. The skill behind this can be imagined: a slight deviation when the dancer shakes the sleeves may affect the accuracy of the artistic expression.

In Wang Yabin’s works, the water sleeves are always smart and beautiful. They can express emotions and are endowed with many emotions. "Fan Dance Painting" combines water sleeves, fan dance skills and modern dance performance methods. In the dance drama "Tsing Yi", her sleeve dance almost merged into one. "My favorite and most memorable course is the water sleeves class. The scene of students walking in white water sleeves in the bright rehearsal hall is one of the most beautiful scenes in my memory." Wang Yabin said. Water sleeves are the external expression of Wang Yabin’s understanding of dance.

html For more than 0 years, Wang Yabin has learned about the world and talked about China through dance. The choreography of the

dance drama "Tsing Yi" brings together well-known stage, costume and lighting designers from the UK, France and other countries. With a duration of 85 minutes and 10 dancers, it tells a purely Chinese story around the dream life of Xiao Yanqiu, a popular Peking Opera actor in the 1980s, through three clues: the play within the play, daily life, subconsciousness and surreality. In the past eight years, "Tsing Yi" has been performed nearly 100 times, has appeared on the stage of the Norwegian National Opera, and was also invited to participate in the Pittsburgh International Arts Festival in the United States.

The dance drama "Journey to the West" is based on Wu Chengen's novel "Journey to the West". It is the fourteenth production of "Yabin and Her Friends". The work uses international and modern dance language and contemporary art techniques to interpret the current understanding of Chinese classics from the perspective of integrating China and the West. "As a young dancer and choreographer, you must have a sense of awe on the way forward, take every work seriously, and devote yourself to it with heart and soul. In the past few years, the works I have participated in choreographing and performing, whether in various parts of the country, Whether it is representing China on the international stage, it has been widely praised. Not only can we present China's excellent traditional culture three-dimensionally on the stage, but we can also allow more audiences to intuitively feel the charm of China's excellent traditional culture." Wang Yabin said.

In Wang Yabin’s view, the language of dance is the most international form of artistic expression and can better tell Chinese stories. She said that in the future, she will focus more on telling Chinese stories through dance creation, allowing the world's dance audiences to better understand Chinese dance art, and showing the world a credible, lovely and respectable image of China.

Source: China Culture News