On January 16, Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi went to the live broadcast room of Douyin master @cousin (Qin Xijin) to bring goods, which subsequently triggered a series of controversies. Someone reported to the police on behalf of more than 60 merchants that they paid more than 30 mil

On January 16, Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi and his wife went to the live broadcast room of Douyin master @cousin (Qin Xijin) to bring goods, which subsequently triggered a series of controversies. Someone from

reported to the police on behalf of more than 60 merchants that they paid more than 30 million yuan in live broadcast service fees, but their sales did not reach the minimum amount stipulated in the contract. Ms. Wang, the person in charge of a certain bacon brand, told the media that she had prepared bacon products worth 1.7 million yuan for the live broadcast. As a result, only one order was sold, and he was not in the same frame as Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi.

The police responsible for the case responded on January 26 that the case had been accepted and was now in the investigation stage.

Merchant: Prepare to spend 1.7 million yuan to sell only one order of bacon

According to media reports, Ms. Wang is the person in charge of a certain bacon brand. After seeing the Douyin investment advertisement, she contacted Shanghai Shengchenze Advertising Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shengchenze Media") signed the contract. After paying a pit fee of 100,000 yuan, the other party promised to do two live broadcasts of big anchors + some small anchors to bring goods live, and guarantee 1:14, which means a minimum sales of 1.4 million yuan, otherwise refunds will be made in equal proportions. payment. The contract provided by

Ms. Wang shows that Shengchenze Media provides live broadcast delivery services. The artists in each live broadcast are industry leaders and the guests are stars. Among them, the first live broadcast will be on January 16, and will be broadcast live by the master @cousin (Qin Xijin), artists Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi; the time and artist guests of the second one are to be determined.

However, the progress of the live broadcast was not as smooth as Shengchenze Media had promised. Ms. Wang said that Shengchenze Media had reminded them of the problem of huge orders, so they prepared bacon products worth 1.7 million yuan. The shelf life of these products was 180 days, but in the end they only sold one order, with a sales of about 100 yuan. Yu Yuan. "The promised broadcast was not broadcast, the promised proportion was not fulfilled, and we could not get the live broadcast slices in the same frame. Shengchenze Media no longer has the ability to execute this contract." Ms. Wang said that they asked to terminate the contract and get a refund. , but was repeatedly delayed by Shengchenze Media.

Police response: Case under investigation

In mid-January, Ms. Wang went to the office of Shengchenze Media in Shanghai and found that many brand merchants who had experienced similar experiences were also squatting here. The merchants set up a group and initiated a solitaire. Judging from the latest statistics, a total of 71 merchants were involved. Among them, Shanghai Good Mom Film and Television Development Co., Ltd. has signed contracts with some businesses.

In addition, Ms. Wang told the media that she had already called the police and obtained the "Shanghai Public Security Bureau Case (Incident) Report Receipt".

The police responsible for the case responded on January 26 that the case has been accepted and is now in the investigation stage. "After the case is accepted, the result will be available within 60 days at most. If it is a criminal case, it will be filed. If it is not a criminal case, it will not be filed." ." "Because this is an economic case, involving several accounts, not just the Shengchenze Media account, we need to verify that the current flow of funds has not been fully disclosed." The above-mentioned policeman told the media.

On January 26, Mr. Wang, the relevant person in charge of Shengchenze Media, responded that due to various emergencies at the scene, the live broadcast data on January 16 was indeed poor, and the merchants were very excited. Regarding the fact that the promised sales amount was not reached and no refunds were given, Mr. Wang said that the contract was not for a single live broadcast.

Huang Shengyi Studio issued a statement

On January 25, Huang Shengyi Studio issued a statement saying that on January 16, Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi were invited by Douying Culture Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as guests to @cousin (覃 progress )’s live broadcast room helps promote products.

Huang Shengyi Studio emphasized that the two had not made any form of investment authorization or any commitment to guarantee quantity, and that the two had fully fulfilled the contract, including the agreed live broadcast duration and the need to help promote 30 designated projects as guests. products etc.

"We will resolutely pursue legal responsibility for any unauthorized use of the portraits or names of Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi in any form of commercial activities." Huang Shengyi Studio said that they have immediately urged Douying Media to take legal action against all merchants and Each brand party strictly fulfills its contract and handles the aftermath in a timely and appropriate manner.

Celebrities frequently overturn their sales

In the past, it is not uncommon for celebrities to use their halo to promote live broadcasts and "overturn" their sales.

This is not the first time that Huang Shengyi has been involved in controversy over product delivery. In 2020, a senior executive of a live broadcast operation platform complained to the media that it was too difficult for celebrities to bring goods. They spent 100,000 in pit fees to find Yang Kun to bring goods, but only sold 18,348 yuan in sales. The most embarrassing thing was that he spent 100,000 yuan to live broadcast with Huang Shengyi, but only 5 cups were sold, with a sales volume of 695 yuan.

On November 23, 2023, the topic "Celebrities charge 33,000 yuan to sell only one pack of fungus" became the first hot search topic on Weibo. On November 21, Anhui Cunshi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. stated that in order to participate in actor Du Xudong’s live broadcast event on October 27, it paid a pit fee of 33,000 yuan to Du Xudong’s authorized company, but in the end it only sold 64.9 Yuan, only one pack of fungus was sold.

In 2021, a merchant spent a pit fee of 510,000 yuan to hire Chen Xiaochun to endorse the product. In the end, only 4,000 yuan of the product was sold. The merchant filed a complaint and took the promoting media company to court. The Guangzhou Intermediate Court finally ruled that the promotion was responsible The media company refunded 410,000 yuan to the merchant.

Source | Sino-Singapore Jingwei comprehensively sourced from Red Star News, Huang Shengyi Studio Weibo, Jiupai Finance, Yangtze Evening News, etc.