Shan Yangping left the deepest impression on her daughter, "When I was a child, no matter how late my mother came home from a performance, I would help her take off her false eyelashes. I watched my mother perform at a very young age and couldn't believe that such a beautiful per

Shan Yangping left the deepest impression on her daughter, "When I was a child, no matter how late my mother came home from a performance, I would help her take off her false eyelashes. I watched my mother perform at a very young age and couldn't believe that such a beautiful person was actually my mother. . Listening to her interview and reading her book today, I have a more three-dimensional understanding of my mother." On January 27, the new book launch and signing event of "There is a Beauty - Shan Yangping's Yue Opera Talks about Art" was held in Wan Held at Ping Theater. Shan Yangping was deeply moved by her daughter's words. She didn't know that her daughter would speak on stage. "My daughter is not good at expressing herself like me, and I am not very gentle in front of her. She has grown up all the way. I was busy with performances and paid little attention to her. She is very You work hard and are very obedient, which makes me feel at ease. Thank you for your support to my mother."

Photographed by Shan Yangping and her daughter, host Zhang Minquan and Xu Wenye

"There is a Beauty: Shan Yangping's Yue Opera Talks about Art" by the famous Wang Wang of Shanghai Yue Opera Theater Shan Yangping, a famous actress, narrated it orally, and Zhang Tan, a young drama scholar, recorded and compiled it. The creation lasted nearly three years. The book comprehensively reviews Shan Yangping's 50-year artistic career and consists of six chapters, starting from her first introduction to Yue Opera when she was young and joining Wang Wenjuan's sect, through "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Meng Lijun", "Stage Sisters", "Home", "Poppy Beauty" and many more This representative work connects Shan Yangping's 50 years of artistic life. Each chapter takes the play as the main line, and the characters and stories integrated in it are Shan Yangping's experience and understanding, which leads to how she shapes the characters and interprets the plot. From her understanding of the background of the whole play to her every move and gesture, these are her most authentic artistic expressions. The attached volume "Selected Singing Scores" contains 33 music scores from 17 Yue Opera plays starring Shan Yangping. It was reviewed and approved by Yue Opera composer Jin Liang and is published for the first time.

"There is a Beauty: Shan Yangping's Yue Opera Talk"

"I never thought about publishing a book. Zhang Tan approached me at first, but I rejected it. I felt that there was nothing to write, and writing a book and biography was stressful. Later, I slowly began to think through the conversation with Zhang Tan. I have been studying opera for 50 years. My stage career is inseparable from the help of teachers and the shaping of each character." Talking about the title of the book "There is a Beauty", Shan Yang Ping said that beauty also has the meaning of "gentleman". "From Lin Daiyu, Meng Lijun to Yu Ji, the stage characters are gentle and powerful. They are not only beautiful in appearance, but also noble in character. From the perspective of stage art and royal art, they are all An unforgettable beauty."

Shan Yangping signed autographs for the audience

As a direct disciple of Yue Opera master Wang Wenjuan, Shan Yangping remembered that when she first came to Shanghai Yue Opera Theater, Wang Wenjuan pointed out that her steps needed to be polished, "Teacher Wang wanted to solve the problem The problem of my being cautious and not letting myself go enough opened up my acting career by playing "Meng Lijun". Meng Lijun is a government official, and she is different from ordinary young students. "Meng Lijun" stayed with me, and it was only in the past two years that I truly understood her personality. Wisdom. Our generation is honored to learn and grow next to the master. The teacher has always said that life is simple off the stage, but acting is complicated on stage. The times have given us great creative opportunities, and I hope that my character and I can go both ways."

In 1972, Shan Yangping first learned Peking Opera when she entered the industry. Two years later, she was admitted to the Tonglu Yue Opera Troupe. The regiment sent pianist Xu Meitang to play the piano and sing her voice. Shan Yangping persisted in practicing hard and gradually became familiar with the vocal method of Yue opera. In 1981, the Tonglu Yue Troupe's "Ping Niang" was on tour. The protagonist suddenly fell ill and was unable to perform. As the B corner, Shan Yangping came to the rescue and won applause from the audience. In 1983, Shan Yangping took over the traditional play "Spring River Moon" and played the role of an embroidery girl who endures humiliation and endures heavy burdens to save loyal people. She tried to use Wang-style singing and body movements to create characters in her performances. In 1984 at the Shanghai People's Theater, Shan Yangping, who was in her early twenties, was performing on the stage, and under the stage sat Wang Wenjuan, the Yue opera master whom she had long admired. Wang Wenjuan happily accepted her as her disciple. In the same year, Shan Yangping participated in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Yue Opera Young Actor Grand Prix held by Shanghai TV Station. For the song "Daiyu Buries Flowers", Wang Wenjuan taught her sentence by sentence, picked out each word, and corrected each movement, helping Shan Yangping win the silver medal in the competition. In 1986, "Spring River Moon" was remade into the movie "Legend of the Embroidered Girl". Wang Wenjuan rushed to Zhejiang by train or car and told Shan Yangping overnight.In 1987, Shan Yangping first starred in the classic drama "Dream of Red Mansions" created by Xu Yulan and Wang Wenjuan in the Red Mansions Troupe of the Shanghai Yue Opera Theater, and became famous in Shanghai.

In July 2011, the Shanghai Yue Opera Theater performed four classic plays in Taipei. Shan Yangping performed excerpts from "Meng Lijun" at a press conference. Photo by Wu Jingteng

In July 2011, the Shanghai Yue Opera Theater performed four classic plays in Taipei. Shan Yangping performed excerpts from "Dream of Red Mansions" at a press conference. Photographed by Wu Jingteng

In May 2006, the large-scale cultural evening party "Nessun Dorma Tonight - Shanghai-Hong Kong Night" was held in Hong Kong. Shan Yangping sang Lin Daiyu's aria from "Dream of Red Mansions". Photographed by Wang Xiaochuan

Dong Meidi (right), Wu Fenghua (left), and Shan Yangping (middle) played Zhang Liang, Xiang Yu, and Yu Ji respectively in "Yu Meiren". Photo by Jin Dinggen

Shan Yangping plays the role of Yu Ji in "Yu Meiren". Photographed by Jin Dinggen

In the Yue opera "Home", Juexin (played by Zhao Zhigang) and cousin Mei (played by Shan Yangping) confided in Meilin. Photo by Jin Dinggen

In September 1998, Tiehe Township, Xinjian County, Jiangxi Province suffered a severe flood. The central primary school building was washed away by the flood, and students could only attend classes in temporary tents. Shan Yangping used her personal album sales income to support Tiehe Township Central Primary School, and also led Jiangxi children to visit Shanghai. Photo by Yu Xinbao

The crew of "Home" from Shanghai Yue Opera Theater came to Laoximen Street in Huangpu District, and delivered carefully created and arranged programs such as "Home" to communities and nursing homes to perform for residents at close range. Shan Yangping sang excerpts from "Dream of Red Mansions" in collaboration with Shaoxing opera fans in the community. Photo by Jin Dinggen

Shi Yihong, Zhu Jiejing, Shan Yangping, and Xu Xuqing (from left) four "Yu Ji" communicate together Photo by Jin Dinggen

Wu Wei, director of the Shanghai Yue Theater, said that "There is a Beauty" is very important to Shan Yangping's life. Memories are also prospects, and they are also an important part of the integrity and innovation of Yue Opera art. This book not only provides a reference for the public to know and understand Yue Opera, but also contributes to the inheritance and development of Yue Opera art.

critic Rong Guangrun said that Shan Yangping is as quiet and elegant as jade, and the characters she portrays such as Lin Daiyu, Meng Lijun and Yu Ji are all real beauties. "From the beautiful characters she created, I can see her pursuit in her career. "

Jin Liang remembers that when "Spring Moon" was remade into the movie "Legend of the Embroidered Girl", Wang Wenjuan invited him to join the Tonglu Yue Opera Troupe to direct it. "At that time, Shan Yangping was young and shy, but very mature and had strong learning ability. She could understand the creative intention with a little guidance, and she had a good sense of rhythm. People who cannot master the rhythm can easily affect the performance of the tune. I feel that she is Talent, Teacher Wang also feels that he has found the right student, and he is happy just thinking about it. Shan Yangping is not very talkative, but her heart is very warm. In addition to thanking teachers and colleagues, the book also expresses thanks to the stage manager and other behind-the-scenes staff, which is very heart-warming. More beautiful."

In order to create, Shan Yangping often worked overtime until two or three in the morning, which left a deep impression on Zhang Tan, "She read the manuscript, compiled her opinions into words, and sent them to WeChat. I am often surprised that it is so late. , why doesnโ€™t she rest?โ€ Zhang Tan also said on behalf of the theater fans, โ€œTeacher Shan is in our hearts and our every year.โ€ Co-sponsored by Ping Theater.

Participating guests

Shan Yangping presented small gifts to theater fans
