The Broken Moon Chapter of Glory of Kings has come to an end. This animation has achieved great success. It was also featured on CCTV and was praised by the Sixth Princess. The Broken Moon chapter tells the story of Li Bai saving his hometown. Just looking at the content of the s

King of Glory's Broken Moon Chapter has come to an end. This animation has achieved great success. It was also featured on CCTV and was praised by the Sixth Princess. The Broken Moon chapter tells the story of Li Bai saving his hometown. Just looking at the content of the story seems a bit cliché. Players have seen too many stories, most of which are about personal heroism. This kind of design is more immersive. However, the director used the narration technique to make the animation appear suspenseful. Before the mystery is solved and the whole story is clearly seen, many people will still be led away by the animation. This is the charm of animation.

The story takes place in an imaginary world, but the people in the story are well known to everyone. They are all heroes in the Honor of Kings game and characters that existed in ancient history, so whether you are a Honor of Kings player or not, you can understand this story. cartoon. If you are a King of Honor player, then congratulations. There are many easter eggs in the anime that only King players can understand. This is specially designed by the screenwriter for King players. I have to say that the director is thoughtful.

In terms of character setting, Li Bai is an assassin who loves freedom and is unrestrained. His pursuit is very simple, looking for the best sword, the best wine, and writing the best poems. Linghuwen and Li Bai have the same pursuit. He pursues the most beautiful things. They have the same goal, so Linghuwen understands Li Bai particularly well and regards Li Bai as his idol. However, the two have different ways of pursuing the most beautiful things. Li Bai is more casual and will not deliberately create beautiful things.

Linghu Wen is different. He will use all means to pursue what he considers to be the most beautiful thing. To this end, he will not hesitate to take human lives lightly and regard all living beings as ants. Although the two have the same goal, their ideas for achieving it are different. In the end, the two take different paths, and the seeds of antagonism have already been planted. The official setting of Linghu Wen is relatively smart and powerful. Except for writing poems, he is not inferior to Li Bai in other aspects, and even crushes Li Bai. If Li Bai doesn't turn into a god later, he won't be able to defeat Linghu Wen.

Two people with the same pursuit and ability eventually lead to different endings. In fact, the difference between the two can be seen from the easter eggs in the play. Li Bai paid too much attention to emotions. No matter what he pursued, he was dominated by emotions. His rich emotions were also the reason why he could write good poems. Li Bai can guess that Wan'er has depression in her heart just by seeing her handwriting. This is foreshadowing and an easter egg. All King players can understand the easter egg. Everyone has read Wan'er's background story. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, it won’t affect the development of the overall story of the anime. There are many interesting easter eggs in movies and TV dramas that players who like Li Bai can look for.