Original title: Always keep the balance in your heart When the reporter came to Judge Zou Qiuling's office as scheduled on Sunday afternoon, she saw her sitting in front of the computer as usual, with more than a dozen stacks of case files stacked beside her. The afternoon sun sh

Original title: Always keep the balance in your heart

When the reporter came to Judge Zou Qiuling’s office as scheduled on Sunday afternoon, she saw her sitting in front of the computer as usual, with more than a dozen stacks of case files stacked beside her. The afternoon sun shines gently on her through the glass window behind her, and the few strands of white hair on her head are particularly eye-catching.

"There are two court investigations and one mediation on Monday, so preparations must be made first." She answered the reporter while putting several piles of case files into the case cabinet.

Determined, prudent, dedicated and professional, these are the deep impressions Zou Qiuling left on reporters after several interviews.

Zou Qiuling handles mostly financial loan contract disputes, equity transfer disputes, bankruptcy cases, etc. with complex legal relationships, diverse stakeholders, and strong professionalism. This type of case not only requires a high level of professional knowledge and trial ability of the judge, but also requires the judge to be patient and rigorous. It takes time to find out the facts, to balance the rights and interests of all parties in a complex relationship in accordance with the law, and to find out the reasons for "difficult and complicated diseases". Optimal solution. Therefore, sorting out the ideas for handling cases while walking, reading case files, searching professional books, summarizing experience in handling cases, etc. in the office during holidays have unknowingly become Zou Qiuling's daily habit.

has been engaged in civil and commercial trial work for 27 years. She has presided over or participated in the trial of more than 3,200 cases. There are no long-term open cases, no major petitions, and appeal cases. She has won many honors such as "National Court Advanced Individual" and was awarded the second-class individual Two times each for meritorious service and third-class meritorious service.

"A qualified judge must have excellent professional qualities, including professional legal knowledge, skilled trial skills, rich social science knowledge, and noble professional ethics." Zou Qiuling said, "You must also have the courage to take on responsibilities and always abide by the law. The balance of kindness protects the legitimate rights and interests of every party concerned with heart and soul."

(People's Court News)