As soon as Wong Kar-wai's "Flowers" was aired, Papi Jiang, who has always been "low-key" and has a stable output, quietly became popular. Papi Jiang became the first generation Internet celebrity with her flamboyant personality and female image that makes fun of current problems.

As soon as Wong Kar-wai's " Blossoms " was aired, papi sauce , which had always been "low-key" and steadily produced, quietly became popular.

papi Jiang became the first-generation Internet celebrity with her flamboyant personality and female image that makes jokes about current problems.

As soon as this film came out, everyone knew that she was originally from Shanghai.

And the famous scene where she played Ling Hong and Reiko finally parted ways made countless people cry.

Teacher Ge once commented that Ling Hong had “no friends and little conscience.” However, Ling Hong couldn’t sleep or eat well while clutching the purchase order. The first thing she said to Teacher Ge was, “I found that I still have a little conscience. Why?” Let's do it"

She sold an earring with a purchase price of less than 200 to Lingzi for 2650. Lingzi quoted a random price of 26,000. Mr. Bao gave 13,000 and gave the earrings to Miss Wang.

Miss Wang took out the money she planned to buy a car and gave 26,000 to her uncle. The uncle smiled, took out 500, and returned the rest to her, saying that the pair of earrings were worthless and were worth 500 at most.

Facts have proved that uncle is right.

But everyone believed in Ling Hong, including Lingzi.

Reiko and Linghong developed a friendship that worked hard together in a foreign land in Japan.

With just Lingzi's words of "take care of it", Linghong poured free toppings into the noodles of a strange man from Shanghai.

Even if the two of them returned to Shanghai to work together, they would rent together, open a shop together, eat together every day, and take care of each other's business.

Relatively speaking, Lingzi took more care of Linghong. Lingzi was described by her uncle as "lying on Mr. Bao's body to suck blood."

And Linghong, after all, was lying on Lingzi's body to suck blood.

Despite this, when Linghong wanted to leave Lingzi and go out to work hard, Lingzi still paid for it and chased her out.

She asked, "How much money is there?" and waved the money in her hand.

Linghong smiled and said "there will be".

Linghong refused to continue to be attached, and Lingzi also retained her dignity for her.

It can be said that Papi Jiang perfectly presented this role.

Her classic actions will appear from time to time in the drama, the little expression of ridicule, the little look of disgust, and the actions when pretending to be scared and at a loss, these are all Papi-chan herself.

Many people think that this is the first time Papi Jiang touches the screen.

But in fact, long before that, she had also released a movie " Will Be Better Tomorrow " starring Zhang Chao. Although the movie had a good intention, it was still dumped without any surprise.

If Papi Jiang was Papi Jiang now, maybe more people would pay attention to such a movie.

Let’s talk about this movie today, which focuses on the youth of Beipiao.

Tomorrow will be better, not "Tomorrow will be better" as the song sings.

This is the status quo, not chicken soup.

Maybe it's not good now, but it will be good tomorrow.

Speaking of which, the early promotion of the movie was very fancy. Not only was Papi Jiang’s first electric shock, but it also had a strong lineup, Jia Zhangke + Yuan Yuan. However, the former is a director and served as a producer in this film. And the latter is " and later we " "Get out of here!" The screenwriter of "Tumor King" became a director.

The movie tells the story of a 27-year-old heroine "Xiao Yu" who drifted from Beijing.

She has an average appearance and an average job, but she has always had the dream of being a screenwriter.

Her experience truly restored the embarrassment and confusion of the Beipiao people.

For example, a young man who has experienced "Ten Levels of Loneliness" alone, and who rents a house together due to the pressure of life, or a young couple who works hard for their respective dreams. Although

is realistic, its score is not high. It always hovered at 6.7 points in the early stage, and finally stabilized at around 5.6 points. It was completely different from the original expectations of many netizens, and the reviews among the public were also mixed.

The reason for the low score should be the rapid plot direction, slightly jerky acting, the film quality that needs to be improved, and the overly literary expressions that are not pleasing to the eye. Even though the box office of

was not high, it was highly discussed and centered around Xiao Yu's work, friendship, family and love.The audience positioning faced by the

movie is very accurate - a 27-year-old woman who is about to enter her third year of life.

In fact, it can be seen from some details of the movie that the focus group is modern women who have just graduated in their early 20s, or are still wandering in their 30s and are being urged to get married. The film reflects their life portrayal.

"I am 27 years old now, I can't drive, and I have never been abroad. I don't have a passport, and I still use lipstick that costs 9 yuan."

Everyone who has watched this movie, without exception, feels the same. Remember this sentence.

Because it just touches the inner world of the audience, it seems that if the story is renamed, it will be a complete replacement for itself.

The heroine Xiao Yu has a 996 job. From the beginning, she hit a workplace taboo.

She has just graduated and has independent opinions on scripts.

During the meeting to discuss the script, she bravely expressed her thoughts, but in fact, the director had already finalized the script, and it was obviously a done deal.

The result was predictable. After the meeting, the director said to her: Maybe our subject matter is not suitable for you...

In the workplace, I believe everyone is familiar with such cold water.

Although the bosses of the company advocate the collision of ideas and the right of everyone to express their ideas, only a novice in the workplace will express his views honestly when facing his first job in life, without noticing the disdainful eyes of his colleagues.

Because what leaders need is not your ideas, but your agreement.

Ever since, she was frustrated and chose to leave with these workplace discriminations.

As a result, Xiao Yu went to take notes.

From screenwriter to reporter, it seems that the work content is similar, but in fact, she has gone from one end of the workplace food chain to the other.

This change was reflected in a detail on the set.

After Xiao Yu changed jobs, even the photographers and staff who were in the same position as her had a bad attitude towards her.

In addition, there are some scenes of workplace life that are so real that people can resonate with them.

For example, when I first started working, my life was tight. I had a dinner with my colleagues and the cost per person was 180.

But accidentally, a fish bone got stuck in his throat and he had to go to the hospital. When Xiao Yu looked at the payment slip, his heartbreak could be seen through the screen.

In this situation, it is as if the house is leaking and it rains all night. With such a small amount of money, I may be forced to spend too much.

Beijing drifters, young people who have not yet established a firm foothold, are most afraid of the hardship in their pockets.

Due to a change in work, Xiao Yu had to rent his western room to a stranger of the opposite sex - Ji Ye for a short period of time.

This is the ninth time she has moved, all to west-facing houses outside the Third Ring Road in Beijing. This short-term rental can give her some living expenses and continue to survive for a while.

This scene is a portrayal of countless young people. People who work hard outside may sometimes really not even have money to eat.

A person's life is always surrounded by loneliness inexplicably, and this is especially true for Xiao Yu in the film.

Watching a movie alone, going to the hospital, moving alone, she is experiencing loneliness from level 1 to level 10, and the most realistic problem is often money.

Xiao Yu, who was only 27 years old, slowly discovered that there was something wrong with his body.

When she was in the hospital, she heard the doctor tell her that the disease was herpes zoster, which is common in old age and is easily damaged. She also forced a smile and said: "I'm only 27"!

once again faced an age crisis because of working too hard.

But just because she took time off for medical treatment, her boss used this as an excuse to ask her to resign. In the workplace, her boss may not care about her.

After Xiao Yu was forced to resign, he and Ji Ye had to live in this small single-room western-style room and became a couch potato.

They fell in love for a long time, and finally hugged each other for warmth.

However, the people of the Beipiao clan need love most, but the first thing they give up is love.

Ji Ye chose to leave when she needed help the most.He said, "I'm not the kind of person who can stay in one place forever."

Ever since, netizens have made crazy complaints about whether "Ji Ye" is a scumbag or not.

But in fact, Ji Ye is also a person who pursues dreams like Xiao Yu.

If they choose to live a comfortable life and stay in that small rental house instead of going out to look for opportunities, perhaps they will face themselves who have accomplished nothing.

But if you let go of your emotions and leave here, there may be another world.

When Xiao Yu was lonely and helpless and went to the hospital alone to get an intravenous drip, she saw the fire in her heart in her sleep;

After Xiao Yu saw the burning flame, she also chose to be calm. Face life and accept that you have accomplished nothing.

At the end of the movie, she saw the moment when her boyfriend, who had been emotionally bound to her, realized his dream, and she forgave him for leaving suddenly, and she also lived a life of writing dramas without lack of investors.

We all also have such a fire in our hearts, which is enthusiasm and hope in helpless life.

Regarding this type of character-themed movies, it brings us more of a realistic life atmosphere for angry youth.

It does not use any gorgeous filters, but uses the most inner-reflective method to express the life portrayal of a woman from the bottom of society who drifts to the north. This makes people feel regretful, and at the same time they complain about the unfairness of life.

When Xiao Yu's best friend's love life was unsatisfactory, she said: "How about we start over together? We are still young and have time for anything."

Indeed, it takes a lot of courage to start over in life, but most of the time, we There will be a moment when I think about this issue.

Xiao Yu always said to himself: "I plan to survive for another year. This is probably the bravest thing I can do."

The comments under the movie have different stories, but they all reveal one word - "decline".

It seems that every sentence reveals a compromise with life, but in fact, behind these powerlessness, there are still hidden selves that live bravely.

"Tomorrow will be fine" even inspires the positive side of these "badmouthers".

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. When Xiao Yu in the film faces difficulties in life, her mentality is just like that of you, me and him in reality.

Her boyfriend who was in trouble left her, her parents at home felt that she was useless, and even her best friend distanced herself from herself after getting married. This is also the state of our lives, gradually drifting away from the people around us.

The movie is called "Tomorrow Will Be Better", not "Tomorrow Will Be Better". Indeed, as long as adults can live a good life today, it is already very good.

But we are still looking forward to tomorrow, to have a life with no regrets after starting over.

Although we have worked hard, even if we fail to achieve the desired results, we can still choose to start again and see the light of day.

Facts have proved that Papi Jiang is not only good at making short videos, but can also produce films when encountering suitable themes.