According to foreign media reports on January 26, 25-year-old British actress Orla Bassendale died after eating edible biscuits. The cause of death was a peanut allergy. The actress went into anaphylactic shock and died on January 11 after eating the vanilla Florentine cookies sh

According to foreign media reports on January 26, 25-year-old British actress Orla Bassendale died after eating edible biscuits. The cause of death was peanut allergy.

The actress went into anaphylactic shock and died on January 11 after buying vanilla Florentine cookies at a store in Connecticut. After the accident, the store quickly removed the cookies from the shelves and recalled the sold cookies at the original price. , there were about 500 packages of biscuits for sale before the incident.

Orla Bassendale's sister, Ciara Bassendale, has appeared in film and television dramas such as "Four Weddings and a Funeral". She posted the bad news on social platforms, expressing grief and not blaming the store and cookies too much. of manufacturers.

It was reported that the biscuits eaten by Orla Bassendale contained peanuts, but the label only stated the ingredient "soy nuts", which led to the unfortunate death of Orla Bassendale, who was born with a peanut allergy.

25-year-old Orla Bassendale was born in England and moved to the United States as an adult. She received training at many famous dance schools. With excellent results, she received a scholarship from the Ailey School in New York.

In 2021, Orla Bassendale worked as a dancer and model in "Vogue" magazine after graduating. She is currently preparing for the stage play "Alice in Wonderland". She was supposed to play the female lead Alice.

The cookies that happened are made by cookies united and sold by stew leonard, which is a big brand in the United States. According to

, these biscuits have been repackaged, added with peanut ingredients, relabeled by the seller, and continue to be sold in stores.

After Orla Bassendale's accident, many organizations spoke out. A consumer protection organization called on people with nut allergies not to eat biscuits and to throw them away immediately.

stew The CEO of Leonard’s chain of stores says the company was not notified of the addition of peanuts and is strongly protesting against the manufacturer. The

executive expressed sadness at the news of the death of Orla Bassendale and offered his deepest condolences to the family.

However, the manufacturer Cookies United immediately hit back, claiming that they had already informed the store via email and that the news had been published in the media.

Cookies United states the following:

"A customer of Stew Leonard's has tragically passed away after eating a cookie that contained peanuts. We would like to first express our condolences to the family of this Stew Leonard's customer. Unfortunately, given the tragedy of these circumstances, we need to point out Yes, Cookies United notified Stew Leonard's in July 2023 that the product now contained peanuts and all products shipped to them were labeled accordingly. In the 24 hours after Cookies United learned of this tragedy, we have been After working with the New York State Department of Agriculture and being informed that we are in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations related to this product."

It is not difficult to find that both the manufacturer and the store (seller) are passing the blame, and the manufacturer stated that it was informed early Containing peanut ingredients, I sent an email to the store to ask the store to change the label, but the store denied this statement, saying that the manufacturer did not inform that it contained peanuts.

At present, Orla Bassendale’s family has hired a lawyer and it is believed that they will sue the relevant units soon.